chapter 23

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"You coming to the meeting with me" Blake asked.

"No, I'm gonna take this time to explore the building"

"Lisa will give you a card so you could have unlimited access" Blake said. I thank him and went my way. The kids didn't want to come with me they wanted to go with Blake and I let them.

"Here's your card ma'am. I'm sorry I won't be able to assist you in the tour but I got to get back to the meeting" Lisa said.

"It's okay I'll show myself around" she left and I went my way looking everywhere. This building is huge and very beautiful from the inside out. I spent forty five minutes walking and looking everywhere.

"Can I help you with ms?" a girl which name tag read Mina ask.

"Oh no thank you I'm fine I'm just looking around" I said.

"I'm sorry but you have to have a guide tour and an access card to do that".

"Does that tell you something" I show her the card. There was something about this girl I didn't like.

"Mommy" a squeaky voice called I turn and saw Julia and Kaiden with Luke.

"Where is uncle Blake" I asked.

"He's in his office" Luke answered.

"Come on kids we gotta go home" I said.

"Can I stay with daddy please, mommy come on" Julia pleaded.

"Please Ella I'll bring them back later" Luke said.

"Bring them back by dinner or you will have a big problem with me" I warn him.

"Are they your kids Mr Patterson?" Mina asked.

"Yes these beautiful kids are mine and this is Stella the amazing mother of my children who I hope someday will forgive me"

"Yeah you have A long way to go for that to happen"

"Mommy did daddy do something wrong" Kaiden asked.

"Yes, I did a very bad thing" Luke answered shuffling Kaiden's hair.

"What did you do?" Julia ask.

"Yeah Luke, what did you do" I said After.

"Okay, how about we go have some ice cream. We have the best here" Luke said changing the subject.

"Do not give them too much sugar, I don't want them to be hyper"

"You have access to my office, you can come whenever you please" Mina was giving me the dirty look but I could care less what she thinks.

"Why would I come to your office" he left with the kids and I left by myself since Blake stayed at the office. When I got home I decided to make dinner. I boiled beets, potato and carrots together. When they were ready I peal them and mix them all together with onions, sweet peeper and mayonnaise. I made lasagna, rice, and fish. when I was done cooking I went to take a shower and throw on a short and a T-shirt. At five O'Clock I heard the front door open and in came Blake.

"Where are my babies?" Was the first thing I asked.

"They are coming with Luke" he answered.

"I said bring them back by dinner"

"Mommy" Julia said as I close my mouth.

"Go wash your hands and come eat" I order the kids.

"Can daddy eat with us please" Julia begged. I wanted so bad to say no but I couldn't.

"Sure sweetie" I called Carter, mia, and Abigail and we all sat and ate. At first the table feels awkward with everyone looking between me and Luke.

"Do you know how much I missed your cooking" Blake said breaking the awkward silence and the clatter of utensils.

"Yeah, you told me that like one million time since I got here" I joke and everybody laugh. Blake finished his plate and excuse himself from the table. The others finished but didn't know how to get off the table. They thought I was gonna call them back to clean.

"You guys can go I'll clean up, just this once though" I warned them.

"Daddy let me show you something" Kaiden pulled Luke into the living room. I stayed in the dining room cleaning after that I went cleaning the kitchen. I Put the dishes into the machine and continue cleaning. Luke came and wrap his hands around my waist.

"Let go of me"

"Tell me that you don't have feeling for me anymore cause I still do."

"Don't do that to me" I said breaking free of his embrace.

"Even if you don't believe me I love you. I regret every single thing I ever did or said to you. I spent the last six years thinking about you and what becomes of you and the baby. Every time I ask your parents about you and your whereabouts but they wouldn't tell me."

"Why would you want to know where I was, you married right and have a daughter" I said water running down my face. I didn't look at him though I turn my back to him while cleaning.

"Marrying her was a stupid mistake"

"What about your daughter, was she a mistake too because you're really good at mistakes"

"I wanted to take responsibilities for my actions this time. After you left I was devastated and when she got pregnant my parents forces me to marry her and I wanted to make things right. But after a year, we couldn't live together because she wasn't you.

"How am I exactly?"

"You're gentle, kind, forgiving, you are not a bloodsucking money" I snicker a little when he said that.

"You should have known her before you married her. I bet she complains when she got pregnant"

"Morning, afternoon, and night I had to listen to her complaints about how this baby is making her fat and that her clothes didn't fit her anymore and when the baby was born, she didn't want to change her. She was unsupportable. I was done and sat on a stool and Luke across from me. I look at him a little then the words I thought would never come out of my mouth did.

"When I got pregnant I didn't know what to do. My mom trusted me so much and I just went and get pregnant. I didn't want to make the same mistakes as her and everyday she kept saying the same thing to me. When I learn I was pregnant, I didn't tell anyone until the day of the graduation. When I told you that and you rejected me it was like my heart had broken in two" he hung his head in shame. "It hurts but i decided to give you time to think again and when I went to your house, I found you with Cally and you telling me to abort my baby took the two broken pieces of my heart and smash them into million pieces and I almost lost them that day. I decided to go far away because of you. When I went to the doctor and he told me that I would be having twins I was excited and shocked. Even my parents didn't know until the kids were born. Only Blake was my support, he supported me through everything."

"Even if you don't believe me I'm very sorry for what I did to you and the kids"

"You didn't do anything to me but you hurt them. Every father's day I had to listen to them asking me for you or every chance they got to ask. But all that doesn't matter now. Seeing them so happy now is all that matter. I forgive you But for us I don't know.

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