Chapter 14

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~Eight months later~

I woke up smelling the coffee I ran downstairs to find jasmine the girl that I hired to take of some thing in the house for me since i couldn't do everything with my big stomach.

"Good morning ms Stella how are those two doing in there" she asks.

"Well I didn't really sleep last night because they keep kicking me"

"I think they want to get out" she says with a smile.

"I can't wait" I says rubbing my stomach.

The day begin great and I took the opportunity to clean my room and the babies room. When I took my ice cream and sit in front of the tv eating it. It was still cold in march but I was craving the ice cream. As I get up to go put the bowl in the kitchen I feel like I pee on myself." Oh god my water broke" I said to myself.

"Jasmine" I call.

"Yes, omg your water broke" she came running downstairs.

"Get me the bag in the babies room please and take the car keys" I instruct her. She run upstairs and took the bag that I prepared for the babies over a month ago. She took the my car keys, I get in the passenger seat and she drove off. It was painful every time I had a contraction.

"Push" doctor pearl instruct and I push over and over again. I heard a baby cry and the doctor said it was the boy after pushing a little while longer the girl came out. The doctor gave them to me and I kiss their foreheads.

"Welcome to the world Julia Faith Andersen and kaiden Andersen" I gave them my last name because I wasn't going to name them after someone that doesn't want them. Two days later the doctor released me since I gave a normal childbirth there was no complications. I could take my angels home yay. I got home and put them in my arms, I couldn't stop staring at them. I couldn't believe my worst nightmare became reality. Natalia had Luke's dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes and had my other features while kaiden had my dark brown hair and brown eyes but he had the hard yet charming features of Luke's. They were absolutely perfect. I feed them, change their diapers and put them in their cribs. I was surprise how good they were, they only cry when they are hungry or when they need a diaper change.

My family is coming today to see the baby and I was so happy. Its been almost one year since I saw them apart from Blake and they still doesn't know that I have two babies. it will be a real shock for them . Since the babies were sleeping, I use the time to cook and prepare the room. I gave jasmine the day off so I was all alone with the babies. I prepare the last room for my parents and the small kids and the others will sleep with me or in the living room. The doorbell rang and I jump to open the door. I was welcome by a loud chorus saying my name.

"I miss you guys so much" I said giving them a group hug.

"Where is Blake"

"He stayed home he said that he would come visit you when he's free with the ton of work his father gave him to do" my mom says.

"Don't kill him please" I said to Frank standing behind my mom.

"He will be fine" Frank says laughing.

"Enough talking now where is my granddaughter or grandson" mom said.

"Come on in" I lead them to the living room and they stood there with their mouth hanging open.

"Who's baby is yours" my mom asks.

"Both of them" they were shocked and here comes my lecture which I wanted to avoid at any cost.

"You have two babies and you didn't tell me"

"Sorry mom, but I want Luke to believe that I have one kid only and I want you to tell them anything okay"

"Okay" she says lifting Kaiden off his thing while Frank took Julia.

"I want to see them" Mia and Abigail pouted. My mom lower herself and they see them their little face were so funny when they see them.

"Was I that small mom" Abigail asks.

"You were small but a little bigger than them sweetie"

"Oh okay, I'm bored now can I go play.

"You can go play in my office but don't touch my stuff okay" they left and I was left with the others waiting to hold the babies. My mom show them how to hold them after that they went to the beach and I was left with frank and mom.

"When do you plan on coming home, I would like to care of these two" my mom said.

"I don't plan on going back now mom, going back there will just bring the memories that im trying so hard to bury so no"

"But sweetie"

"When the time come I will go but for now I'm good so don't force me"

"I respect your decision" my mom said.

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