chapter 35

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"Where are you" Luke texted me when I didn't pick up the phone.

"Mommy can we go home" Kaiden asks.

"You don't want to sleep here with grandma" I ask him.

"I do but I want to go home, " he was asking me but I didn't want to go home and see Luke's pathetic face. Right now I was acting like a child rather than a grown person. I need to face my problems like an adult and fix them.

"OK fine, let's go home"

"Daddy" I heard the kids scream when I was picking up their things so we could go. Are you freaking kidding me? I thought to myself.

"Daddy can we go buy ice cream and candy and snacks" Julia asks.

"There is so much wrong with that sentence that you already know the answer. I brought ice cream yesterday"

"But you did not buy candy or snacks" Julia said whining.

"Julia why do you have to be the one that contradict everything and you know too much sugar is not good for you"

"Yes we can go get some sweet sweetie but not too much okay" Luke said. I was so pissed because I just told them no and he had to come in and say yes. I debated whether to go home and stay here at the end I made the best choice for my family. I got in the car and look outside; we reach a store, they got out and come back with bags full of junk food.

"Come here sweetie let me feel you" I said to Kaiden when he was back in the car seeing him a little pale" when I touch his forehead he was burning hot and he was sneezing a lot. "No ice cream for you young man, you have the flu"

"Yes, I'm going to eat everything" Julia said.

"No you're not, knowing Kaiden you're not far behind" it was true whether it was Kaiden or Julia that has the flu, the other one always follows.

"Let me change you guys into your pyjamas then we can sit in the living room and watch movies with hot tea and popcorn how does that sound" they both agree and went to change themselves.

"I don't like when you do that" I said to Luke who was washing his face in the bathroom.

"Do what?"

"I hate it when I told the kids no for something and you say yes."

"I was just trying to please them"

"Well you're doing a terrible job" silence settled between us and Luke went to sit down on the bed looking at me.

"Do you really mean what you said to me?" He asks, I could feel the hurt in his voice.

"Which one cause I've said a lot of things"

"About regretting marrying me?"

"Did I stuttered, you have no idea how much you've hurt me"

"You've hurt me first" he said starting to get angry.

"What, did I cheat on you like you did to me, did I go f*ck someone like a whore when something Is going on between us. I know that I uphold some information but I did it because I love you"

"That is not how you show your love for someone"

"And cheating on me is the way to do it"

"I did not cheat on you, I never would have disrespected you like that. Even if we are fighting i still loves you and no other women will blind my love for you. My cheating days are over I'm married to you and no one else. We have Two beautiful kids and one on the way. We made them together they are the product of our love"

"Mommy" a crying Julia said standing at the porch of the door. I ran to her and pick her up. Even though I was pregnant I could still pick her up.

"I'm sorry sweetie, how about we go make that tea" she shook her head in approval.

I made the tea and gave it to them with an aspirin then each of them lay down on my legs while we watch tom and jerry which by the way will never get old for anyone. Luke came down too and sat next to Julia who was on my right.

"Mommy, the baby kicked me" Julia said with a big smile. "Come Kaiden, touch it." When he did the baby also kicked. "Daddy you have to touch mommy's stomach too" Julia said excitedly. Luke look at me for approval but I wasn't going to say no. He touch my stomach but the baby didn't kick. I took his hands putting it where the baby kicked and a big smile splattered on his face.

"That's a big kick, doesn't it hurt?"

"No, it just surprises me sometimes when he caught me off guard." A pleasant silence settle between us again while we continue watching the movie.

"Mommy I'm cold" Kaiden said. I lead them to their bedroom and tuck them in with a big blanket to warm them. After they fell asleep I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to Kaiden puking and he was hot with the fever.

"No school for you tomorrow" I touch Julia and she was fine. I clean Kaiden and tuck him back in bed. I woke up the next morning made food and gave Kaiden another aspirin.

"Mom can you come stay with Kaiden please, I have to go to work and he is sick".

"I'm staying with him" Luke said while eating breakfast.

"I don't want to bother you and make you miss something important"

"He is my son. Nothing is more important than him". I called my mom back and told her not to come since Luke is staying.

"Julia come on, let's go" I took my car keys and left. I know the doctor told me not to drive but I have to. It's not gonna hurt anyone. I drop Julia at school and went to work. Around twelve the school called me telling me to pick Julia up because she was sick. I knew it; Those two are not only twins, they share everything even their sickness.

"Can you pick up Julia from school, she has the flu too" I called Luke.

"I can't leave Kaiden home by himself"

"I would, but I can't leave work. Not after taking over six months vacation"

"What's more important, your kid or your work"

"Luke I don't have time to argue okay, I'll ask Blake to do it for me" I ended the call and called Blake who was too happy to do it. After work which ended at seven, I went directly home. When I got there they were burning with fever even Luke had the fever. I found them laying on the couch breathing through their nose. I put the kids back to bed and made tea and medicine for them. Since it was the last day of school, I chose not to send them for the rest of the week.

Vacation came and I was happy, I didn't have to drop the kids to school anymore. Their fever settle and everyone was well again. Taking care of three sick person is exhausting and going to work was killing me. Sheila came and she was a great help to me. Helping me with everything she could including going to the mall and buy thing for the baby. Tomorrow they are all going to six flag which I had promised a long time ago and I'm staying here because I can't walk long distances anymore with the weight of a baby.

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