Chapter 33- revelation

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"Do you want coffee" Mrs Patterson. One employee ask.

"No thank you what do you have for me"

"I have Mr Patterson's list of trustees and he has asked me to sort them out for you"

"Can you please bring me a glass of water please" I fish out my bottles of medicine I had about ten of them. Everything hurt from my bone to my stomach causing me to worry. I called Dr Rose and she told me to get in the hospital immediately.

"Are you leaving ma'am"

"Yes I have to go somewhere"
I left the office and went straight to the doctor.

"Do you know what it is Dr."

"As the baby is growing so is the fibroid you are not going to carry your baby to term" my heart drops when she says that and now I had less time.

"What should I do?" "Right now you should tell your family about this because you are leaving this hospital today and I'm sure your baby will be born in less than a month" the Dr said

"Where are you I'm getting worried" Luke said over the phone.

"I'm at the hospital"

"Is everything alright?" "I'm coming right now" he said when I didn't answer. Fifteen minutes later a worried Luke burst into the room.

"Where are the kids?"

"I left them with your parents and they also expect me to call them if there is something"

"I'm so glad that you are okay though"

"Let's go home"

"What is it, why didn't you ask me to accompany you?" Luke ask when we were in the car.

"You were busy I didn't want to bother you"

"You never bother me babe now what did the doctor said"

"It is not good news lets wait until we get to the house first" the ride was anxious and when we get home I couldn't get out of the car because I didn't know how to break the news to him.

"What is it" he said once we were inside.

"Dr Rose said that I might have the baby next month"

"Why so early you are only seven months isn't it too early for you to have the baby. Something is wrong right" instead of answering, I went and get my medical papers.

"What is that"

"Read it" I said. "I read it and it says you have fibrosis or some sort what is that"

"It is a type of cancer that grow in a women's uterus area affecting herself and a baby if she ever get pregnant"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I have that and I also have a minor brain tumor which I'm waiting for the baby to be born so I can take it out" Luke eyes bulge out of his head when he heard that.

"What are the risks"

"They are pretty high"

"How high death, coma speak to me"

"There is high chance that I will die when I give birth to the baby" Luke ran out of the house get in his car and left. I called him but he wouldn't answer. I called my mom but he wasn't there.

"Luke called me and told everyone to come over what is going on because I'm almost there" my mom ask.

"You guys don't need to come"

"Too bad because we are two minutes away" frankly three minutes later they pulled in the driveway and following suit was Luke too and his family.

"What is going on Luke" his mother was yelling after him. They all came in the living room where I was and stood there waiting.

"Fucking talk now everyone is here" Luke yelled at me.

"Talk about what" my mom said giving me a hug.

"I'm sick," I said.

"Sick how" Blake asks

"Three months before me and Luke got married I discover that I have brain tumor which is no big deal and also fibrosis in my uterus. The doctor told me that I shouldn't get pregnant because it could kill me.

"You've known before we were married, that's six months Ella. You also knew that if you get pregnant it could be fatal?"

"Yes I'm sorry"

"And you still did" Luke was yelling.

"The day I discovered that I was pregnant you were so happy I didn't want to rip the happiness away from you"

"How do you think I feel right now"

"I know how you feel Luke I'm sorry"

"You couldn't possibly know how I feel because you're selfish. How long"

"How long what?"

"How long do you fucking have left"

"I don't know " when I said that everyone was in shocked because like Luke said, I was selfish.

"Mommy are you leaving us" Julia said crying.

"No sweetie mommy is not leaving"

"Where is Luke, have anyone seen Luke" his mother ask.

"Do you know the effect that have on him. To possibly be about to lose both you and the baby?". My mom said.

"I know mom that is why I was trying to avoid all of this that's why I didn't tell anyone"

"Even if you didn't tell me or anyone you should've told him he is devastated. He was crying when he called me.

"I'm taking the kids with me home because you and Luke need to sort things out" everyone left leaving me to think where Luke was" I got in the car and went to the office. When I got there everyone was suspicious and not making any noise. All I heard was things breaking.

"I don't think you should go in there" Mina said.

"It's my fault I need to fix this" I made my way inside where I found Luke in a rage throwing everything he found in his path away.

"Luke" I said soothingly.

"What do you want Stella do you have any bad news to tell me"

"You have to understand why I did what I did"

"There is nothing to understand other than the fact that you only care about yourself and no one else"

"Please don't say that. Its because I care that I didn't tell you"

"What I'm just suppose to accept the news that you've been holding for the past six months" I couldn't answer. "You have a fucking family, what are your kids going to think, how do you think they will feel when they learn that their mother is probably going to die"

"I know, you think it doesn't hurt me too but what am I suppose to do?"

"You are suppose to fight, you don't just give up on your life when you have people that depend on you"

"I'm sorry"

"Well sorry won't change anything now get out I got work to do" he open the door and let me out. I was crying my eyes out.

"Calm down ma'am you gonna hurt the baby" people in the office try to sooth me.

"I messed up everything" I cried more, "I have to go, I need my kids." I went to my mother's to pick them up but she didn't want to give them to me.

"But they are my kids and I need to see them"

"I'm sorry but you are in no condition to take care of the kids"

"Do I look incapable?" "I can take care of them perfectly fine please mom let me see them" she finally give them to me and we drove home. I spend the whole afternoon playing with them. I felt so tired but as Luke said I'm going to fight I'm not going to let my happiness crumble in front of my eyes.

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