Chapter 37

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"I have good news" the doctor said.

"Good news how?"

"Maybe I should tell you and your husband together"

" if you say it is a good news then OK"

"Why are you back?" Luke ask kissing my forehead. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine Mr Patterson, the reason we came back is because when we did the MRI for your wife, we didn't find any trace of the cancer" the doctor said with happiness visible in his face. 

"it's gone" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, it's gone but we have to keep an eye on you for the next couple of months to see if it has completely disappeared" Luke pick me up from the chair spinning me around making me wince in pain.

"I just had a c-section and it is not healed yet" I said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you" he quickly apologizes.

"I know you didn't mean to" I gave him a peck on the lips.

"Stella?" He said when I was about to go back to the hospital bed. "Yes" I responded fixing the bed. "Do you know how much I love you" he caught me by surprise when he said that.

"Huh" was all that I could say.

"You have made me the happiest man in the whole world and I thank you for that. You gave me three beautiful kids and now my life has meaning. You made me the man I'm today without you I don't know where I would be right now. I love you Stella Faith Anderson."

"I love you more Luke Patterson even if I'm difficult you're there for me supporting all the way. Sometimes I took that for granted but now I realize that there is no better man for me or father to my kids" we were both crying because right now we were being sincere with each other. He leans in and capture my mouth kissing me passionately.

One week later

"Can you guys check that I haven't left anything in the bathroom" today is the day that I get discharged from the hospital and I couldn't be happier to go home with my family. Luke signed the discharge paper and we went home.

"Welcome to your new home little Nathan" I kiss his forehead making him stir a little.

"Welcome home" a chorus of people said and lot of confetti thrown in the air. I was so shocked even Nathan started crying at the noise. I rock him and he stopped.

"Thank you guys but I hope you will clean this later"

"Yeah yeah always a cleaning freak" carter said making everyone laugh. They took Nathan from me passing him from hand to hand. It took all my will to not take him from them seeing how they were holding him.

"I have good news for you guys" I said getting everyone's attention. "I'm cancer free, it has disappeared" everyone came hugging me, my mom even broke down crying making me cry.

"You need to go lie down, you're tiring yourself" Luke said to me and without protesting he leads me up to our room with Nathan. I lay there with the baby and Luke.

"Get some sleep, I'll watch out for Nathan"

"I'm not" as soon as I said that I fell asleep. I woke up and the baby wasn't there I abruptly sit on the bed looking around but no sign of the baby, no sign of anyone. I quickly got off the bed felling one of the stitches break. I didn't care at the moment, I got out and look down from where I was and saw Luke talking with the baby and the kids doing the same, they were so cute.  I look down and I was bleeding a little I was so sore that I couldn't clean myself.

"Luke" I called in pain. He looks up and quickly came leaving Nathan with the kids in his little chair. They weren't touching him just looking at him so I had no problem with that.

"Don't touch him" I warned them sternly.

"OK mommy, we won't" Julia said.

"What's up" Luke said. "I told you to lay down now look what happened" Luke said when he saw the blood on my clothes. "You never listen when I talk to you".

"I'm sorry, I woke up and didn't see Nathan and when I called you didn't answer so I got worried"

"I'm sorry now lay back down so I can clean you up" he patch me up again and then brought me Nathan. I fed him, change him and then put him back to sleep.

He was so cute I couldn't help but look at him, I could watch him sleep all day all night and never get tired. How his little hands curled up just above his head and when he's stirring he has a crease on his little forehead and he pout his mouth. He was so small and wouldn't open his eyes to anyone but me and sometimes Luke. I love him so much, I'm so glad I didn't abort him or any of my kids cause looking at them I would have regretted it  for the rest of my life.

Sorry guys I know that I haven't updated in ages but you know it is my last year in high school and there are a lot of test I got to take and applying to college. It is a lot of stress not to mention that I have to pass all my classes to maintain my GPA so sorry again.

I promise that I will update a little frequently now ok.


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