Chapter 36

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"Are you guys ready to go" I called to them. Julia came running out of her room with her swimsuit and her goggles on her head. Well they were ready than I thought.

"Mommy why aren't you coming with us?" Kaiden groans. He was a Mommy's boy.

"Sorry sweetie I have to finish some work, maybe when the baby is born we will all go together. Blake, Sheila, Carter, Abigail, Charlotte, Oliver, Mia, Colten. Even my mom and Frank was going. Carter, Charlotte and Oliver came from college to spend the vacation with us.

"Your loss with your big stomach" Charlotte said. They all left and I was left home. I order Chinese food and watch some TV. After hours of watching countless amount of shows I was getting bored, I needed to do some real work. It was a few hours before they come back but I saw that the weather was starting to get gloomy signaling like it was going to rain I went to the kids room and took all their dirty clothes and went to wash them. At about five steps before I reach the laundry room in the basement. I fell and roll down the stairs. I couldn't get up, it felt like I was losing a lot of blood and I was. I didn't have my phone with me so I was forced to stay on the floor. I could feel that my baby wasn't alright. I yelled and yelled thinking that someone would hear me but no one came. I tried to stay awake for hours while I was losing blood finally I lost consciousness.

Luke POV:

We got to six flags and we were all enjoying ourselves. Hours later the weather started to change and rain started to drip slowly. Interrupted by the sudden weather we got in our cars and went back home.

"Mommy, mommy" Julia and Kaiden said looking for Stella. But she didn't respond. They went upstairs thinking that she was sleeping in the room but she wasn't there either she wasn't anywhere. We called her phone which we found in the living room. It was strange Stella would never leave her phone if she was going out and her car was still in the driveway.

"Mommy wake up" I heard Kaiden said in the basement. We all ran downstairs to find Stella in a pool of blood unconscious. I carried her upstairs and someone which I don't even remember who called an ambulance.

"Is mommy dead" Julia said sobbing. Sheila took them to go get ice cream to keep them from seeing all of that.

"Ella baby please wake up, please forgive me" minutes later the ambulance came giving her oxygen and carrying her to the car. When they get to the hospital they immediately went into surgery with her. I waited for one hour before anyone came to tell me that the baby was out, he was so small that they had to put him on an incubator. I went and see him and he was so small he could fit in the palm of my hand. On the incubator the name Noah Isaiah Patterson reads.

"Who gave you that name" I ask the nurse who was with me.

"Your wife before she lost consciousness" she responded. I stood there for hours contemplating my precious little boy. I took pictures of him so I can show the family. We all sat there waiting for hours and no news of Ella.

"Is there anyone in this f*cling hospital to give me an update" I was getting frustrated with everyone. It has been hours and neither of us could go home until we get news. Ella's mom went into the hospital's chapel to pray. Some of them were sleeping on the couches in the hospital but some of us like me couldn't, we keep pacing up and down. My phone rang which startled everyone; I look at the screen and decided to respond since I have kids at home.

"Daddy, I want mommy to tuck me in" Kaiden said.

"Hey big guy, mommy will be home soon okay just go sleep and before you wake up mommy will be with you.

"OK, good night daddy"

After hours of waiting someone finally came to tell me that Ella is okay. After that I went to Ella's room which I couldn't get in because the doctors said they didn't want her to get infected since she had a major surgery. I took a chair and sat in front of her door waiting.

"Go home, take a shower, sleep and eat something" my mom said.

"I'm fine mom, I'm not going anywhere until Ella wake up"

"I know that Stella needs you but so does your kids and Stella has all of us so go". Reluctantly I get up and left, when I got home went straight to the shower and took a long cold shower after that I lay in bed  to rest my eyes but of course I couldn't. Kaiden came running into the room and screaming.

"You lied, you lied, you told me that mommy would be home today" he said agitated.

"How about we go see her right now" when I said that he calmed down and ran outside to tell Julia.

"Hi Mr Patterson how is your wife and the baby doing" Simone our helper asks.

"She's doing fine thanks, I'm taking the kids to see her right now".

"I told you to go home and get some sleep"

Mom I'm fine okay, being with Ella is all that matter right now"

"Ma'am calm down, everything is okay" I heard someone saying I ran to see since it was coming near Ella's room and there she was awake.

"Luke where is my baby?" She asks in terror holding her stomach.

"He is fine just calm down" she calmed a little when she saw the kids standing at the door.

Ella's pov:

I woke up and everything hurt then I remembered the accident and I immediately touch my stomach and there was nothing there. There was no big bump just flat.

"Where is my baby?" I started yelling and then a nurse came into the room telling me to calm down but I couldn't and then Luke came into the room.

"Where is my baby?" I asked him.

"He is fine" he responded but I wasn't reassured then I saw my two little angels standing there looking at me and I calmed down.

"Hey babies" I said weakly.

"We are not babies anymore" Julia said stomping her little feet.

"You guys will always be mommy's babies" they just ignore me.

"Mommy where is your big belly?" Kaiden asks.

"I had the baby so I don't have it anymore" he stood there thinking then just nudge his shoulders.

"Daddy can I go buy ice cream" they both asks. Luke fish ten dollars out of his packet and gave it to them and they disappeared.

"How are you feeling?" Luke ask.

"I'm sore everywhere, i just want to sleep in my own comfortable bed"

"Thank you" Luke said giving me a peck

"I'm thinking that I should have the brain surgery and be done with everything"

"You are not doing anything like that" Luke yelled. I pull him by my side and he relaxes a little.

"Do you think that I want to do this? I'm doing it because it is the best option. I don't want to live in the feat that something might happen to me and that I may leave the kids and you. I want to see them go to high school  fight over nothing, get a girlfriend or boyfriend. I want them to call my name every second of the day because I'm here for them, to comfort them when they are in pain. I want to see them grow and have a family of their own just like me and you"

"But the risks are too great" Luke said crying making me cry too "You're my world, I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't want you to leave me"

"I'm not leaving you I promise" I squeezed his hands and finally he accepted. He called Dr john and we made the decision. He told us all the risks again but nothing was going to change my mind.

"What do I tell the kids?"Luke ask.

"Anything but the gruesome truths, they are still to little." I don't want my little angels to know that I might not make it out.

"Are you sure that you're the best neurosurgeon here" Luke said holding the doctor by his collar.

"I'm the best and I will do everything to save your wife" I could see that Luke was unsure by the way he stood. It looks like he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut.

"Come back to me alive please"

"I will" I kiss him and the doctor took me to do more scans before we leave for surgery.

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