How You Met+

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You were walking around Pelican Town, staring at the piece of paper Robin had given you when you first arrived in town. It was a hand drawn map she had made to help you navigate your new home. You had just finished tilling the land for your parsnip seeds, planting them, and watering them. It seemed like as good a time as any to start checking out the town.

Robin was also nice enough to add a key to the town, writing down the different names of the townspeople and where they live, to make sure you could try to meet everyone. You had just met Marnie, Shane, and Jas who seemed nice enough, except for Shane and his prickly attitude towards you for some reason, but maybe he just wasn't a people person. You could not relate. You loved meeting new people, which is why you were so excited to meet everyone.

You had just walked out from the entrance to Cindersap forest on the Southwest part of town, nose buried in your map mumbling to yourself. "So if this is Willow Lane..then this house must belong to-" "Look out!" You heard a voice call out, you looked up quickly to see a young man with gelled up blonde hair and a jean jacket on riding a skateboard at full speed coming towards you. "Ah!" You screamed out, just barely able to move out of the way as the guy sped past you and crashed into a nearby bush, the skateboard now upside down in the road. "Wow are you ok!?" You quickly jogged over to the fallen skateboarder, and knelt by the bush where the blondie seemed to be head first in it. The bush rustled as he pulled his body out and turned to face you. His face was covered in small scratches, and he had a goofy smile adorning his face. "Haha haven't had a crash like that in a while" he laughed, which was not the reaction you expected. Regardless you stared at him worried, "Are you ok?" You held your hand out to help him up. He accepted the help and clasped hands with you. His hand was very warm. "Yea I'm alright, sorry I almost crashed into you though!" He laid his hand on the back of his neck sheepishly as he apologized. You shook your head, "My fault for not paying attention" "I've never seen you around, are you that new farmer people have been talking about?" You nodded, "I guess word travels fast here" you stated, finally pulling your hand back from his and his warmth. He shrugged "Small towns are like that y'know? I'm Sam!" You smiled at him, he seemed very sweet, "___". "Well ___ can I show you around? Some people can actually be hard to find around here." Sam offered picking up his skateboard. You smiled and moved to stand beside him, "Lead the way!"

You were sitting outside on one of the benches in front of the Stardrop Saloon. You had just met Gus and Emily and were writing their names down in the sketchbook you always had with you and drawing portraits next to their names. You were hoping to use these to help get to know the people of Pelican Town better and improve your drawing skills as a plus. You were already pretty good, but practice makes perfect. You had a page in your sketchbook for every townsperson you've met so far. And based on what Mayor Lewis said, you should only have a few more people to meet, but it was starting to get dark, so you would have to try and meet them tomorrow.

For now, you pulled out some colored pencils from your bag and began to color in some of Emily's features: her blue hair and her bright red dress. While you drew, you tuned the rest of the town out, solely focusing on your art. It was a great escape from your dim life back in Zuzu City, where everything seemed grey and lifeless. Now you were in Pelican Town, looking after the farm your grandfather had left you, finding your new purpose in life. It was also a new drawing opportunity, just on your morning walk into town you saw multiple spots that would make fantastic landscape pieces, but you were focused on meeting everyone and promised yourself to go back to those spaces later when you had the time.

You had just put the last detail on Emily's portrait when a voice from behind made you jump a few inches in the air from your seat. "Wow, you're pretty good." Once you gained your composure back, you looked behind you, where the voice was coming from. A guy in a green and yellow varsity jacket and ruffled brown hair looked down at you from where he was leaning on the bench. "O-oh thanks." "You're that new farmer, right? The one that moved into the old Starlight Farm?" "Yea, that's I'm ___" you stared down at your sketchbook, flipping to the next page to write down the stranger's name....if he ever offered it. Instead, he just seemed to examine you, his green eyes moving up and down your form. "You're cuter than I expected," he finally stated, making your face flush red. "W-what!?" You exclaimed. Your outburst didn't seem to bother him, though. He seemed as calm and collected as ever. All he did was stand up straight again and adjust his jacket, "Name's Alex, we should hang out sometime," he finally said with a wink before walking away, waving behind him. You couldn't say a word as you just watched him leave. Once he was finally out of sight, you turned back to your sketchbook with a huff. "What a pompous..." You didn't finish your thought. Your pencil simply moved to the paper and began to draw the shapes that would soon become Alex's portrait.

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