Paperwork [Adoption Route]

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Getting Sam to sit down and do paperwork was like pulling teeth. "Sammy, we have to do this if we want to adopt a kid.." You tried to reason with him. Sam sighed and stared a hole into the papers in front of him, "I know.. and I do want a kid for us.. I promise I'll take care of my end of this. And I give you full permission to bug me until I complete it." He gave you his big doe eyes, and you sighed. "Ok, Sam, but remember what you said.. I'm going to go work on the farm.." You were pretty dejected as you walked out. Adoption was already a very long and lengthy process, and having Sam wait this long to do paperwork was going to make this take even longer.

Sam stared at your retreating form for a moment before focusing on the papers in front of him. He knew he needed to do this. You've already done so much for him. He lives on the farm and was able to quit his awful job at Joja. You never nagged him about helping on the farm, and you always seemed so happy when he did something as simple as watering the plants for you. You both wanted kids, so he could do this, at least, right? You were going to be a great patent. He knew that.

You came back inside, exhausted. As soon as you came in, Sam out down his pen and walked over to you. "Hey, sweet cheeks..papers are all done. We can send them out today if you want?" You stated at him, wide-eyed. "Really..?" Sam smiled and nodded. Your face lit up as you hugged Sam tight. "Thank you, Sammy..."

Alex bounces his leg nervously. You were sitting at the table across from him, much more calm as you filled out the adoption paperwork. "Alex, it's just paperwork. You're fine." You finally told him after 20 minutes of his leg hitting the table. Alex sighed, "I know.. I just want to make sure this is all filled out right. I don't want you to not be able to have a child because I messed something up on this stuff.." He ran a hand through his hair. You smiled softly at him. "Just answer everything honestly and sign where you need to. That's all they need. They'll be calling anyway to talk to us in person." "I guess.." You reached over to take his hand, running your thumb over his knuckles softly, "Would it make you feel better if I looked at it all before we sent it out?" Alex's face flushed, but he nodded. You smiled sweetly at him, "Ok, let's finish, and I'll double check everything."

Once done, you sat at the table and looked over the forms you and Alex filled out. Alex was still nervous that he may have done something wrong and was pacing. "Alex, this looks great, I don't think we have any reason to worry." You stood up and kissed his cheek. "Really? I didn't spell anything wrong or write something stupid down?" You laughed, "Not at all. It was all very sweet. I'm going to put everything together and mail it out, ok?" Alex nodded as you put all the papers in an envelope and left to go pop everything in the mailbox before coming back in to comfort your nervous husband.

Harvey had cleared out the whole day so you could fill out the adoption paperwork together. Well, more like he filled it out. You two talked so that he could have your responses to questions as well, but he wrote everything down, just handing it to you to sign and initial different parts. "You're not using your doctor handwriting, are you?" You asked, and Harvey stared at you. "My doctor handwriting?" "Your handwriting that only doctors seem to be able to read?" "I don't write like that? Maru can read it just fine?" You sighed and grabbed an extra sheet of paper and pen. You wrote something down and handed it to Harvey, "Write that same sentence down." Harvey looked confused but took the paper and wrote down the same sentence as you then held it up. "Yea, I can't read that." "WHAT!?"

In the end, you and Harvey had to print out new paperwork, and this time, you were the one who wrote everything down. No way the adoption agency could've read his handwriting.

You were drinking coffee in the house and watching the snow fall outside your window. Winter was so relaxing for you, even if there was a little but of cabin fever from not having anything to do on the farm. "Hmm..hey Seb!?" You called out to him across the house. You could faintly hear him typing away. "Maybe we should get the adoption paperwork done! The agency emailed it to you, right!?" He didn't respond. You were about to walk over to his office when the creak of the floorboards surrounded you. Sebastian walked over with a thin pile of paperwork. "Here, I already filled in most of it. The rest we should talk about together, and then you'll just need to put your signature down in a few places." You looked gaze turned from the paperwork to his face. "What?" "You..started it already?" Sebastian shrugged. "I figured you'd want to get started sooner, and we have time since it's winter, and the farm isn't up to much right now." You stared at him for a moment longer before standing up quickly and pulling him in for a kiss.

When you pulled apart finally, Sebastian was blushing madly. "What was that for?" "For being the best husband ever," you smiled and took the papers from him, reading over what you needed before signing it and filling in the spots that needed to be filled.

"My Muse! I have the adoption forms! We just need to fill them out!" Elliot came home and exclaimed into the house. You were reading a book on the couch and jumped when he said that. "O-oh ok Ellie.." You carefully placed your bookmark. Elliot took a seat next to you. You looked at the paperwork nervously, shaking a little. Elliot noticed right away and took your hand in his, "What's wrong darling?" "I-I guess I'm just nervous.. of course I want a kid, but..what if I'm no good at being a parent. If I let them down..." You looked down at your lap, fighting off tears. Elliot cupped your chin and gently lifted your face, "___, it's ok to have those fears. I don't think there's any parent in the world who felt ready for it when they came face to face with it. I'm sure Jodi was a little scared to when she knew she was having Sam. We don't need to do this right away. If you need time we can take time. But I know no matter what, that you're going to be a wonderful parent to our child." He gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, making your cheeks flush pink. You took a deep breath and smiled, "Ok Ellie..I can do this. Besides, I'll have you by my side through all of it.." Elliot smiled wide before pulling you into his arms. "Are you ready then my muse?" You pick up a pen, "Yea.. I am.."

Shane was surprisingly just as excited about the adoption process as you were. He was even on top of the paperwork alongside you. Once you were done filling something out that also needed his attention and slid it over to him, he took it immediately and did what he needed to do. You actually finished the paperwork quite fast and had stuck it in the mailbox.

"Y'know, you kinda surprised me, Shane." You smiled and hugged him from behind as he still sat at the table. "What? How?" "Well I didn't really expect paperwork to he something I'd see you this excited about?" Shane smiled and pulled you so you were sitting in his lap. "It's not the paperwork,'s the idea of having a kid and raising them with the person I love most in the world." He kisses your cheek, and you let out a small laugh. "Besides, Jas is looking forward to being a big sister." "She's gonna be a great big sister, and you're gonna be a great dad." You kiss his lips softly, "You're gonna be the best parent.."

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