Feast of the Winter Star

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Yea we're just gonna ignore the obviously spring time picture above for a winter chapter...it's fine.

You were excited for the feast of the winter star. It was a lovely holiday for the whole town and it was nice seeing everything beautifully decorated in snow. You got Robin as your secret gift recipient, but you still had something at home to give to Sam as well. You hid away your gift for Robin in your pack and went to meet up with everyone in the town square.

Since you didn't have a family in town to sit with, you were invited to sit with Sam and his family, enjoying the fresh baked cookies Gus and Evelyn had made for today. After conversing with Sam and his family for a bit, you went to go deliver your gift to Robin: a jar of your delicious peach jam, which she loved. You two talked, standing in front of the large tree when Jas approached you with a large blue gift box. "I'm your secret gifter farmer ___! Here ya go!" Inside was a beautiful rainbow shell. You smiled and kneeled down to give Jas a hug, "Thanks Jas!" She smiled and went back to where Shane and Marnie were sitting. When you returned to Sam he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close, "Meet me at the tree here tonight ok?" He whispered and you nodded.

After the event, you went home to quickly grab Sam's present before returning to the tree, where Sam stood, smiling when he saw you. "Have fun today?" He asked as you approached. "Of course! I appreciate your family for letting me sit with you guys!" Sam shook his head, "They already think of you as part of the family anyway..and maybe it'll happen soon..." He muttered, making your face go red. "Anyway, I know I wasn't your gift giver this year, but I got you something anyway." He handed you a small bag with tissue in it. You grabbed it and held out your own present to him, "And I got you this." He grabbed his gift and you opened them simultaneously. You had given Sam a small bracelet made up of Tigers eye gems, took you forever to find enough for him. Sam gifted you a small folder full of sheet music. "I've been writing songs about you since we met, haven't shared them with anybody, just started writing them down. If you ever want me to play one for you, just let me know ok?" Tears of happiness welled in your eyes, but your brushed them away before hugging Sam tight. "I love you Sam!" He smiled. "I love you too ___."

You didn't let go of Alex's hand the entire time you were at the feast. Since his mother's passing and seeing the age of his grandparents, this was not a holiday Alex especially looked forward to, so you wanted to be with him the whole time. Luckily, you were Alex's secret gift giver this year and you had your present for him in your pocket. You were just waiting for your gift giver so you could be alone with him, but no one approached you. "Hey..so who do you think your gift giver is?" Alex asked suddenly. You looked around, "Not sure...I just hope they do it soon so I can do mine without being interrupted..." you didn't want Alex to feel forgotten, so you really wanted to get this going.

Suddenly you felt Alex squeeze your hand and you turned to look at him. He was smiling and holding out a small pink gift box. You blinked, "You?" "Surprise?" You smiled and briefly let go of his hand to open the present. Inside was brand new set of water color paints. "Where'd you get these?" You asked, smiling widely at the new paint set. "Leah recommended them, she said they're supposed to be really good?" "This is a famous brand! Thank you Alex!" You pulled him close to kiss him, which he gladly returned. Both of you were smiling wide when you separated, "Ok go give your gift away so we can continue that!" Alex winked and you smiled more, if that was possible. "Ok!" You reached into your pocket and deposited it into Alex's hand. He looked at his hand, then back at you, "We were lucky huh?" You asked, eyes sparkling. Alex just nodded and looked down at what was in his hand. It was a lucky rabbits foot Keychain you put together for him, with a small gridball charm on the side. "This is great ___! I love it." He pulled you close for another kiss. Alex had a feeling he wouldn't mind the feast of the winter star as much anymore, now that he had you.

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