Waking Up in the Morning

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You always woke up before Sam. He was always prone to sleeping in, even on days where he has to work, you don't get him out of bed till nine. Today was no exception.

When you begrudgingly opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was Sam's peaceful face as he slumbered on, a scene that was always quick to put a smile on your face and give you the energy boost you needed. You quietly got up and changed into your work clothes, heading out to take care of the animals for the day.

You re-entered your home after brushing and feeding all the animals, to the delicious smell of pancakes. "Sammy?" You asked. Sam's head poked out from the kitchen, "Morning ___! I made some instant pancakes for us! Man your homemade maple syrup rocks!" You smiled and followed him into the kitchen. His back was turned to you again as he was pouring the maple syrup into a stack of pancakes. You wrapped your arms around him and hid your face in his back, "Sweet cheeks? You ok?" You nodded, "G'morning Sammy..."

You slowly woke up in the morning and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Alex seemed to notice the movement, because you felt his hand on your thigh and heard him sleepily mumbling your name, "___...?" You smiled at smoothed some of his hair away, "I gotta get up Alex...but you can still sleep..." "No...I'll get up...do my morning exercises..." With that, you both slowly got out of bed and fumbled to put your clothes on.

Luckily, stepping outside into the cool morning air is just what you needed to wake up. You kissed Alex's cheek, "Good luck with your morning workout, don't hurt yourself ok?" He gave you that cocky smirk, "Wouldn't dream of it, I'll meet you inside" and off he went to do some stretches before planning to jog a few laps around the farm, in the meantime you went to take care of your Animals and check on your crops.

It was almost nine when you finished and even made it back inside before Alex was done, so you decided to surprise him with a complete breakfast. You put together some pancakes, hasbrowns, and scrambled eggs for him on the table. Just as you poured out some glasses of juice, the door opened and Alex came in. He froze when he saw the food, "You...made me breakfast?" You nodded, "Go change first ok?" "YES! YOURE THE BEST ___!" You watched Alex run back to your room to grab some of his spare clothes, "He's pretty cute in the morning.."

You were roused from your sleep by the smell of freshly brewed coffee coming from your kitchen, and then you noticed that the spot in your bed where Harvey had slept that night was empty. You smiled to yourself and threw the covers off you before making your way to the delicious smell. Harvey was sitting at the table with Isis as he gave her scratches underneath her chin. When he noticed your presence and turned towards you, his face lit up, "Good morning ___, I've got some coffee for you, let me get it for you" Before you could protest, Harvey was already up and grabbing your favorite mug to fill with coffee.

Normally you would grab your coffee and head out immediately to do chores, but today, all you wanted at the moment was to sit with Harvey and drink your coffee together. It was nice and quiet moment, a sense of peace you hadn't experienced before. You looked up at Harvey again who was once again focusing on Iris, but that was ok. You smiled and took another sip of coffee, thinking about what it would be like to have this every morning. Just you, Iris, and your doctor.

You felt your internal alarm going off and your eyes opening slowly. Your body just naturally woke up at six in the morning now, and you were still debating whether or not that was a good thing. It was time to get up and the only thing stopping you from harvesting your plants, was Sebastians grip around your waist. You thought if you could slowly move his arm off, you could get away without disturbing him. As soon as you had his arm off you, it pulled away from your grip and wrapped around you again, holding you even tighter against him, "Trying to get away?" Sebastians sleepy voice rang in your ear, making you flush a bit. "I've got to get started on the farm Seb..." "Nah, stay a bit longer" you looked again at the time, then at the arm holding you down. You certainly weren't going anywhere anytime soon. Your animals could wait half an hour longer. "Thirty more minutes, but then I have to get up" Sebastian only groaned in response as you laid your head back down on the pillow.

Thirty minutes passed and you were up again, trying once again to get out of bed without disturbing your boyfriend. Alas, you failed again, as once more his arm wrapped around you, "Stay" "Nope, my animals need me" "I need you" you smiled and twisted to stroke his hair, "I need you too..but the animals can't feed themselves yet like we can, so I gotta take care of them" That should be enough to convince him, but he still didn't let go. Since he wouldn't release you, you pinched him. First his cheeks, then forehead, then neck, and before you could go any lower he stopped you. "Ok ok go" "Thank you!" You finally got out of bed and changed to take care of your chores.

By the time you were done and came back in, Sebastian was at the table holding Tomato in his lap. "Morning Bastian" "Mm..mornin... get your chores done?" You went over to the fridge, "Mmhmm, want breakfast?" Sebastian gave you a small smile, "Please"

The sunbeam coming in through your window is what woke you up. You tried to protect your now open eyes from its light with only little success. It was then you caught Elliot in the corner of your eye, sleeping soundly at your side. The sunbeam was casting down on him perfectly, making his features shine and giving you a moment to admire his red locks. You were always a little jealous of his hair, it's just so perfect and soft. He said he brushes it a lot and you've caught him doing it while counting each stroke too. You grabbed a small lock of hair and felt it between your fingers, Elliot made no movement. You knew you needed to get up and get the day started, but you were enjoying playing with Elliot's hair. You twirled it around your finger, made small braids, and lightly combed it with your fingers. Your fingers slid through easily, not hitting any blockage.

You were so lost in his hair, you hadn't noticed his eyes looking at you with amusement. "Having fun darling?" He asked, making you jump a bit and immediately letting his hair fall from your hands. "You didn't need to stop my muse, it felt quite nice" Your face flushed pink as you got up from bed immediately. "I-i need to start my chores...y-you can stay in bed.." you quickly fled the room in embarrassment. Elliot just sat there and laughed a little, grasping at one of the braids you left in his hair. He just wondered how long it would take you to realize you were still in your pajamas.

You could hear your rooster Bernie crowing outside, which meant it was time to get up. You stretched out your arms and got up to get dressed. You looked back at the bed and smiled, Shane was still passed out asleep. You just watched his stomach drift up and down from his soft breathing, but then his snoring ruined your picturesque vision of him. And you loved him anyway. You placed a quick kiss on his cheek and forehead before heading out to take care of the farm.

The animals were brushed and fed, the crops were harvested and some were replanted, and you cleared away debris that washed up on your beach, earning some fertilizers and canned food that drifted to your shore. You sold your items and put everything away where it belonged. You fed and watered Lydia before going back inside. The sound of Shane snoring was an easy indication that he was still asleep. It was Saturday and Shane didn't work today, so you were more than willing to let him sleep some more.

You went into your living room and checked the calendar, no birthdays. Your horoscope told you it might be a bad day so going into the mines was a no go. You quickly went into town to check the community bulletin, no posts. The fish you needed to give the junimos in the community center wasn't in season yet, so you got bored. There was nothing to do. You made it back home again and Shane was still sleeping, so you decided to change back into your comfy clothes and crawl back into bed with him. Your dog Lydia not far behind as she curled up at Shane's feet. You cuddled into Shane's arms that unconsciously wrapped around you and closed your eyes. Maybe the slow mornings weren't so bad.

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