Festival of Ice

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You were shivering. Winter is not your most favorite season, you still loved it, but Summer was more your speed. "Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" Sam asked from next to you. He offered to carry your fishing stuff for the competition. "F-fine, th-the heat of competition will keep me warm.." you responded, rubbing your chest up and down in an attempt to warm you up. You sensed movement beside you, and suddenly you were much warmer. Sam had draped his jacket around you. "Won't you be cold?" You asked, looking at Sam's now bare arms. Sam smiled "Nah, I'll be fine, just go win that fishing contest yea?" You nodded determinedly and went to talk to Lewis.

You did in fact win, you collected your money and went to check on Sam, who was now sneezing repeatedly. You put his jacket on him again before saying goodbye to everyone, and taking him back to your place to nurse his cold.

You had a little bit of time before the fishing competition, so you convinced Alex to help you build a snowman. "Do you have anything to decorate it with?" He asked as he hoisted the big snowball ontop of the larger body for its head. "No, but we're in a forest. Even in winter there'll be sticks and rocks for it" "Scarf or hat?" "Not unless you're offering yours?" You smirked at him, Alex was pretty bundled up. You weren't sure if it was because Evelyn insisted as the caring grandmother she was, or because Alex just was not a fan of the cold, but you didn't pry. Alex just tugged at his clothes a bit, "Not particularly, besides I'm sure the snowman doesn't mind the cold" you laughed a bit at that and stood close to him, taking in the warmth from him. "What do you think?" You asked, admiring your creation. "He's good, but gotta say I'm excited for spring, even if it melts him" you laughed and lightly smacked him. Before you could start another one, Lewis announced that the fishing competition would start and Alex leaned down to kiss your cheek. "You're gonna win this, go beat Willy!" You nodded and ran toward the fishing holes.

You managed to scrape a win, just fishing in one more fish than Willy at the last second. Alex was quick to come over, pick you up, and spin you around. "Knew you could do it!" "Just barely!" Alex pulled you into a kiss, "A win is still a win"


"Harvey" your voice was stern, but Harvey paid no mind. He was holding two scarves in his hands, "Come on Mocha, I gotta make sure you stay warm, I wouldn't want you getting sick!" You rolled your eyes. You already had on way more layers than you normally would. Warm undergarments underneath a pair of pants, fuzzy and thick socks, sturdy boots, a long sleeve shirt, vest, snow jacket, earmuffs, beanie, and so far only one scarf. It was excessive, but Harvey kept insisting. "Doc I'm already sweating bullets under all these layers, can I please take some off?" "But ___! Extreme temperatures like this can put your body under a lot of stress!" "And so will overheating" you argued. Harvey was quiet for a moment, looking at you. "OK, but I'll keep these with me in case you get cold and need more layers" "deal!" You said, quickly pulling off layers until you were much more comfortable. "Now I'm gonna go enter that contest"

You didn't win, Willy managed to beat you. You just had rotten luck this year, mostly pulling algae and driftwood. You didn't mind though, Willy was a formidable opponent, and there was no shame losing to him. Harvey still offered to make you some hot cocoa back at your place though.

You kept eyeing Sebastian worriedly. It was freezing outside. You were completely bundled up, yet there he was standing ankle deep in snow in his usual attire, no extra layers at all. "Bastian aren't you cold?" You asked, concern laced in your voice. "Nah, I never get cold." You pursed your lips, and Seb just smiled at you, "I'll let you know if I get cold ok?" "Promise?" "Promise" that promise would have to do for now.

Before the fishing competition began, you kept a worried eye on Sebastian. You know he promised he'd tell you if he was cold, and he showed no signs of freezing, but you couldn't help but worry. Lewis had called all the competitors, but you quickly ran over to Seb and wrapped the scarf you had on around him. "What are you doing ___?" He asked, confused. You bit your lip before answering, "I know you said you're not, but this will just stop me from worrying anyway, please?" Seb looked at you for a moment before sighing, "Ok I'll wear it, now go win"

You won. Your prize? You got your prize money, and a nasty cold along with it. Without the protection of your scarf, the cold got to you more than you thought. Sebastian was nice enough to take care of you and not tell you "I told you so"

You were worried that things would be tense between you and Elliot because of the fishing competition. You knew Elliot would participate, and now you weren't sure if you should. You were lost in your thoughts, contemplating what to do. "My Muse? Is something wrong?" Elliots question brought you back to reality, "Huh? Oh...I'm fine" "You don't seem fine? Aren't you excited to fish?" "Actually..." you faltered, for a moment, "I...don't think I'm gonna enter this year..." Elliot stopped walking and just stared at you, "Why not darling?" "I...just don't want either of us to get upset over this competition.." Elliot was quick to gently grasp your hands in his, "Darling it's fine. Willys a master angler and I know you may beat me too, but that doesn't matter to me. I'm just here for the fun of it." You stared up into his eyes, "Are you sure...?" He smiled before kissing your knuckles, "Positive"

You and Elliot both lost to Willy, but neither of you minded. You both applauded Willy at his victory and relished in defeat together.

Shane, once again, was in a bad mood. "Come on Shane I know it's cold, but it's the festival of ice!" You tried to argue, lugging your fishing gear. "But wouldn't it be better if we had a festival of pizza at the saloon?" You rolled your eyes and looked at him, "Isn't that every Sunday night when the Gridball game is on at home and everyone orders pizza?" "Not the same" you laughed at this, and you saw Shane's smile at the corner of your eye. "I'll tell you what, if I win today I'll make you a pizza when we get home, but if I lose, you gotta take care of it" Shane smirked as he helped you set up your fishing gear, "Well I know you're gonna win, so I'll take that bet"

You did win, as both you and Shane expected. Which meant as soon as you got home and took care of any remaining farm work, Shane was inhaling the scent of a fresh pizza in the oven so you two could celebrate your victory over Willy.

A/N: I'm sorry this is so late! A lot happened last week and I meant to post this yesterday and I'm not sure what happened :( Better late than never right?

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