Movie Night

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Requested by peachysnailyy

"Did you pick out a movie!?" Sam asked from the kitchen right as you popped a DVD into the player. "Yep! This is my favorite movie!" You smiled at your fiancé. He smiled back, placing a now cooked frozen pizza on the coffee table, along with the popcorn and drinks. "Great! What is it?" "Love, Actually" Sam looked at you quizzically, "Isn't that more a movie for winter?" "Hey movies can be watched whenever!" You retorted. Sam just raised his hands in defeat, "Ok, ok, but I get to pick the movie next time." You playfully stuck your tongue out at him before agreeing and moving to the side so he could sit. He sat on the couch and placed his arm around you, pulling you close as you laid your head on his chest. Vivi, not wanting to be left out, jumped up on Sam's other side and laid her head on his lap. Needless to say, Sam was in heaven. He had a hard time paying attention to the movie because his gaze was primarily on you absent mindedly petting Vivi. "Sammy, it's my favorite part!" You whisper yelled. Sam could feel you buzzing with excitement. He smiled lovingly at you before returning his attention back to the screen to see what the fuss was about.

"A-Alex, do we have to watch this?" You asked, the fear prevalent in your voice. Alex just smiled wide as he got the movie ready. "Of course babe! It's my turn to pick the movie after all!" He responded before going to the kitchen to get the popcorn for you both. You stared at the TV, which was set to play "One Missed Call" a horror movie that you had absolutely no pleasure in viewing, but it was Alex's turn to pick the movie. You were just really hoping he wouldn't pick a scary movie. Alex returned with the popcorn and sat down with a wide grin on his face. Truthfully, he didn't care about this movie much. It wasn't scary in his eyes. He had...another motive for choosing a scary movie.

As soon as the suspense started building up, you found yourself in Alex's lap, gripping his jacket for dear life. Your lovely cat Louie was snoozing away on the above Alex's head on the couch. "Babe, it's gonna be ok." he tried to comfort you, but really loving every second of this. "B-but she's about to..." You screamed and hid your face in the crook of his neck as someone was just killed on screen. This was the real reason Alex chose this movie. Having you cuddled up against him for the next two hours without him having to convince you to? Worth it. Plus, he might have to stay over at your place for a while until you feel comfortable enough to stay on your own again. But he wasn't totally heartless. He laid a comforting hand on your head and stroked your hair, "I'll tell you when it's safe to look again, ok?" Alex whispered softly. You nodded into his neck, not releasing your death grip on his clothes. Alex never told you how adorable he found it that night, knowing you would never let him do this again if you knew.

You're not sure this was entirely a good idea. Harvey had decided to put on "Titanic," and you knew he was regretting it. You? You were fine, sure it's a tragic tale of something that had happened, but you weren't a blubbering mess like Harvey was now. Your immediate surrounding area was littered with Harvey's used tissues and empty water bottles. Even Isis had had enough after a while and went to go sleep on your bedroom. "Harvey, it's ok.." You tried to comfort him as he sobbed, "B-but the ship is going down! Look! There's the old couple who...who..." He couldn't finish his sentence. He had to blow his nose. You let him lean on your shoulder, hoping to get through the rest of the movie as dry as possible. By the time the movie finally wrapped up, Harvey was blissfully asleep, with no more tears left to cry. You stroked his hair softly before gently laying him down on the couch and covering him with the blanket. Now that it's quieted down, Isis came back out and curled up on Harvey's stomach, going back to sleep. You smiled at the both of them before starting the cleanup of tissues.

You were bouncing in your seat, and Sebastian was watching you with an amused smile on your face and Tomato sleeping peacefully in his lap. "So which one is this again?" He asked, placing his arm around your waist to lessen the bouncing. You grinned at him, "Newsies, it's one of my favorites!" "Are you gonna sing a long the whole time?" Your cheeks flushed a touch pink as you responded. "If it bothers you, I won't." Sebastian kissed the top of your head, "Do what makes you happy rain."

And that's exactly what you did. You knew the words to every song and sang along with them, really getting into it. Sebastian would watch you every once in a while with a smile on his face. He looked more relaxed than anyone had ever seen him. He didn't sing along with you or anything, but he loved hearing your singing voice, something only meant for him to hear. When you were singing along, you were curled up under his arm, relishing in Sebastians' warmth and his scent.

For your movie night, you picked a movie that neither of you had seen, but you had read the series surrounding it: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. You were both pretty excited about it. Elliot had never read it, but since he'd heard good things from you about the book, he wanted to give it a try. Huckleberry was sleeping on the rug by the tv so he could sleep but still be around.

It wasn't very long into the movie, but you were frowning. "That's not supposed to be a public school..." "That does not look like a 12 year old boy." Elliot smiled gently at you and pulled you close to try and calm you down, and it worked, for a little bit. "THAT'S NOT HOW THEY FIND IT!" You exclaimed at a particular part in the movie. "Do we need to turn it off my muse?" Elliot asked gently. Your face turned red as you turned to face him with apologetic eyes, "No..I'm sorry Ellie..I'll keep those thoughts to myself so you can...enjoy...the movie" Elliot smiled and lifted your hand to place a kiss on it. You watched the rest of the movie in silence, instead choosing to grip Elliot's hand when there was an inaccuracy. Unfortunately for Elliot, it happened a lot.

By the end of the movie, you were softly massaging Elliot's hand and apologizing for almost crushing it.

There was a movie that Shane really wanted to watch all of a sudden, and since you loved the movie too since you were a kid, you happily agreed to watch Chicken Run. You're not sure why he wanted to watch it all of a sudden, but you were happy to oblige. So you heated up a frozen pizza and put together pepper poppers and popcorn out, and Shane did his best to keep Lydia from getting to the food. You sat in Shane's lap with a blanket wrapped around you both and Shane holding you close. Lydia started to whine when she didn't see a spot for her, but Shane invited her up to have her sit next to him so he could pet her. You smiled softly at both of them before bringing your concentration back to the movie. You felt so warm with Shane and thought it was adorable how he squeezed you just a little tighter when it seemed like the chickens in the movie were in danger. You sighed contentedly, and leaned your head on Shane's chest, just enjoying this moment with him.

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