The Test [Pregnancy Route]

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You and Sam have... sort of been trying ever since you decided to have a kid. There's no planning around your ovulation cycle. You didn't start taking prenatals. You two were just doing it as often as you could and trying new positions to keep things fun while you're trying. Even when a test came back negative, you two tried not to stress over it, knowing that would make it even harder to concieve.

It's been almost two seasons since you started, and it was now fall. After completing your chores for the day, you decided to try taking a test. You had been feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous as you worked, making everything take a bit slower than usual, but it made you hopeful. Sam was with his family for the day back in town.

You took three pregnancy tests inside the bathroom, just to be sure. You had waited anxiously for your timer to go off so you could check. DING! As soon as it went off, you practically ran back to the bathroom and looked. 3 plus signs. You couldn't stop the smile from coming to your face.

If you weren't doing farm chores, Alex had you in bed. He wanted to guarantee that you got pregnant as soon as possible, and in his mind, there was only one way to do that. Plus, it was nearing the end of fall and beginning of winter when your workload became significantly lower.

It hadn't been very long since you started trying, but when you noticed that you needed to pee every 30 minutes, you decided to take a test while Alex did his workout outside. You kept nervously looking out the window at him as the timer ticked on. You didn't want him to see if it was positive so you could surprise him. DING! You took a deep breath and turned the tests around. All of them were positive. You held in a small squeal of delight. Instead, you folded them inside layers of TP and hid it away to show Alex later.

You're married to the town doctor. Which meant you two first made sure that you were free and clear, health-wise to have a baby, then the prenatals, and tracking your cycle to ensure you two would get pregnant.

It was summer now, and you were walking hard in the field when a sudden dizzy spell came over you, making you take a seat for a moment. Harvey was at the clinic today, so you were on your own. Suddenly, an idea occurred, and you counted the weeks since your last period on your fingers. Then, you immediately went inside to take pregnancy tests.

You stared at the tests after 20 minutes. All positive.

Similar to Sam, you guys sort of tried. Both of you were on the train of "if it happens, it happens." Not to say that you still weren't trying as much as you could. You were always dragging Sebastian to bed as soon as your period was over. It's winter, what else are you going to do? You two wouldn't leave that room for hours. Only to recover a bit and drink water and eat, then back to the bedroom.

Recently, you have been having terrible headaches and nausea. Sebastian went out for a ride on his bike, so you were home alone. You had managed to trudge into the bathroom and had reached for the ibuprofen, but then you saw the box of pregnancy tests you had stocked up on and grabbed some.

10 minutes later, you were looking down at the tests in your hand and covered your mouth with your hand. All positive. You were going to be a mom!

Elliot made sure you both were able to conciever before trying. He was very gentle about it and would still check in with you before taking you to the bedroom. As soon as you were ovulating, Elliot would talk with you and then take you into the bedroom. You did outside of your ovulation cycle to, but not as much.

3 seasons after you started trying, it was spring now. You were planting new seeds in your beds when a wave of nausea hit you. You tried to think about what was causing it. Food? No, Elliot had been extra careful about the food he was giving you lately. Sick? You felt ok other than nausea. Actually, when was your last period? You mentally ticked down the weeks. It's been a while. You finished with your seeds and ran inside. Elliot was gone, visiting Leah today. You ran to the bathroom and grabbed the pregnancy tests you kept on hand and took them.

Once the timer on your phone went off, you flipped over the tests and gasped. You were pregnant. You felt tears of happiness spill out, and you couldn't wait to tell Elliot.

Because of Shane's issues with alcohol. You insisted that you both check with Harvey to make sure you actually could have a baby together. Once he gave you the ok, he gave you some prenatals to take as well to aid in the process. After that, you monitored everything closely. You watched what you and Shane ate, made him change the underwear he wore, and watched your cycle like a hawk.

It had been almost a year of trying, and you still didn't have any luck. Summer was here, and you were feeling down. Shane was visiting Marnie and Jas at the ranch so he could ask Marnie for some advice, but it left you by yourself. You were sitting in the chicken coop getting some much needed affection when one of the chickens tried climbing onto your chest. Normally, this wouldn't bother you. They'd done this hundreds of times. But this time, the slightest pressure was uncomfortable for you. You removed the chicken from you and lightly prodded your chest, noting the tenderness. You sighed, thinking it was your period, again. You sadly went into the house to go get what you needed, assuming you'd find blood down there. But when you pulled down your underwear, there was nothing there. You stared, then you're glanced at the pregnancy tests you had. Why not?

You feared more negative tests. Those minus signs haunted you. You weren't sure you could take seeing them again. You flipped them over and stared wide eyed, all three tests were positive. You wanted to cry, but this time, it wasn't out of sadness and defeat.

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