He Has A Nightmare

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A/N: hey some of these get intense. I will put Trigger warnings on the bad ones. Please read at your own discretion.

It was awful. You lost all memory of him. Sam didn't realize what was happening until he ran up to you and you introduced yourself to him, as if it was the first time you met. He tried to explain it all to you, but instead of looking thankful, you looked...creeped out. "Look..Sam? I've never met you before today, I'm sorry you have me confused with someone else?" You were still your kind self, but that way you looked at him...he never wanted to see that look. "Everything ok babe?" Sam's head looked in the direction of the voice and saw Shane. His blood boiled, Sam knew about Shane's crush on you, he was very bad at hiding it. Shane put his arm around your shoulders and you smiled up at him. Sam's heart broke. That smile should be aimed at him, not Shane. How could this have happened?

Sam finally awoke when he realized you were shaking him. "Sammy!? Sammy what's wrong? You're crying..." you thumbed his cheek, wiping away tears he didn't realize were on his face. "B-bad dream....hey ___?" "Hm?" He could hear the sleepiness in your voice, what time was it even? "Did..you ever have a crush on Shane?" You leaned your head against his shoulder, "Nope...he's just my best friend...I only love you like this" you were fighting off the drowsiness, knowing you needed to be their for Sam. Sam sighed in relief, "Right...I love you ___." "I love you too Sam.." Sam drew you close so you were pressed up against him. He kissed your head before you both drifted off to sleep. Sam's nightmare didn't return.


Trigger Warning: mention of death

This was the worst day of Alex's life. His dad was gone, mom was dead, grandparents were getting old, and now...now he was at your funeral. Haley was trying her best to comfort him, but to no avail. You passed away a week ago and he had been crying almost non-stop ever since, he was surprised he still had tears for the day. Your dad was there too and Alex couldn't look at him. He was supposed to protect you, and he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough. "How could you let this happen to them Alex!? That's my kid!" Your dad yelled out as they started lowering your body. Alex barely tuned it out, he was screaming too, "I'm sorry ___! I couldn't protect you!"

"Alex! Alex wake up!" Alex jolted up, sitting up right in bed and panting. You were looking at him with worry. "Alex? Who couldn't you protect?" Alex stared at you. It was just a nightmare. He pulled you into a tight hug, "You're here...___ I swear I'll protect you!" You were very confused, "O-ok Alex, I believe you...you're kinda starting to hurt me though?"


Trigger Warning: mentions death and hospital surgery

Maru rested a hand on Harveys shoulder, "Harvey.." Harvey continued performing CPR on you "Come on ___ come back to me! I'm not losing you!" Tears were starting to blur his vision, but he kept going. He TOLD you to be careful in the mines, but you didn't listen this time. He and Maru spent hours on surgery for you, trying to keep you alive. Harvey's heart dropped as soon as he heard the flat line, and immediately started CPR and fired up the defibrillator. It's been almost ten minutes now. "Harvey they're gone..." Maru said softly. Just loud enough for Harvey to hear. "No..no...Mocha you can't be..." his motions slowed until he completely stopped. "Time of death...2:17pm..." Maru pulled the white blanket over your body and left Harvey alone, giving him a minute alone. "Why...why did this have to happen..."

"Harvey? Love wake up" Harvey quickly opened his eyes, squinting and looking around until he spotted your face right next to his. "Harvey what's wrong?" Your voice laced with worry. Harvey quickly grasped your hands in his, "___ you're careful when you go down into the mines right?" You looked at him confused and then nodded, "Yea, you gave me enough life elixirs for a lifetime and I always have protection and a way to keep my energy up?" Harvey sighed in relief, "Good..good..you know I just...worry about you" You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know doc, that's why I do everything I can to make sure I'm safe. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Harvey looked at the alarm clock nearby: 2:17am. "Good...that's good"

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