When You're Sick

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Sam overly worries when you get sick. You're not normally one to get sick. So when you woke up one morning with a sore throat and runny nose. Sam didn't quite know what to do. "Sammy it's just a cold..I just need medicine and sleep.." you tried to calm him down from bed, but he continued pacing. "But what about food? What can you eat? What will make you feel better? What if I make it worse!?" You sniffled and stared at him. "Didn't you ever have to take care of Vincent when he was sick...?" Your eyelids felt heavy. Sam turned to you with distress, "Mom always took care of him! Oh! I'll go get mom! Stay there honey!" Before you could say anything, Sam bolted out the door. You pulled yourself out of bed to get medicine and water, taking both before drifting off to sleep.

Jodi gave Sam quite the mouthful whn they got back to your farm. She made him memorize everything he would have to do for you for when you got sick, regardless of how sick you were.

After that, Sam was always more than prepared to take care of you when you got sick.

Alex was nearly the opposite of Sam. As soon as you came inside the house from a long day of farmwork and the words, "I don't feel good.." escaped your lips, Alex sprung into action. He took your temperature while also making you get onto your comfy clothes. If the temperature was high enough, he would cocoon you in a pile of blankets, topped off with Louis, and he'd run out to the saloon to get you food.

As you sipped at the soup he got you, you asked him something, "How'd you get so good at taking care of someone Alex?" He blushed bit, "I'd take care of my grandparents if they got sick...grandpa can't help grandma much when she's sick, and grandpa weirdly accepts my help." He shrugged. Your heart melted, "That's so sweet.." Alex laughed, "Yea I'm pretty great, can't let me get away now. You done?" You nodded and he took the bowl away. "Get some sleep ok? I'll check on you in a bit." You smiled and nodded, getting comfortable in your cocoon before closing your eyes.

You really loved being married to a doctor. He knew exactly what you do when you were sick. If it was just a cold, he would give you medicine and insist you rest for a little bit. But on days like this, where you wake up with the flu... "Yes Maru, thank you. If It's am emergency give me a call ok? Thanks. Bye." Harvey hung up the phone and turned back to you. "Harvey..I'll be fine..you can still go to work.." you mumbled from the bed. You felt weak and achey and gross, you didn't want to move. "I know Mocha, but I want to tale care of you. Maru can handle all the small stuff people normally come in for, and I'll go if she needs me. For now I'm going to help you, ok?" You nodded and he cupped your cheek with his hand. You leaned into his cool touch. "Sleep ok? I'll get something for your stomach"

Harvey will spend the whole day taking care if you. He does his best not to hover because smothering you might make you worse, but he keeps an eye out. He makes sure you have everything you need and will cuddle upon request.

Sebastian sort of keeps his distance when you're sick. Not because he doesn't care though, it's because he's not as confident about taking care of you.

He'll get your medicine for you, drinks, food, all that, but that's about it. But that's all you ask of him. You're always so happy when he just does that, and you always tell him how much you appreciate him. "Thanks Bastian!" You'd sniffle and smile at him as he brought you more medicind, making his cheeks color a bit. "Anything else I can do for you Rain?" You shook your head. "No, I think I'm just going to shuffle to the couch to watch a movie." You took your medicine and started assembling your blankets. Sebastian took them and gently held your arm, "I'll help, go slow ok?"

He helped you over to the couch as you put on a movie. He even decided to stay and cuddle with you and Tomato until you felt better.

When you get sick, Elliot insists on bed rest. Not that you minded, because it meant you'd get to indulge on Elliot's voice. To relax and lull you to sleep, Elliot would pick out a book and read to you softly. Even when you had fallen asleep, you could tell when he stopped and would whine for him to keep going.

"Elliieee." You whined. Elliot sighed and closed the book in his lap, "My Muse you're sleeping, I need to let you rest." You opened your eyes and cracked and pouted your lips, "But Ellie...I am resting, but I would rest easier if you kept reading to me..?" Elliot looked away, he had to resist those eyes. Even with a red and dry nose, and a scratchy voice, you were too adorable for him. "Have some soup, and then I'll keep reading, alright?" You happily nodded as he went to go get you soup.

He ended staying up the rest of the night reading to you. He had gone through 3 books and you found him the next morning slumped over on the bed dead asleep.

Shane treats you much like a child when You're sick. He chastised you for getting sick, even when you both knew it was out of your control, for the most part. But he does it because he worries.

"So you went down to the frozen section of the mines, and didn't put on layers!?" He grumpy asked as he ladles you out a warm bowl of soup. You pouted on the couch, "I needed to take out some Skeletons for Gunther..he needed bones for a study.." "You're just lucky it's just a cold, but don't be dumb next time ok? A scarf at least!" You smiled and rolled your eyes as he handed you the bowl, "Ok dad." Shane glared at you before placing his hand on your forehead. "Well You're temperatures gone down a bit, but you're still a bit warm.." He mumbled. "You're really cute when you're like this.." you said looking at him. Shane blushed, "What?" "I bet Jas always felt taken care of" You poked him lightly, but he playfully smacked your hand away. "Just eat. I'll get you water, then you need to rest."

Honestly, when you met him, it didn't seem like Shane could even take care of himself, let alone another person. You were happy to be wrong.

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