Alternate Route

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What if you didn't pick your man? What if you chose someone else? See how ya boy felt as he watched you fall in love with someone else?

It was love at first sight for Sam. He didn't know much, but he at least he knew that. To him, you were everything he could have ever asked for. Bumping into you on his skateboard was the best thing that ever happened to him. And ever since that fateful meeting, you two were almost joined at the hip, and you were quickly accepted into his little group of friends. He looked forward to Friday nights when he would get to hang out with Sebastian, Abigail, and you. You came to band practice almost every time. He fell so hard and fast for you, but there was one thing in his way.

Of course, Sam was quick to notice the way Alex looked at you. Who wouldn't? And of course Alex, the resident play boy, would look your way. Sam was relieved when Alex's initial flirting tactics didn't seem to work with you, and was happy thinking he wouldn't lose out to Alex, but something changed. He would start constantly seeing you with Alex. Out by that old dogs house, the ice cream stand in the Summer, and even the beach where Sam told you about his dad. He saw you smiling and laughing with Alex, and it hurt him.

Alex and Sam both knew about the other's feelings towards you while you remained unaware. Neither of them meant to make it a race for your heart, but that's what it became. Every time you spent time with one of them, you somehow spent more with the other. You played catch with Alex at the beach, you sat at Sam's for hours watching their band practice, but Sam became too focused on how he felt, and paid no attention to the feelings you were gathering for Alex. You loved hanging out with Sam, but you cherished your time with Alex.

Sam sensed the shift when you turned down his offer to go play pool, in lieu of going to visit Alex. Sam watched in sadness as you spent less time with him and more with Alex. He got desperate. His concert was coming up, he would tell you after the show.

Of course, you invited Alex along, and Sam watched in dismay as you sat together on the bus to Zuzu, and when you and Alex danced together.

Sebastian watched too and put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "I think it's time to let her go Sam. She seems happy with Alex." It felt as if someone had a death grip on Sam's heart, but he nodded. He loved you deeply, but he wanted you to be happy, more than anything else. So he hid his feelings away, and watched you fall for the gridball player, ready to swoop in if he ever broke your heart.

Alex was confident you would choose him over anyone else in Pelican Town. You, the shy artist, and he, the handsome gridball player. In his mind, it was a match made in every rom-com he ever watched with Haley. He would talk to you whenever he had the chance, but you'd shy away from him. Maybe if he pretended to date Haley? That might get your attention, but Haley said no.

"Have you tried talking to them like a normal person and not just a hot piece of ass?" Haley asked, and that stumped Alex. Guess he never thought of that. Haley sighed and rolled her eyes, "Well, if you don't make a move soon, pretty sure Dr. Harvey will?" Alex's brain shut down, needed a moment to reboot. "The doctor!?" He exclaimed after a moment, grabbing the attention of Penny and Sam, who were on the nearby bridge, but Alex ignored them and instead grabbed Haley by the shoulders. "Tell me what you know!" "Well I know I see that farmer go in there every other morning and hang out with Harvey when the clinic is closed. They sit under that oak tree by the clinic, and she draws I guess, while he sits there." Haley thought more, "He stares at her a lot."

Alex jumped into action immediately. He stopped his confident facade in hopes of making a more genuine connection with you, and it worked. To an extent. You did start to get more comfortable around him, but Alex was too late. When he found the sketches of Harvey in your room, he knew you and he could never happen. You were in love with the town doctor.

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