Him Without You

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As soon as Sam stepped into his room that night, it finally hit him what he had said to you. He looked outside his window to see if he could see you, and ran outside when he didn't, but you were gone. He didn't sleep well that night, and planned on apologizing the next day.

He couldn't find you, no matter where he looked. He went to your farm, only seeing Vivi playing with your chickens, checked the forest, the mines, the beach, everywhere he thought you could possibly be, but he just never found you.

He hasn't slept in days, the dark circles under his eyes getting worse and worse. His family and friends were getting concerned. If he asked any of them if they'd seen you, they would say only they had seen you go past them, but hasn't talked to you. Why did he let his dad get to him!? It's great to have him back, but... It doesn't matter that Sam was angry that night, he knew he shouldn't have taken it out on you, it wasn't your fault and you were trying to make him feel better...

Sam laid awake in his bed that night, sleep still not coming to him. All he wanted was to see you, but you were avoiding him. All he could do is lay there, wondering when he would get to hold you in his arms again after he apologized.

Alex was angry. A few days after he broke up with you he angrily made his way to Sebastians house to confront him. He loved you and Sebastian was trying to get in his way. Even if you were there, he was ready to beat Sebastian to a pulp. He ignored Robin's greeting as he went directly towards the basement, loudly knocking on Sebastian's door. As soon as it creaked open with Sebastian in the door and a surprised look on his face, Alex grabbed him by the collar, "Alex what the-" "When did you start seeing ___ behind my back!?" Sebastian scowled at him, "What are you talking about?" "I know they were spending soo much time with you and giving you presents, so when did it start? Why would you take them away from me!?" "I'm not seeing ___ behind your back you idiot!" Sebastian was glaring a hole inside Alex's forehead, "I only really see them when they bring me some sashimi or frozen tears, and it's while I'm working! They just drop it off and leave. There's nothing between us!" Alex loosened his grip. He could see in Sebastians eyes, he wasn't lying. "Now let me go you ape." Sebastians voice was dripping with anger. "Crap.." Alex let him go and ran out of the house, towards your farm.

His legs felt like jelly by the time he made it to your front door. He broke up with you over a misunderstanding that he caused. Looking back, he didn't even give you a chance to explain, just assuming the worst. He knocked frantically, hoping you were home, but no answer came. He checked the fields and animal barns, nothing, he didn't even see Louie out and about.

He walked home in defeat. Anybody who passed by Alex could feel the bad energy radiating off him. This persisted for days. He rarely left his room anymore. Evelynn was terribly worried about him, even George was growing concerned. It wasn't until Haley came bursting into his room that he actually moved around. "Alex what is wrong with you!?" Alex looked up from where he was sitting on the floor after having just lifted some weights. He had been working out a lot in his room lately to try and distract himself, but it wasn't working. His eyes were glazed over as he looked at her, "Huh?" "Get up Alex, and explain to me why you broke up with ___!?" He told her the whole story. How he assumed they were cheating on him with Sebastian, how he never gave them a chance to explain, his confrontation with Sebastian, all of it. Haley sighed, before delivering a slap to Alex's face. "You're an idiot! ___ has been crying, locked up in their house whenever possible. Now clean yourself up and get over there! I'll let them know you're coming!" With that, Haley stomped out of his room, while Alex just sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Harvey was just going through the motions really, but wasn't smiling like he used to, his face was just a mask now, no emotion to be seen. Not having you around was awkward now like he doesn't remember what he was like before you came into his life and now he has no idea what to do with himself. He would see you in town every once in a while, but you would ignore him.

He blamed you at first. All he wanted was for you to be safe? Was that so much to ask? Was he really being unreasonable? After a week had passed, his thoughts began to spiral. Maybe it was too much that he demanded you stopped. He realizes he was being a bit too controlling of your life, but he didn't want to see you passed out in his table again. Wasn't there a compromise? These were the thoughts gnawing away at Harvey everyday since that fight.

Going through the motions, that's all Harvey was able to do and it was beginning to worry Maru. She saw the lack of emotion in Harvey. Of course she overheard the fight, and she could see both yours and Harvey's perspective on the issue. As much as she wanted her dear farmer and doctor to work things out, she knew there was nothing she could do. This was a matter between you and Harvey. So all she could do was watch Harvey as he was slowly falling apart.

Sebastian was kind of a mess. Ever since he had a fight with you over his smoking habit, you haven't seen each other. You didn't want to bother him more than it feels you had, and Sebastian just didn't have the willpower to leave his room right now. He wouldn't let anyone inside. Sam, Abigail, Robin, no one was allowed in. Robin would always leave some food for him by the door, but it remained untouched the next day. Instead, Sebastian buried himself in his work to try and distract himself, thriving solely off the snacks and energy drinks he had hidden in his room. He didn't even leave his room to smoke, an untouched carton lay on his bedside table. Everytime he looked at it, contemplated finally leaving to smoke, your face would pop up and he'd tear his eyes away from the carton. It'd been so long that he was starting to get the shakes, but he just couldn't find it in him to smoke.

After a week, his hair was disheveled, he had bags under his eyes, and Sebastian really thought he was gonna go crazy. It did give him time to think about the situation. Was he really able to justify is behavior? Of course he knew smoking was a bad habit, and if you and his mom were so worried about it, maybe it is time he quit. Sebastian hid his face in his hands and swore.

You guys may not have big fights, but he does miss you when you're not around. If you end up staying in the mines all day to answer a post or you have to stay on the farm on the first day of the season. He goes about his day as usual, but he's secretly buzzing on the inside to see you again.


Trigger Warning: Alcohol Abuse

Off the wagon, Shane definitely fell off the wagon. Didn't matter if he was at the saloon or at home, Shane was basically hammered 24/7. Marnie wouldn't let Jas anywhere near him and he had been going to work either extremely hungover or drunk, which meant his job was on the line. He was a mess without you, and he never realized before how much he really needed your support. You were his life jacket, keeping him afloat in an endless sea, and without you he was just sinking like a rock. Even Emily would try to come by and check on him, or at least try to get him to drink something that wasn't alcoholic, but no luck.

It wasn't until Jas came into his room against Marnies wishes, that Shane realized what he did. "Uncle Shane?" His thoughts were clouded, you and alcohol were the only things on his mind. It didn't matter who was calling to him, as soon as he heard Jas' voice, his head whipped up from its spot on the carpet, beer label stuck to his cheek, "___!?" "N-no..its Jas..." his eyes widened as he tried to sit up and shove the empty bottles and cans under his bed, "What are you doing in here Jas..?" "I'm scared..." "Why are you scared?" Shane asked, pulling the hood if his jacket over his head, trying to block out any extra sounds and lights. "You seem really sad...and I don't like seeing you sad" Jas walked a little closer to him, placing a small hand on his stubble. He reeked, but Jas wanted to comfort her uncle. Shane took her tiny hands in his, tears pricking his eyes. "I'm not ok Jas..." "Did you have a fight with the farmer?" Shane just nodded. "I like the farmer, they're always really nice!" "Yea..they're pretty great..." Shane remembers the words he said to you, and wishes he could take them back, but he didn't think he was worth forgiving. "When Vincent and I get into fights, we apologize" Shane looked at his niece, "Maybe you and ___ can apologize too" Shane thought about this, he couldn't keep living like this, and the fact that Jas is seeing him now, made it all hit home. You may never forgive him for what he's said, but he can at least try. He gave Jas a small smile and hugged her close, "Maybe I'll try that Jas" Jas scrunched up her nose in the hug. "Maybe you should take a bath first."

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