Spirit's Eve

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"Sammy are you sure someone went this way?" You both were standing in the fake cemetery in the spirits eve maze at a seemingly dead end. "Yea I for sure saw Linus in front of me and I didn't see him go back.." Sam was looking around confused. The only indication to keep moving forward was a sign with a question mark on it pointing you towards a hedge wall. You looked at it thoughtfully before going up to the hedge. "Maybe we have to climb over it?" Sam offered. That didn't sound like something Rasmodius would do though. A thought occurred and you slowly put your hand on a portion of the hedge, your hand slipped through easily with no resistance. Sam stared at you with wide eyes and tried himself, sure enough his hand went through. "Nice ___! Let's keep going!" Sam grabbed your hand and led you through the hedge and navigated through the cave beyond to claim your prize: a golden pumpkin. You didn't really see what was so exciting about it, but Sam was ecstatic. You let him keep it in the end and you walked out of the maze together hand in hand.

"You see anything yet?" "Can you get me a little higher?" Alex groaned beneath you. You were currently sitting on top of Alex's shoulders trying to see over the hedge. You caught a glimpse of something over the hedge, but you couldn't quite see what it was. You tried to stretch out a bit to see better, but Alex started wobbling beneath you. "Going down!" You heard Alex yelp right before you both tumbled down. You braced yourself, but your fall was broken by Alex. You had landed ontop of him, "Alex are you ok!?" Alex groaned in pain "Peachy..." you quickly scrambled off him and helped him up. "Did you see what it was?" He asked. You shook your head, "I saw some red lights, but that's about it..." Alex stared hard at the hedge, as if staring at it would force it to open, but Alex's stomach started grumbling. "Man...I gotta get some food..." "Want me to go with you?" You offered, but Alex shook his head, "Nah, keep going, I'm just gonna a grab something real quick and I'll meet you at the end." "Ok"

You found your way to the end and you were waiting at the alcove with a treasure chest for almost thirty minutes now. "How long does it take to get food? It's not even that far..." you waited five more minutes before deciding to open the chest, grab your prize, and head back out. Once you exited the secret path of the hedge, you saw Alex standing there with a worried look on his face, looking around frantically. "Alex? Where have you been!?" You asked walking up to him. Alex turned to your voice and his face changed from worry to relief, "There you are! I told you to wait for me at the end!" He replied. Now you looked confused, "I was? I waited to open the chest with you for like thirty five minutes!" You held out the golden pumpkin to him. "I thought...eh oh well, at least you got it!" Alex was about to take it from your hand before you snatched it away again. You clicked your tongue, "Nope, I'll decide what to do with MY prize. Let's go back" without waiting for his response, you started walking back out the maze again, "Oh come on ___!"

You were looking around for your boyfriend, but you couldn't find him anywhere. You asked the townsfolk milling around the food and Marlins exhibit. Most hadn't seen him, but Robin noted that she had seen him go into the maze, but it's been a while. You stared wide eyed at the maze. Did Harvey really have the courage to go in there? With a sigh, you made your way towards the entrance to the maze.

It didn't take long to find him. You found him cowering in a hidden dead end on the left side of the maze. He didn't notice you approaching him, so when you tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, he let put not the manliness of screams. You covered your ears until he was done, "Doc you're gonna make me go deaf!" Harvey looked at you astonished, before a wave a relief washed over him, "Oh ___ thank goodness, I was hoping you'd find me." "Why were you doing the maze?" Harvey shuffled uncomfortably, "I wanted to show I could be brave for you...but I couldn't get very far before I freaked out..." you wrapped both your arms around one of his and smiled, "You're adorable Harvey, but you don't have to push yourself like that for me, I love you for you" You kissed him lightly, but his face still burned up as you did. "Now let's get you out of here ok? I'm starving and that pumpkin pie Gus made looks delicious!"

"You know I'm glad I saw these things in the mines with you now." Sebastian commented, staring at the animated skeletons Marlin had brought out for the event. "I always wondered how Marlin got these things to move so well" you smiled, "Plus you can help out if they find a way to break out of there" you joked. Sebastian smiled at you before you both went to explore more of the festivities, a smile on Marlins face as he watched you two.

"I know they've hurt you a lot, but they're still kinda neat.." Sebastian mumbled as you both meandered to the food area and helped yourselves. Really there wasn't much to do at this festival other than eat and go through the maze. You did the maze by yourself since Sebastian didn't seemed interested in it, and you made it through easily with no issues and retrieved your prize, waiting for the right moment to give it to Seb. You shrugged, "Eh they're pretty easy pickings now, but there are these floating skeleton heads in a cave by the quarry that are worse" you popped a piece of chocolate into your mouth. Sebastian smirked, "So when are we going?"

You stared at the entrance into the maze and felt yourself shrink in. You were too scared to go in by yourself last year, so you thought you could it this time with Elliot, but you were wrong. You were squeezing Elliot's hand so hard, you felt him wince. "My darling we don't have to go in if you don't want to?" You stared up at him. Was it really ok? Somehow he must've heard your thoughts, because he smiled gently at you and lead you towards the area with food, "It's fine, look at all this delicious food Gus has prepared, be a shame for it to go to waste right?" You nodded, happy that Elliot could really tell how you were feeling.

Somehow, you got involved in a pie eating contest with Elliot, Clint, and Leah. Everyone made a wager on who could eat the most pie, and the only people who bet on you were Sebastian and Gus. You were eating the plethora of pumpkin, blackberry, and cranberry pies. Leah was the first out, followed by Elliot. You surprised the people who bet against you, you were still going and showed no sign of stopping, while Clint looked like he was about to pass out. You were neck and neck, until Clint put his fork down and forfeited, so you finished both his and your pies. Everyone looked at you astonished as Seb and Gus collected their money. Elliot beamed at you proudly. "Is there anymore whipped cream?" You asked shyly.

Shane was pouting at the table you were both sitting at. "Shane it's not even a big deal" you scolded. Shane averted his eyes, "I was looking forward to it" "Youre not supposed to remember?" "But it's a special occasion! I should be able to!" You stood up and glared at him, "Just because the pumpkin ales gone doesn't mean it's the end of the world!" You were aware of the stares coming your way, but you didn't care, Shane was being a baby. "But the pumpkin ale is delicious! It's the one thing I look forward to for this stupid event!" You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Why don't you come with me into the maze? Rasmodius told me he put a prize at the end for whoever got there first" "Buh.." Shane muttered. "Please Shane? For me?" You asked lightly running your fingers along his arm. Shane's face blushed red, but your ploy worked. Shane followed you into the maze.

Fortunately you were the first ones to the grand prize, seeing as the others couldn't figure out the secret of the hedge wall dead end, but you knew Rasmodius well enough to see through his tricks. Shane was in a much better mood once you got him moving and he realized he beat the others in getting to the golden pumpkin. "See? You don't need alcohol to have fun" you smiled triumphantly. Shane was carrying the prize and smiled, "Well you do make things one thousand percent better."

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