You Get Kicked

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Requested by demichr

A/N: Hello! This chapter will be primarily for a male reader as it will affect the..the boys down there. Although I suppose anyone can read it! But the pronouns for this chapter will be he/him.

The Community Center is finally done! After working so long to get everything the Juninos wanted, the town was ready to re-open the center! But the celebration is ruined by Morris, who gets into a heated argument with Pierre. Before Morris can storm off, he turns to you. The reason the community center was back and his Joja Mart in town would have to close. In anger, he stepped up to you and raised his leg...

Sam watched in what felt like slow motion, as Morris raised his knee, delivering a hard blow to your very sensitive area. You let out a squeeze and covered your crotch area with both hands, as you willed yourself not to crumble and stay upright.

Sam was fuming, but as he looked around, he could see the rest of the town was as well. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Abby screamed, picking up one of the cupcakes you had brought, chucking it at Morris.

Sam smirked as the rest of the town followed in suit. Picking up food from the buffet and running Morris out of the center. He put his arm around you and looked at you with concern. "You ok honey?" You cracked an eye open and nodded. "'ll get better..glad I never have to see him again though.."

Alex saw what was about to happen, but before he could react to protect you, Morris' foot made contact with your package. You screamed out, and your legs gave out from under you, sending you to your knees. "Well, at least I got something out of this.." Morris straightened up, but Alex was seething.

"Alex, make sure he's OK. We'll handle this." Haley stopped Alex by putting a hand on his shoulder before sending a murderous look Morris' way. Alex was still angry but nodded and started making sure you were ok.

Haley and the rest of the girls immediately zoned in on Morris, who gulped. He knew what was coming. Morris's ran out the centers doors, with an angry mob of girls chasing after him. "Babe..can you stand?" It almost Alex to look at the state you were in. He understood your pain. "Just..gimme a minute.." You breathed out, counting in your head for the pain to eventually go away. Once you got to 30, you felt like you could stand again, and Alex helped you up. He caressed your cheek gently, "You sure you're ok?" You nodded and laughed as the girls came back in, looking triumphant and throwing a red bowtie on the ground.

As soon as Morris' knee hit you in your private area, Marnie and Jodi could both sense what was about to happen and covered their children's ears. You proceeded to let out a string of swears, trying to process the pain. Even Kent looked shocked. Everyone stood in silence and held your breath.

"Maru..?" Harvey called out. Maru slowly creeper over. "Yea?" "Go open the clinic.." As soon as Maru stepped out and you were feeling better, you stepped toward Morris, murderous aura surrounding you. Morris was terrified. You smiled sweetly and turned to the town, "You might want to get Jas and Vincent out of here." You cracked your knuckles. Jodi and Marnie nodded and rushed the kids out while you turned back to Morris.

"Now Morris, you do realize where I spend most of my time outside the farm, don't you?" Morris didn't answer. "Didn't think so..." You reached back, punching Morris square in the face. He recoiled back, holding his face in pain, along with his now broken glasses. "Get. Out." You said icily. Morris ran out with his tail between his legs toward the clinic.

Harvey sighed, "He may be an ass, but I should still go make sure he's ok.." Harvey kissed your cheek, "Go take some painkillers, mocha.." You grinned, "Sure, Doc."

When Sebastian saw you get kicked where the sun don't shine, he felt that pain. Even his knees buckled a little as if he was the one to receive the blow. But you looked fine, you took it like a champ. You took a sharp inhale of breath, then breathed out slowly. Your eyes were closed, so you didn't see the rest of the men looking at you, astonished. Even Morris looked both impressed and terrified.

When you opened your eyes again, you stared Morris down. Then, without hesitation, you brought your own leg back and kicked Morris in his own private area. He fell immediately, holding his crotch in a feeble attempt to dull the pain. "Now we're even Morris, but don't fucking try that again." You nearly spat out, grabbing Sebastian's arm and pulling him out of the center.

You rounded the corner and Sebastian smiled, "Rain that was-" his praise was cut off by you groaning in pain, and bending over yourself. "Rain?" "Ow..."

The silence only lasted a moment as Morris kicked you in the crotch. After that, the center was filled with your higher than normal pitched scream, as you sank to the floor in pain. "___!" Elliot exclaimed in concern, before setting his sights on Morris.

"You cur!" He yelled out, pointing at Morris and getting in his face. "How dare thy besmirch such a wonderful creature like that! You blithering coward! You are not even worthy of being graced by his presence, as he is above you! Thy are nothing but a blistering sore on the underfoot if society! May all the gods strike you down as you attempted to strike down my beloved you wretch! Now leave my sight at once!" Elliot yelled.

Most of the people in room looked confused, but they cheered nonetheless. Morris, feeling confused, yet defeated, trudged out of the room, back to whatever hole he crawled out of. As soon as he was out of Elliot's sight, he turned and kneeled down to your level. "Are you alright, my muse?" Elliot asked softly. You just whimpered a bit, "Ellie...can we go home?"

It was all a bit of a blur to you. One moment, you were bracing for the oncoming pain that came with being kicked in the crotch. The next moment the pain was there, and you could swear you saw stars, painful stars. And then you watched Shane run up in front of you and punch Morris in the jaw.

"Shane!" Marnie yelled out, trying to shield Jas' eyes. But Shane only saw red, and was solely focused on beating Morris to a pulp for hurting you. "Don't." Punch. "Ever." Punch. "Touch." Punch. "___!" One more punch, and Morris was out like a light. But still breathing, Harvey made sure of that while Kent and Gus were trying to hold Shane back.

"Shane he's down, why don't you check on ___..." Gus tried to calm Shane. At the mention of your name, the fog in Shane's head seemed to clear. He turned and saw Abby checking on you. "Chickie!" "I'm...ok Shane...I'm ok..." Shane enveloped you in a bug hug. "Let's get out if here.."

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