He Meets Your Dad

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A/N: Since the game only really mentions the farmers dad, we're going with you have a single dad. Enjoy!

Sam was excited to meet your dad, which is not something you quite expected from him. That all changed though as soon as your dad pulled up to your farm in his old car. As soon as your dad got out and you went to hug him, you could sense Sam's nervous energy behind you. He stuttered a greeting and shook your dads hand a little too hard. You were able to save him when you offered to give your dad a tour of the farm and introduce him to Vivi.

Sam relaxed more and more as he spoke to your dad, telling him about his music and how much he cared about you. They talked forever about music and the different bands they liked. Your dad even offered to take all three of you to a concert some time.

Sam went home first while you were getting your dad set up in the guest room, "I like him, he seems like a good kid. And it's nice to see you so happy ___. I think moving here was better for you than we would ever realize." That made you smile, and you were happy he approved of Sam.

You were both nervous. You warned Alex that your dad was pretty strict and can be intimidating. Alex brushed it off, he had met Sam's dad Kent before. He could handle your dad. As soon as you opened the door to let your dad in though, Alex shrunk. Your dad was imposing and zeroed in on Alex right away, "This is your boyfriend?" "Yes sir" "Hm..."

Your dad didn't seem to think well of Alex at first, pinning him as a playboy jock that would break his child's heart in an instant, but as soon as he heard about Alex's passion for gridball, he couldn't get enough of him. They talked about all kinds of sports and even planned on going to some games together, and they included you on some of them.

By the end of your dads visit, he and Alex were fast friends. "You've got a nice boy there ___, don't let him slip through your fingers. But if he does hurt you, just say the word and you won't have to worry about him ever again"

Harvey was a nervous wreck when he waited to meet your dad. You did your best to calm him, knowing your dad would love him. There was also a secret you had been keeping from Harvey for awhile until he actually met your dad.

As your dad stepped out of his car, Harvey's jaw dropped. You may have forgotten to mention that your dad was part of the air force and flew in planes all the time, and now he was here in his uniform holding his arms out to you for a hug.

Harvey quickly forgot his nerves and just wanted to know everything about your dad and his job. Your dad took pride in his work and loved talking about it with the man making his child happy. He even offered to let him sit in his plane if he was ever in the area, which Harvey was excited for. You just sat there with Iris, watching the two men you loved the most get along.

"You picked a good one ___, plus he's a doctor! Guess I don't need to worry about you as much anymore."

You were far more worried about your dad meeting Sebastian that he was. It's not that you thought your dad wouldn't like Sebastian, it was...for other reasons. Your dad had a lot of love to give, to the point that any friends you had growing up were practically adopted into the family. You knew he would love Seb, but what if he got too overbearing?

You were right, as soon as your dad came up to you both, he pulled you both into a giant hug while introducing himself to Sebastian. If he noticed Seb was a little uncomfortable, he didn't seem to care. He insisted on a tour of the farm with both of you and insisted on being the one to make dinner for both of you. When you had a moment to breathe you checked on Sebastian. He was a little shaken up, but insisted he was ok. It was nice to see a father really care about their child, he only wished Demetrius was like that.

Yea so your dad overheard that, and pulled Sebastian into another hug, "Sebastian I'll be the the father you never had and then some! And hey! If you marry ___ you really will be my son!" "Dad!"

Elliot was ecstatic to meet your dad, and that worried you. You got your shy nature from your dad, so he too was a shy and anxious person and you're not sure how he would react to Elliots boisterous nature.

Your instincts were right, your dad didn't quite know what to make of Elliot as Elliot showered him in attention. You had to pull Elliot aside and alert him to the situation, after which Elliot apologized for being overbearing. Dad accepted the apology and everything went much smoother after that. Your dad asked about Elliots book and how things were on the farm. You showed him around and the two bonded over various books they've read.

Elliot went home quickly to give your dad a signed copy of his book, "I think he suits you well ___, your different energies mesh well together. I'm glad you found someone who can bring you out of your shell."

Well, your dad and Shane meeting went about as well as you though it would. Which was poorly. Because of your dads more clean cut nature and Shane's slightly stained past, you had a feeling he wouldn't approve. As soon as your dad stepped inside and saw Shane's scruffy appearance, you could say the distaste in his eyes. You and your father had always had your differences, but you loved each other nonetheless. You compromised on a lot of things with him, and it had never gotten out of hand before.

Shane tried, and you could see how hard he was trying to play nice with your dad, but your dad wasn't making it easy. Eventually Shane decided to go home, saying he promised Jas he would play with her. As soon as he left, your dad tried to convince you to break up with him. You got into a huge fight about it. You explained to him that Shane was doing his best to improve himself and he was genuinely trying, but your dad just saw a bum trying to mooch off his kid. You argued all night, until you eventually got your dad to see reason, and make him realize how much you loved Shane, and you wouldn't just leave him.

"Ok ___, I won't step between you two and I'll play nice with him. I just want what's best for you and for you to be ok. I will trust your judgment, but if he hurts you, I will come down here myself to kick his ass." "Sure dad, sure"

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