You Without Him

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You knew he needed space. He had a strained relationship with his father that you tried to butt into. You could understand why he was upset with you. You figured that when he felt ready to talk again, he would, and if not...well that wasn't something you wanted to think about. Instead you buried yourself in your farmwork far more than ever before. Going about your chores at exactly 6am and not returning home again until closer to 2am. You may have been getting only four hours of sleep, but at least it kept you busy. You didn't have time to think when you were in the mines, or with the animals, or at the beach, or even in the forest.

Except you did think a little. Was he right? Were you too nosey? You did know things about some of the townsfolk that they made you swear to secrecy. Maybe you should stay out of people's business more... Everything just felt, wrong, right now. The worst part, is you're not sure how long this would go on.

You were a wreck. After Alex accused you of cheating, you lost all motivation. You did the bare minimum of farm work, taking care of your Animals, and replanting the crops when needed, luckily the sprinklers handled all the watering. If you weren't working, you were in bed, Louie keeping guard over you. You even lost the want to draw or paint, you had lost your inspiration, and honestly you couldn't tell which loss was worse, Alex or your art, the pain simply blended.

Leah and Haley both came by when they realized neither of them had seen you in a while. You hadn't been locking your door lately, just not finding the need to. Louie stood at attention, ready to scare away any intruders, but relaxed at the sight of your visitors. "___?" You heard Leah call out to you, you made no move to welcome them in, not even a hello. It wasn't until one of the girls pulled you up and looked at you that their faces contorted with worry and you finally spared them a glance.

After a lot of prompting from them, you told them what happened. After your story. Haley stomped out of the house, while Leah stayed behind and coerced you out of bed, offering to help out around the farm.

You went about your business as usual, the only difference being you stopped bringing Harvey coffee in the morning and you were ignoring him all together. Obviously it sucked, but you wanted to show him that he had no control over your life.

He cared about you, you knew that. You understood he didn't want to see you get hurt, but trying to use his "power" as your boyfriend to control you? That was too far; however, your heart was still in turmoil. It didn't feel right not seeing Harvey everyday. You missed him, more than you would have liked to admit. You wanted to go back, apologize, and bring him coffee again, but you just needed him to understand where you were coming from. If you just went back now, it would be for nothing. So instead, you continued giving him the cold shoulder, waiting until the time was right to approach him again.

Ever since your fight with Sebastian, you started hiding away in the secret part of the Cindersap forest. Slicing down any slimes that came near and fished at the pond in front of the strange statue. You liked this part of the forest, it was peaceful and quiet. The sunbeams were comforting and warm, no wonder Tomato liked them so much on the farm.

It was also a quiet space to think, and get away from the town, if only for a moment. The downside of the quiet though, is that your mind slowly wandered to Sebastian. You missed him, a lot. You hadn't seen him since the break up, and you did start to wonder if he was seeing Abigail again. It broke your heart everytime that thought, popped into your head, but it also seemed very likely. She never seemed to mind his smoking like it bothered you. Tears pricked at your eyes, but you didn't bother to wipe them away. You let them fall, watching them drop into the pond in front of you, and let the numbing feeling take over your body. You would stay in the secret forest for as long as possible, before shuffling your way back home.

Your thoughts always seemed to be occupied with Elliot now. Even while you worked the farm, you thought about his melodious voice whenever he would read to you, or the sparkle in his eyes when he talked about something he really cared about. Your heart would begin to beat faster at even just the thought of him.

You were pretty angry with Shane. After all the stuff you've done to support Shane seemed to go nowhere, and it made you mad. You've been spending the past week in the mines, taking down anything that moved in the caves. You made it to the bottom of the mines quickly because of that, even if you made it out with quite a few injuries. Even Marlon noticed how reckless you've been down there. You didn't care, you needed to take this anger out, and the mines were the best place to do it. You could kill all the creatures who harmed you, smashed all the larger boulders, and scream as loud as you wanted. It was very therapeutic.

'Stupid Shane. Thinks he can just go back to drinking himself stupid when he feels weak. Is he even going to therapy? Is there something else he's actually doing when he goes into Zuzu City? Another bar?' Your thoughts would get dark from there. 'Is there someone else...?' Your actions faltered. The pickaxe in your hand suddenly feeling heavy as you lowered it. Tears of frustration spilled down your face as you angrily tried to wipe them away. "Shane..why can't I forget about you.." you sunk down to the ground and hid your face in your hands. The only sound in the mines being your sobs.

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