Your Birthday

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It was weird. Normally, after you finish your farm chores, you'd see Sam. Either out on his skateboard on the half pipe you got him or inside, still getting ready for the day. But he was nowhere to be found.

That did dishearten you a bit. It was your birthday, and even if you still had chores to do, you were hoping you would get to spend more time with your husband.

You sighed and sat on the couch where Vivi was sleeping. You glanced at her, then did a double take. A small rolled up paper was tucked in Vivi's collar. "Vivi?" She didn't even open an eye, so you shrugged and pulled out the paper.

Inside was Sam's messy handwriting: 'Hey babe! Meeting with the gang today! Come to the saloon after chores? I need my good luck charm for pool!'

You smiled and rolled your eyes. "I'll be back Vivi" You patted her head before taking for the saloon.

The windows to the saloon were dark, but you didn't think much of it. When you opened the door, the lights flicked on, and you were met with a resounding "Surprise!! Happy birthday ___!" Someone's arms wrapped tightly around you. You laughed, snuggling into Sam's side. Everyone in town was at the saloon to celebrate your birthday. Sam kissed you passionately, "Happy birthday ___.." He mumbled against your lips. You smiled and held him close, "Thank you Sammy.."

You spent the rest of the day with everybody in town, dancing, eating, and playing pool. Sam had even gotten you a new standing mixer for you as a gift.

"Ready babe?" Alex asked as he finished packing the bag. You nodded, packing away your art supplies to bring with you. Alex had set up a beach party for your birthday over on Ginger Island. Ever since you opened the resort up again, Alex has been wanting to go there every week.

"Ready!" You smiled and took Alex's hand. You were ready for a day with just the two of you. Really, you should've known that wouldn't be the case.

As you stepped off the boat to Ginger Island, you immediately saw a small group of your friends: Leah, Haley, Elliot, Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam.

You looked over at Alex with wide eyes, "Surprise?" He asked. A little unsure if you would like this. But you smiled wide as Leah hugged you, and all of Alex's worried drifted away.

Sam switched between playing songs on his guitar, or blasting music from his stereo as you all had a dance beach party before cake and presents. But the best present you got was new paints and brushes from Alex. You nearly tackled him in a hug, "Thank you Alex!" He laughed, "Happy birthday babe.."

"Mocha, what do you want to do for your birthday this year?" Harvey asked you in bed a week before. You continued reading your book and shrugged your shoulders. "Honestly doc, I'd appreciate just a day where I don't have to do any chores and just relax with you.. but that can't really happen.." You put your book down and turned off your bedside lamp.

A week later, you woke up to your internal alarm clock, but didn't smell coffee in the morning like usual, and there was a commotion outside. "What the...?" You were about to throw the blankets off you, when Harvey came in, holding a gift bag in one hand, and a plate of food in the other.

"Good morning Mocha! Don't get out of bed though!" He came over and placed the items on your bedside table. "What? Doc you know I need to start.." You tried to get up, but Harvey just pushed you back down. "Nope. Happy birthday Mocha! Lewis, Evelyn, Marnie, Maru, and Demetrius volunteered to take care of your chores for today so you could spend your birthday relaxing." He smiled so kindly as you stared at him in shock. "I'm sorry, what?"

Harvey slid into bed next to you, "You said you wanted to relax all day for your birthday, so I wanted to give you what you want." He leaned over to kiss your cheek. "Happy birthday ____." You smiled wide and pulled Harvey into a kiss. "Thank you Harvey..."

Harvey reached over and placed the plate of food onto your lap, along with the gift bag. "Coffee cake for breakfast, and another gift from me." You opened the bag and pulled out a blend of coffee, specifically your favorite kind that you could only get in your hometown.

After finishing your breakfast, you slipped back under the covers to sleep more and cuddled with your husband.

For your birthday, Sebastian set up a picnic in the woods for you and invited Abigail, Sam, Elliot, and Willy. "Bastian, this is so nice..thank you.." You beamed at him. Sebastian smiled back and kissed your forehead, "Sure, happy birthday rain.."

The sun was bright in the sky, and you were able to lay back on the grass and bask in the sunlight while everyone talked around you. You still loved the rainy weather, but you could appreciate these warm, sunny days.

Sebastian looked over at you while talking with Sam and Abigail. He smiled softly at your form. He never thought his life could be like this, but you made everything...perfect.

Willy brought out a cake decorated with Swedish fish candies that you eagerly ate. But the party had to end eventually, and as you and Sebastian finished packing everything up, you were about to head to the path home when Sebastian stopped you. "Take a walk with me?" You smiled and nodded.

Sebastian held your hand and led you to the secret forest. Together, you took down the slimes that resided there before sitting by the pond.

You leaned your head on Sebastian's shoulder while he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small envelope. "Rain?" "Hm?" "Here, happy birthday." He held out the envelope. You smiled and took it, carefully opening the seal. I side were two tickets to the newest musical in Zuzu City. You smiled wide, "Bastian this is great! Thank you!" You pulled him into a tight hug.

Best birthday ever.

Elliot had a plan for your birthday, of course! He had it all planned! A giant surprise party for you in the town square with everyone from Pelican Town! He would pay Gus to make a giant cake for you, and he would shower you in gifts all day.

But then he talked to Penny, who convinced him that that might be a bit much for your tastes. So instead, you had a small "party" that consisted of just you, Elliot, Penny, and Leah. Penny made the cake while Elliot and Leah worked on decorations.

When you finally went inside after finishing your chores, Elliot swept you off the floor and held you in his arms. "Happy birthday my muse!" You blushed red but let out a small laugh. "Thank you Ellie!"

When he finally set you down again, Leah and Penny pulled you into a hug. "Happy birthday ___!" "Thank you!"

You spent the remainder of the day laughing, having fun with your friends, and eating delicious cake. When it was time for presents, you opened Elliot's gift: the next book in a series you were reading. You thanked him happily, kissing him softly.

You didn't want a big party for your birthday, a small one on your farm with your loved ones was all you really wanted. And Shane delivered.

He invited Jas, Marnie, Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian over. Everyone pitched in with your farmwork to get it done quickly and start the party. Everything was going smoothly, until Sam fell face first into a pile of pig leavings. You hosed him down before demanding he go home to shower before coming home.

Shane stayed by your side the rest of the day as you celebrated. When Marnie brought out the cake you made, Jas sat on your lap and sang the loudest during the happy birthday song. Though Shane had to stop her from blowing out the candles so that you could.

"___ what did you wish for!?" Jas asked as Marnie started to cut and serve the cake. You smiled and squeezed Jas' small form, "Well I can't tell you. Otherwise, it won't come true!" "Oh yea..."

"Ready for your presents ___!?" Abigail asked, and you nodded excitedly. Shane was the first to step up with a gift bag. He kissed you passionately before smiling. "Happy birthday chickie. I love you so much, I hope you like your gift." You beamed and took the tissue out of the gift bag, revealing a new set of knitting needles, deep purple yarn, and a book full of new knitting patterns. "Thank you Shane! I love it!" Shane let out a breath of relief.

Your wish was already coming true. To be able to spend your time with all the people you love and to always have Shane as a part of your life. After all, he was the live of your life.

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