Telling Him [PR]

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You spent a long time deciding on how you wanted to tell Sam that you were pregnant. You had a feeling he would like to be surprised rather than just telling him. In the end, you decided to be a little subtle.

"Honey I'm back!" Sam came home later that night and you greeted him from the kitchen. "Hey Sammy! How's your family?" He walked over and kissed your cheek, "It was fine, kind of weird seeing them again now that I live here with you. But Vincent was happy to see me again. How was your day?" You smiled and grabbed his hand, "I need your opinion on something ok?" Sam looked confused by let you pull him. You dragged him to the spare room that you two are mainly using to hold Sam's stuff until he put everything away. Sitting on a small table was Sam's boom box. You walked over to it and pressed play. The song that Sam and his band played when you told each other how you felt played, and Sam smiled. "Man you remember that night? I was so nervous seeing in the audience, I didn't want you to think I was a loser.." He blushed. You giggled, "I would never think that Sammy" "So what did you need my opinion on?" You blushed and stood in front of him and grabbed his hand again. "Do you think our kid will love music just as much as you?" Sam cocked an eyebrow, but smiled softly, "I'm not sure, I hope so. Why do you ask?" You gently pressed his hand onto your stomach and looked into his eyes, hoping he'd get the message. Sam looked very confused at first, but when he saw the look in your eyes and the excited smile on your face, everything clicked. "_-___? Are you...?" You nodded quickly. Sam picked you up and spun you around. "We did it! We're gonna have a baby!" He kissed you quickly and passionately, "I'm gonna be a dad..."

You knew exactly how you wanted to tell Alex the good news. You pulled out a canvas and your acrylic paints and started getting to work.

Hours had passed and you were putting the finishing touches on your painting when you heard the front door open. "Hey babe!" You excitedly ran over to Alex and hugged him tightly. Alex returned the hug in kind and laughed, "You're in a good mood, ready for bed though?" He asked with a lustful glint in his eye. You blushed, "W-wait! I have something to show you first!" You walked over to your art room with Alex close behind. "Ok close your eyes!" You told him. He sighed, but listened. You moved him so he stood in front of the canvas and grabbed something from your paints. "Ok open." He opened his eyes and widened them as he stared at your painting. It'd a painting of the night if you walking with a small child between you both. Each of you was holding onto one hand of the child. The child itself was wearing a onesie with a gridball on it. "Who is..?" He turned to look at you. His face reddened when he saw you holding up the positive pregnancy tests with tears in your eyes. "Y-you..." you nodded. Alex gently took you into his arms, and you could feel his own tears on your shoulder. "S-sorry...I'm just so happy.."

"___ where are we going?" Harvey asked. You just smiled and kept walking toward the beach. You had employed an outside source to tell Harvey about the pregnancy. "You'll see, but you have to hurry or we'll miss it!" You exclaimed. Harvey couldn't help but smile, he hadn't seen you like this before. So he was excited to see what had you like this.

You sat him down on a beach towel and stared up at the sky, waiting. "Mocha?" "Soon..there!" You pointed up at the sky as a plane came into view. Harvey's eyes lit up immediately. "Ah, but we don't have the C.V. radio.." you shook your head, "You won't need it, watch." Harvey looked back up again. The plane started to let out some kind of exhaust, spelling out letters. Harvey looked over at you confused, but your eyes were glued to the sky. He looked back up, "" He read out loud. His eyes widened and he looked at you. You smiled and brought out your positive pregnancy tests. "'re gonna have a baby?" He asked, breathless. You nodded. Harvey held you close. "W-we'll take a look at you tomorrow...for now I just want to spend time with my wife and our kid.." He placed a loving hand on your stomach.

"Hey Bastian?" You asked Sebastian the next morning. Sebastian was pouring coffee into a mug, "Hm?" "I need to go visit Robin today for a project, will you come with me?" Sebastian let out a minor groan, but you knew what to do. You walked over to him and hugged him softly from behind, and resting your chin on his shoulder, leaning into him. "Please Bastian..?" Sebastian's face reddened and he sighed. "Ok..let's just change and we can go." You smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you Seb!"

You were excited to tell Sebastian, and you genuinely would need this, so two birds with one stone! Robin smiled at you both as soon you entered. "Hi you two! How are you today?" She came around to hug you and you laughed. "Doing great Robin, I actually came to order something. It's really important and I trust no one but you to get it done!" You held Sebastian's hand. "Of course! Is it a coop upgrade? Another silo?" You shook your head and looked at Sebastian, smiling softly at him. Your eyes never left his, "We need a crib.." Sebastian's eyes widened as he stared at you. "What..?" He whispered. You nodded. "Oh ___! Sebby! That's fantastic! Oh don't worry about paying ok!? Free of charge for my grandkid!" "Thanks Robin!" Ssbastian cupped your face in his hands, "Is this real?" You held out your tests, "We can talk to Harvey to confirm, but...yea..." Sebastian leaned in and kissed you hard.

As much as you wanted to tell Elliot as soon as possible, you had another idea. You went online and placed a few orders. Thank goodness for quick online shopping, you'd only have to wait a few days to tell Elliot.

You wrapped the new things you bought for Elliot along with the pregnancy tests and walked into Elliot's study where he was reading. "Ellie? I have something for you~" Elliot closed his book and smiled, "But why darling? There's nothing special about today?" You shrugged and handed him the gift, "Just because, open it!" You laughed, partially out of nerves, partially out of enjoyment. Elliot pulled out everything one at a time. The first thing he unwrapped was a a book. "How to be a Dad? Ah this will be good to know! Thank you my muse!" "There's still more Ellie." Elliot pulled out the next thing and unfurled a baby onsie. It was a soft forest green decorated with music notes. "Wait..darling.." "There's one more thing.." you said softly, hugging his shoulders from behind. Elliots hands shook as he pulled out the last little package. He unwrapped it, and saw your positive tests. He stood up from his chair abruptly and spun around to hold you close. "We're going to be parents my love!"

Unlike with Elliot, you wanted to tell Shane right away. You two had been trying for so long and now it was finally happening. You ran out of the house and toward Marnie's ranch.

You didn't even knock as you ran in. All three of them were sitting at the kitchen table and looked up at you when you ran in. "Chickie? Is everything ok?" Shane stood up and walked over. As soon as you laid eyes on him, tears of happiness started falling and everyone looked worried. "Aunt ___?" Jas asked. You wiped the tears and jumped into Shane's arms. "W-woah Chickie what's going on!?" You just smiled and kissed him hard, "Shane..we did it!" "Did what?" Shane was still confused and holding you. You showed him the positive tests and his eyes widened. "___ is that what I think it is?" Marnie asked from behind Shane, who was just staring at them. You nodded then turned your attention back to Shane. "We did it..? You're pregnant..?" "We can officially conform with Harvey, but yea..." Shane's eyed were watering. "We did it.." He spun you around and laughed happily. Marnie pulled Jas in for a hug as well, "Hear that Jas? You're going to be a big sister!"

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