Stardew Valley Fair

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Sam helped you carry your items for the grange display for the fair. You saved all your best produce, the best fish, and your finest artisnal goods for this, but as you passed by you spotted a collectible scarecrow you hadn't gotten yet. "___? You coming?" You hadn't realized you stopped. You adjusted the items in your hands, "Coming Sammy"

You set up your items and let Lewis know while Sam went to go find Sebastian. Meanwhile you went over to the shop stall, "Excuse me, how many tokens is the scarecrow?" The shopkeeper smiled, "800" you smiled back, "Thanks!" As long as you won the grange display, you could get it!

"Alright everyone! The winner of the best grange display is...Pierre! With ___ in second, Marnie in third, and Willy in fourth!" Everyone around you clapped and Lewis handed out the prize star tokens, but you just felt your heart sink. You worked so hard for your least you were second. The second place prize was only 500 star tokens, you just needed to collect 300 more from the games! Easy! You looked around and remembered what Sam told you last year: "The slingshot booth is great way to wrack up star tokens!"

You spent an hour at the slingshot booth, but you only managed to scrape together fifty more tokens and your wrist was starting to bother you. You walked away from the booth dejectedly. "___? What's wrong?" Sam and Sebastian appeared in front of you and Sam looked worried. "Is it because you only won second?" Kind of. You shook your head, "I was just hoping to win more tokens, but I'm not very good at the slingshot game..." Sam's face brightened a bit, "Why didn't you say so? How many do you want?" "I still need 250" Sam gave you a thumbs up and went to the slingshot booth.

He was amazing, Sam never missed a shot and soon he had over 300 tokens. You stared at him in awe, you knew he was skilled at the game, but you didn't realize it was to this extent. "Impressed honey?" Sam asked smirking. "Of course I am! That was amazing Sammy!" Sam laughed and grabbed your hand, "Now you wanted something right? Let's go get it?" "Are you sure Sam, I mean you're the one who earned those.." He brought your hand to his lips and left a small kiss there, "I got them for you, come on" he lead you to the booth where you happily recieved your new scarecrow.

You won first place for your grange display, so now you and Alex were going around to all the different games. Naturally he was attracted to the strength game. He wanted to show off how he strong he was to everyone, and especially you even though you already knew. Although he couldn't quite hit the top of the bell. You lost track of how many times Alex tried to hit the top of the machine and it just falling short. "Um Alex?" "___ I got this! I will get us those star tokens!" "But Alex he only gives-" Ding! You looked up at the machine and Alex had done it, he hit the top. "Wow man, you're pretty strong!" The man at the machine commented, "And here's your prize!" The man handed Alex one star token. Alex looked at the token in his hand, then at the man, the token, back at the man, and finally at you, "This is the booth that only gives out one token isn't it?" You smiled sheepishly at him, "I tried to warn you.." Alex sighed and pocketed the token, "Well do you wanna try it?" You smiled and nodded. You walked up to the man who handed you the mallet.

Alex tried to give you pointers, but all you wanted to do was whack. Still, he was trying to show he cared about you, so you listened. "Got all that ___? And don't worry if you don't get it on the first try! Just work up to it slowly!" You smiled and nodded at him. You lined up the mallet with the area of attack, and brought it down. Hard. The bar skyrocketed up and hit the top of the machine immediately. The man and Alex looked at you with shocked faces. Eventually the man handed you your one token and you turned to Alex smiling at his star struck face, "Should we see how many we can get?" "Man I love you"

You were patiently waiting for Lewis to finish judging the grange displays, thinking Marnie would win since those two were so...close. In the meantime you went to go search for Harvey. You didn't see him near any of the games, and he wasn't by the fortune teller, all that was left was the animal area.

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