What If?

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What if you didn't go to Pelican Town? What if you stayed at your soul sucking job at Joja? Were you and ya boy meant to be?

You groaned as you opened the door to your apartment in Zuzu City. It was another long and really pointless day at work, and you were just tired. Luckily, it was the weekend, which meant you had a break from the bleak Joja corporation. Why did you stay at a job you hated? It was good money. That's the main reason.

You crashed into your bed and pulled out your phone, "There's gotta be something to do this weekend..." You mumbled to yourself. Sure, you could've potatoed around the apartment this weekend, but sitting still wasn't really your fortè. Then something online caught your attention, "Concert for an upcoming band? That could be fun...wait, The Pelicans?" Interesting choice of name, but it sounded fun at least! Tomorrow night, you would go see The Pelicans!

~Time Skip~

When you arrived at the concert spot, it wasn't very crowded, but more people than you had anticipated for an unknown band. Mostly, people were just standing around, so you were surprised when someone bumped you from behind. "Oof!" You got pushed forward a bit, "Oh my! Sorry about that!" A girl with bright blue hair and a red dress turned and apologized. You shrugged and smiled, "No harm done, really." "Oh that's such a relief! Are you here to see the show?" You nodded, "Concert for a a new band? Sign me up!" "Me too! I actually know the band from our hometown, so I came to support them! I'm Emily!" You shook her hand, "____. Where are you guys from?" "Pelican Town! It's in the valley" Pelican Town? That sounded familiar. You brushed it off for now, "That would explain the name."

You spent time before the show talking to Emily about the band. Apparently, they only had three members: Sebastian on keyboard, Abigail on drums, and Sam as lead vocals and guitar. Finally, the band stepped out, and you looked up at the stage. As soon as you laid your eyes on the blonde with the guitar, your heart sped up. You assumed this was Sam, and you were suddenly so happy you came. He seemed so nervous at first but relaxed into it once they got started. They were pretty good! You were having fun dancing with Emily to the music, and your eyes rarely left Sam's figure. During the chorus of one of their songs, his eyes swept the crowd, and he met your eyes. He seemed to almost stumble when he did, and his cheeks were painted pink. You smiled and gave him a little wave before resuming your dancing.

After the concert ended, Emily, who decided you were best friends now, grabbed your hand. "Wanna meet the band? They'll love you!" "Uh sure! Why not?" Emily beamed and practically dragged you behind the stage. There, all the band members were talking excitedly with some others. They all stared at you as Emily pulled you with her, "Guys, this is ___! They came to see you guys play!" You blushed a little with all the eyes on you and waved, "Uh hi..you guys were great! I bought one of your CDs out there!" You pulled the CD out of your jacket as if you needed proof. Abigail and Sebastian smiled and thanked you while Sam stared at you dumbfounded before smiling wide and coming right up to you. "You liked our show! Wow, that's awesome! Thanks so much for coming! I'm Sam, that's Abigail and Sebastian!" Sam's cheeks were flushed pink, and you're sure yours were the same. "Oh, I have an idea!" Sam grabbed the case from you and took out a pen and wrote something down on the case before handing it to Sebastian and Abigail as well. Sebastian rolled his eyes, but you could see a small smile on his face, while Abigail smiled too and had an intense look of concentration on her face. Sam took it one more time before writing something on the back. "Wow, thanks!" You said after taking the CD back, "I should head home, but I'll keep an eye out for more of your concerts!" You waved goodbye to everyone and started your walk home (after Emily gave you her number so she could talk to you). While you walked, you took the CD out again and looked at the trio's signatures, smiling. You flipped it over and stopped walking, your face slowly becoming red. 'You're pretty cute! Let's hang out! -Sam' underneath was a phone number.

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