When He Finds You in the Mines+

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He knew you went into the mines, but it never really occurred to him you could get seriously hurt in there. Sure he's seen you come out of it with small injuries, but its usually not more than some cuts and bruises. When he was waiting for you at the Saloon with Abby and Seb, and you still didn't show up, then he worried. "Hey guys? I'm gonna head to the mountains to see if I can find ___, I'll be back" Sam said, looking worriedly at the entrance. Abby smiled and Seb nodded, "Let us know if they're ok." Sebastian replied.

When Sam saw you on Linus' back being carried out the mouth of the cave, with blood running down your forehead. Yea he flipped out. At first he blamed Linus, thinking that the wild man had done something to you. He screamed and yelled while Linus just took it and placed you softly on thr grass. Sam held you close to him and was relieved when he heard your breathing, and it seemed normal. You managed to open your eyes just a bit, "Sam...?" Tears of joy went down Sam's cheeks. "Are you alright ___!? What did Linus do!?" You managed to weakly shake your head, "It wasn't Linus...but can you take me to Harvey...?" Sam wasted no time in getting you back to town, yelling for Harvey at the door to the saloon, and getting you into his clinic.

When you woke up the next morning with a bandage around your head and an IV in your arm, Sam was right there and relieved for you to be awake. Apparently you had a mild concussion and would have to stay one more night for observations. Lewis said he would make sure Vivi had water and the farm was ok, which relieved you immensely. You explained that Linus actually saved you after some animated skeletons attacked you and knocked you out. Sam was just relieved you were ok. You promised Sam you would try to be more careful.

Once you were released, you both went to Linus' tent so Sam could apologize.

Alex was sitting by the lake waiting for you to come out from the mines. Apparently you were responding to Clints post about collecting some copper ore. Alex didn't really get it, all he knew is that even after protesting that he could take care of himself in the mines, you were adamant about him staying out here and out of trouble.

He was a little worried though, you had been running around all day and you looked like you needed a nap, but didn't listen to Alex when he suggested you should relax in the spa first. You just wanted to get the errand done.

Alex turned and finally saw you emerging from the cave, "Finally ___, let's go-...___?" You were wobbling on your feet and moving pretty slow. You looked like you were about to pass out, but you still smiled when you saw him, "Got...copper...see...Clint..." you started to fall forward, Alex was able to catch you in time. "Nope sorry ___, you can show him your copper tomorrow, for now you're going home and sleeping." Alex left no room for questioning. At least you looked ok otherwise, just tired. He picked you up and adjusted you so he was giving you a piggyback ride. The warmth of his body and the gentle rocking of his movements was enough to put you to sleep.

When you woke up, Alex was sitting next to your bed, petting Louie who was laying on your stomach, "Alex?" "How do you feel?" "Like I got hit by a truck" "Yea, well next time will you listen and rest before going down there, I was pretty worried...what if...if you never came back..." He took a deep breath before continuing, "I know you're strong, but I worry that you might get eaten by slimes..or worse..." Alex looked like he was going to cry. You felt a twinge of guilt in your heart. His dad was a deadbeat and his mom passed, even though he he had his grandparents, you weren't sure if Alex could handle losing someone else he cared about.

You sat up and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. "I'll be more careful Alex."

When Marlon brought your unconscious body in with burns all over you and your clothes slightly singed, Harvey was cool and collected on the outside as he told Marlon where to bring you, but in the inside he was panicking. He needed to know who or what did this to you and hope that you were ok and that the burns weren't awfully severe.

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