His Love Language

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As you've probably guessed, Sam's love language is physical touch. Whenever you two are together, alone or not, he always is touching you somehow. He may have his arm around your waist or shoulders, hold your hand, or sometimes pressing his cheeks against yours. The PDA was a little worrisome at first, but you and the town adjusted to it. It's actually way weirder for you two to not be touching when you're together.

Alex's love language is acts of service. He's always offering to do things for you, helping you carry your art supplies, helping out with chores on the farm, even keeping Louie company while you get other stuff done. He's always more than happy to help you out with anything you need. In return you do the same for him. You help everyone in town with something or other, but you go the extra mile for Alex. You help him with his exercises, give him the best produce you can when Evelynn asks him to pick something up, you do whatever he needs asking without question.

Harvey's love language is quality time. There's nothing he loves more than just spending time with you. He doesn't care what the two of you do, as long as he's with you. He's content watching you work on pottery, letting you read in his room while he works on his model planes, even just accompanying you while you run around the farm. He always has a sense of peace when he's with you.

Like Harvey, Sebastians love language is quality time. Sebs always been an introverted guy, but you loved him for it. Any chance Sebastian has to just spend time with you he takes it. He could be working on a project while you read in his bed, laying in bed together awake and content, or taking care of Tomato together. Of course you two still socialize with Abby and Sam, but it's the quiet moments together that you both enjoy the most.

Elliots love language is gifts. He mainly likes receiving them from you, but you're always more than happy to provide. You'll give him some extra juicy pomegranates that you grew in the fall, some duck feathers that would be left behind after you collected their eggs and fed them, and making fresh crab cakes for him every now and then. It was a way to show your love for him and he felt it. He would give you gifts as well, although less frequently. He'd give you books that he knew you had your eye on, homemade bookmarks, and ever once in while he'd make you you're favorite food. He wanted to show you that he loved you just as much as you loved him.

Shane's love language is words of affirmation. Because of his past, he always needed to be reassured that he was loved. You made sure that you told him everyday you loved him and praised him for the efforts he's made to try and become a better person. In return, he does the same for you, praising you for all the hardwork you've done on your grandfather's farm and giving you all the words of love he could muster up.

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