They're Here! [AR]

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As soon as you got the call from the mother you were adopting from, you and Sam got into Zuzu City as soon as you could, begging Lewish to let you borrow his truck. He only agreed since you were keeping his little secret.

You held the mother's hand as she gave birth to your child. Her name was Alicia, and she was the sweetest woman you ever met. She just wasn't ready for a child of her own. You had all promised to keep on contact so she and her child could meet one day if they wanted to.

Soon, you held the young boy in your hands, happy that you and Sam now had your own little family. "Did you have a name for him?" Alicia asked, smiling sleepily. You nodded, "We wanted to name him Lance.." "Lance..I like that.. and I know you two will take good care of him.."

The adoption process for you both wasn't as warm and loving as you had hoped. The mother refused to meet you two, and your case worker had told you she wanted the baby out of her life as soon as possible. You tried to get a message to her that you two would take great care of the child but received no word from her.

Regardless, when the caseworker called you to tell you the baby was born, you both rushed to the Zuzu City hospital. It was there that the caseworker sat with a small baby in her arms. She smiled as you approached. "Here's the baby.." She handed her off to Alex, who held the baby like she was glass. "A beautiful girl.." "She's wonderful.." You breathed out, stroking the babies head softly. "The mother didn't name I guess you two have the honor.." You and Alex looked at one another, "Really?" Alex asked. The woman nodded, "Then..Skyler..her name is Skyler.." you told her. She nodded and went to speak with a nurse and get whatever paperwork was needed to finish, finished.

You and Harvey had become quite close to the couple you were adopting from. They had decided they were quite ready to raise one baby, let alone two, on their own, but had gone through with the pregnancy to give another couple a chance at a family, your family.

You were having dinner with them when the mother went into labor, and you had both stayed with both of them the entire time. When the twins were finally born. The couple looked genuinely happy for both of you. "Did you have any names in mind?" You and Harvey looked at each other, "Actually... we wanted to name them after you both.. May and Luke.." You smiled at them. May was crying, and Luke was trying to hold it together. "You two are going to be great parents.." Luke finally stated.

Your case worker had informed you both that the mother you were adopting from came from a very religious background and did not wish to be seen nor found by the adoptive parents. You and Sebastian respected her wishes and waited for the case worker to call and let you know when you could come for the baby.

In winter, you got the call and rushed to the hospital. "You're baby is fine, would you like to see her?" He greeted you both. You nodded enthusiastically and followed him to a hallway with a large glass window into a room housing all the newborn babies. He pointed to one in particular, and you instantly fell in love. "She doesn't have a name yet, the mother said you could name her." Sebastian nodded as he stared at his new daughter. "Winter.." He mumbled. You looked over at him and smiled before nodding at your case worker, "Winter is perfect."

You and Elliot got along very well with the mother. Apparently, she had even read Elliot's book, so he had given her a sneak peek at the children's books he had been putting together for the twins girls she would have and you would adopt. She had hoped to keep in contact in case she and the twins ever wanted to meet one another, which you agreed to happily. After all, this was the woman making it possible for you and Elliot to have kids.

When the time finally came for her to give birth. The girls were born into the world happy and healthy. While the babies were being taken care of in another room, the mother asked you both the big question, "Have you thought of any names?" She asked sweetly. "Diane, what would you say your favorite books are?" Elliot asked. Diane looked at you both surprised for a moment but responded, "Well, I always loved Alice in Wonderland growing up, and I re-read Pride and Prejudice at least once a year, I suppose.." Elliot nodded, and the girls were brought in again. You held one girl while Elliot held the other, "Then this little girl will he Alice.." You smiled. "And she will be Elizabeth," Elliot said, rocking the little girl in her arms slowly as Diane watched with happy tears in her eyes.

The parents you were adopting from wanted nothing to do with you and Shane. They said you could adopt their twins, then never wanted to hear from you or the kids. Shane was a little pissed about it, and truthfully, so were you until you both realized they didn't seem like the kind of people you or you kids would want to associate with.

As soon as you got the call that the babies were born, you raced to the hospital and escorted to the viewing hall to see the newborns. "It's those two." Your caseworker pointed the boys it. "They're wonderful.." You smiled and took Shane's hand, who just stared in awe. "The parents told the nurses you would name them. Have any ideas?" She asked. You nodded, "Mikey...I've always loved that name.." The worker nodded, "And the other boy?" "Robert" Shane said quickly and turned to face you, "That was Jas' fathers name... we called him Robby..." You smiled wide, "I love that Shane.."

A/N: First, not sure if Robert is actually the name of Jas' dad, but I couldn't find any evidence that a name was ever given to him soooooo ye.

Second, the two child routes will now converge into one! Hope you all enjoyed!

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