Beach Day

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You took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the salty sea air mixed with tropical fruits from the snack stand Gus was standing by. "Ready for your first beach day Lance!?" You heard Sam say. You turned and smiled. Sam was only wearing his swim trunks and sandals, and of course, the baby bjorn strapped to his chest with Lance safely tucked inside. He also was carrying a guitar case in one hand.

You were having a small family get away to Ginger Island to relax. You looked around for Sam's family, but you supposed you two were the first ones. The only other people here were Gus and Elliot. "Let's pick a spot Sammy" You hefted the beach bag and chairs like they were nothing and scouted the beach for the perfect spot.

Once found, you set everything up before taking Lance from Sam. You put sunscreen on Lance while Sam tuned his guitar, and the rest of his family joined you.

You and everyone spent your beach day smiling and laughing. Kent made some barbeque, Sam played his guitar for everyone, Jodi read and helped take care of Lance, and you and Vincent played in the water. You were exhausted at the end of the day, so Sam insisted on carrying the beach supplies while you held Lance. "You have fun today, sweet cheeks?" He had sand in his hair, and cheeks were a bit burnt, but... You smiled and pulled Sam in close for a kiss. When you pulled away, he had the biggest, dopiest grin on his face. "I really did Sammy."

You were sitting under the shade of your beach umbrella applying sunscreen, smiling at your husband from the safety of the shade. "Come on babe!" Alex cheerfully cried out while holding up Skyler. Alex had put her in a small yellow polka dot swimsuit with a matching hat. She was adorable. Where as you were just wearing a plain, solid colored swimsuit. Emily, Haley, and Clint were all there too.

You sighed before standing. The beach had given you the idea for another water color landscape, but you also wanted to spend this time with your family. You stepped out from the shade and comfort of the beach towel and umbrella, joining your husband and daughter in the water.

Alex's eyes widened, and scanned your body as you walked closer. You were breathtaking in his eyes. And then he heard a whistle. His head whipped around to see Emily, and even Clint staring at you. Alex's face immediately reddened, and he picked up Skyler, walking toward you. "Alex-" you were about to say when he grabbed your arm, dragging you back to the towel. "What are-" Alex pulled a shirt out of his bag and practically shoved it over you. "Alex, what are you doing??" You questioned. Alex only blushed before glaring at Emily. "J-just keep that on, ok? Don't want you getting burned.." He wouldn't look you in the eye.

You still weren't really sure what happened, but at least now you get to stay in the shade!

"Doc..." "Just a little more..." "My love..." "And of course you need a little more too.." "Harvey!" You finally exclaimed. Harvey turned to face you, holding one of the twins, while the other giggled happily from her spot on the beach blanket. "What is it mocha?" "I think they have enough sunscreen Harvey.." You pointed at May, who still lots of the lotion on her skin. "Well, you can never be too careful mocha!" Harvey argued. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Doc, I know you're nervous now that they're old enough to be in sun like this and use sun screen..but I think you're over doing it.." Harvey looked between you and the babies. Before continuing to apply sunblock to Luke. You just silently picked up May, wiping some of the sunscreen off to a more reasonable level before preparing to do the same for Luke.

"Ow...ow!" Harvey protested as he started trying to heft your beach equipment onto his shoulders while you carried the twins. "Harvey... I think you got sunburnt.." You deadpanned, noticing how his shoulders were no longer pale and instead an angry red.

Sebastian sat on the beach blanket, under the umbrella, protectively holding Winter to his chest. "Bastian?" You asked, coming back from your swim in the ocean. Hair dripping and rivulets of water falling down your body. Sebastian stared, his grip on Winter loosening. "Bastian, can I please take her to the water? It's nice and cool, she'll love it!" You smiled, kneeling down in front of him. "We prefer the cold ___..." Sebastian stated matter of factly, as if he and Winter always agreed on everything.

You stared at him before motioning to Winter, who was currently struggling to get out of Seb's arms. With a reluctant sigh, he released her over to you. Winter giggled happily as you held her. "Want to come to the water with me? We can try it! Then maybe daddy will join us!" You told your daughter, winking at Sebastian before taking her toward the water. Leaving your husband a blushing mess.

Sebastian couldn't be crankly for long, though, because as soon as you simply dipped Winter's feet into the water, she smiled and giggled happily.

"Oh, look Alice!" You bent over with her in your arms to pick up a small blue shell, holding it up to your daughter. Alice stared at it, taking the shell into her little hands. "Pretty, huh?" You bopper her nose lightly, making her laugh.

Meanwhile, Elliot held Elizabeth in his arms, watching the two of you. "Elizabeth, my darling...I hope you and Alice grow up to be just as lovely as ___.." He mumbled. He practically had hearts in his eyes when he caught onto something else. Down the beach, he saw something that would normally be hidden in the sand. He walked over to it with Elizabeth and picked it up. "Ah! A sand dollar!" He showed it to your other daughter. "You know these are actually a type of urchin! People in many parts of the world eat them." Elizabeth opened her mouth as if Elliot would feed it to her. He laughed, "No, no, Elizabeth, not today. But if you're hungry, perhaps we should go collect Alice and ___ so we can all eat!" Elliot pocketed the sand dollar and went off to catch up to you both.

All in all, it was a very peaceful and relaxing day at the beach.

"Shane, you almost done!?" You called out to him. Shane was huffing and puffing as he blew up the second inflatable floaty for the twins. This way, they could be in the water with you, as long as you still held onto the floats. "Almost....done..." Shane breathed out. He was starting to kick himself for not getting an air pump. "Uncle Shane, let's go play!" Jas practically sang as she ran up to him. Shane smiled lightly. "One sec Jas, almost done setting this up for Mikey and Robby." "Ok, Uncle Shane! Then we can build a sand castle!" Jas smiled and ran back to bucket and shovel on the beach.

Once Shane was finished, you came over with Mikey while Marnie held Robby. "Thanks chicken boy.. Marnie and I will have the boys. Go give Jas some attention." You kissed the top of his head as he smiled. "Alright, Chickie, we'll join you guys soon." He got up and went to join Jas while you and Marnie got the boys set up in their floats and took them toward the water.

You and Marnie chatted while the twins happily sat in the cool water and kicked their feet lightly. You both heard Shane yelp and Jas laughing. On the shore, Jas had just dumped a bucket of sea water with seaweed down Shane's back. "How is being a dad?" Marnie suddenly asked, her eyes not leaving Shane and Jas' forms. You looked at Shane, then turned back to your boys, smiling. "Ge's doing great Marnie...great..."

Before very long, Shane and Jas joined you all in the water, and Shane took over for Marnie. He started spinning Robby in his float a little, and you watched, smiling lovingly at the scene before you. Yea..he's doing great.

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