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Sam jolted awake, which made you jolt awake. "Sam? What's wrong!?" You asked, grabbing his hand. Sam was breathing hard and squeezed your hands. "_-___?" "Yes? Are you ok?" Sam pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly. "Honey you're 100% safe when you go into the mines right?" You nodded into his neck, "Yes Sammy, very safe. I never go down without lots of things to keep me safe." "Good...good..." He laid back down with you in his arms. You combed your fingers through his hair. "I love you so much ___..." "I love you too Sammy..get some sleep..I'll keep the bad dreams away ok...?" Sam nodded, and relaxed with your fingers playing with his hair, he eventually fell back to sleep, with no nightmares to bother him.

You woke up when you heard someone crying. "Alex..?" Alex was shaking in his sleep, tears falling. You shook his shoulder, "Alex..wake up..." his eyes shot open and focused on you immediately. "Babe..." He pulled you close into a death grip. "You're're ok...I swear I won't let anything happen to you!" You tried to breathe. "A-Alex...can't breathe!" Be released you a bit, but still held you tightly. "Did you have another nightmare about losing me?" Alex nodded and buried his face in your neck. You stroked his hair softly. "Alex I'm ok. I know you'll save me no matter what..I trust you and love you.." Alex nodded and looked up at you, "I'll always save you no matter what babe...I love you.." you smiled and kisses his forehead. "Back to sleep ok? This time I'll protect you.." Alex smiled softly before closing his eyes again, lulled to sleep by you.

Harvey forced himself awake, not wanting to be in that dream anymore. He sat up and looked over, you were still fast asleep and breathing deeply. He crashed your cheek softly. "Mm..Harvey..?" You mumbled, waking up slightly. "Sorry Mocha..did I wake you?" You shook your head. "Everything ok." You mumbled into your pillow. Harvey shook his head and kissed your forehead, "We're going to stop by my clinic tomorrow...I wanna run some tests on you.." "What kind of tests?" "I..just had a bad dream, and want to make sure everything's that ok?" You gave him a soft smile. "If it'll make you feel better, then ok." "Thank you back to bed." You nodded and snuggled back into your pillow, passing back out. Harvey watched you fot a moment, watching you sleep, before falling back to sleep himself.

Sebastian woke up shaking. "Rain!?" He asked, and panicked once he saw that your side was empty. So it wasn't a dream? You were really gone? " no no..." He muttered, pulling his hair slightly. "Bastian?" Hisbhead whipped to the doorway, where you were standing with a glass of water. Sebastian threw the covers off and bolted over to you, hugging you tight. You manged to hang onto the glass in your hand. "Seb?" "I were gone.." "I'm right here Bastian.." you managed to put thr glass down on your dresser and held Sebastian close. Sebastian took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He proceeded to tell you about his nightmare. "Oh Seb no...I promise I'm careful. And I don't go near the cliffs there. I'm not going anywhere.." Sebastian nodded. "Want to watch a movie?" You offered. "Yea..yea that would be good.." you spent the rest if the night and early morning watching movies.

You woke up to a light on in Elliot's study. "Ellie?" You asked, rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes. Elliot mumbled something, scribbling madly in one of his notebooks. "Ellie? What are you doing?" You sat up and asked a little louder. Elliot finally turned to you, "Oh, I'm sorry darling..just a bad dream...trying to forget about it.." "What happened?" "I..I lost you...I had to write your eulogy.." "Oh Ellie.." you slipped out of bed and walked over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "I'm don't need to write anything like that yet.." "I know.." "Then what are you writing?" Elliot sighed and closed the book, "About us, and how lucky I feel to have you.." He stood up and picked you up, "Let's go back to bed my muse" You snuggled into Elliot's chest and fell back to sleep in Elliot's arms.

"NO!" Shane screamed out, waking you up in a panic and making you fall out of the bed in surprise. "Ow!" You exclaimed and Shane looked over from the bed. "Chickie!?" "I'm ok...I'm ok. Shane what happened?" You asked, climbing back up onto the bed. "Just a bad dream Chickie..there's no alcohol on the house right?" You cocked and eyebrow at him, "No? Of course not." "Good...and You're not going out to the desert soon right?" "No not to my knowledge." "Good.." Shane stood up and went to grab the phone.

After a moment, Shane came back in and grabbed his jacket. "I'll be right back ___. Jas is sleeping over so I'm going to get her." "Shane, it's so late are you sure?" Shane just nodded before taking off.

He returned not much longer with Jas in his arms. You had stayed up waiting for them. Jas was rubbing her eyes, "Sleepover..?" She asked sleepily. You took her into your arms while Shane got back in bed, and placed her between you two. "Yea, sleepover Jas. Get some sleep ok?" You told her. Jas nodded and fell back to sleep. You followed soon after while Shane watched you both happily until sleep took him as well.

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