First Time

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A/N: This is gonna be a bit short and sweet for you and ya boys first time doing the sex. I'm not planning on going into full detail. Please read at your own discretion. Probably more for readers 18+

It's something you and Sam have talked about. You both wanted to be ready and not force it upon the other. You had even come up with a safe word already just in case. You thought with the way you two talked about it, you two would set a date and time. Turns out it was pretty spontaneous.

It was in his bedroom while his parents were out on a date and Vincent was sleeping over with Jas and Marnie. It started out with a little making out before it got really intense. And thing led to another, and you woke up in his bed the next morning with no clothes on, and very satisfied. You both didn't need the safeword this time, but it was still nice knowing you had one to fall back on. Would you do it again? Hell yea! Maybe you two might get more adventurous next time, maybe food might get involved somehow.

Alex has been wanting it for a while, but you had been able to push his advances away. Out of respect for you he never pushed too hard for it, but he mentioned it a lot. It's not that you didn't want to, because you did, you were just a bit self-conscious.

Alex was over watching the gridball game with you and when the tunnelers scored a touchdown he kissed you. You returned it in kind as you normally would, but then a thought occurred to you: you wanted Alex. With a surge of confidence, you pushed Alex down on the couch and he knew immediately what was going to happen, and he was ecstatic. It was a long night for both of you, he barely gave you any kind of break. You both finally stopped when you could see the first peak of sunrise. Good thing you didn't have many chores to do, you could afford to sleep in. Besides, you weren't sure how much your legs would work.

You've done it plenty of times before with others, so you were pretty experienced in bed. Harvey was pretty nervous though. You were upfront with him about the people you've been with, but now he worries he won't compare to them. You've assured him many times that it's nothing to worry about, but he just can't seem to see it.

Harvey made a decision though. After thinking about it for a long time, he made the decision that he would never know how he truly was with you until you did it. And you did. He invited you to the clinic, and did it right on one the hospital beds. It's a sterile environment right? Harvey was amazing. You were a little surprised, but Harvey's the first sexual partner you've had that had left you that satisfied. Maybe because he's a doctor he knows where to go? You're mind was a little too empty at the moment to figure out why. At least Harvey eas over his nerves now, you could even say he was very excited to do it again. And again. And again.

You made sure to clean the bed sheets so Maru wouldn't have to deal with it.

Had you always thought about what would happen if Sebastian caught you playing with yourself? Yea. If you caught him? Absolutely. Did it turn you on? Hahahhaha....yes. Were you expecting it to actually happen? Honestly no. You always thought it would always just be a little fantasy in the back of your mind. You weren't even sure you knew why you two hadn't done it yet, it just never seemed to, not that it's a bad thing, but you wondered when it would happen.

It was getting late and you were bored in bed, sleep just wasn't finding you. Masturbating was at least a time filler and might make you tired enough to go to sleep. You didn't notice the door opening and closing, and not until you heard Sebastian call your name did you notice him, and the noticeable bulge in his pants. It just made you want him more. And like the good boyfriend Sebastian is, he helped you finish what you were doing and then some.

Elliot is ever the romantic. So when it came for you two to do it together, he made an evening of it. It was really sweet, but it made you even more shy about it. He made you a seafood dinner picnic on the beach and "serenaded" you. He had the singing voice of a dying seagull, which you did not expect from his smooth voice. Once you were done, he took you by the hand and led you into his cabin, where candles were light and rose petals were scattered everywhere.

It took you a while to come out of your shell, but once you did, you couldn't be stopped. The rest of the night was wonderful and Elliot treated you very well. He went at your pace and made sure you felt safe the whole time. If you ever needed a break, he would make sure you had what you needed. He was very gentle, but at the same time, you wouldn't mind seeing a..rougher...side of him.

Shane took a lot of convincing to get into bed. He was just convinced that he wasn't good enough for that kind of love from you. So instead, you worked your way slowly with him. First you needed to wait for a lot more of his therapy sessions to go by, you wanted to make sure he was ok. After that it was doing things a little at a time: making out, wandering hands, and mutual masturbation.

Once Shane was feeling confident with you, he followed your lead. You did your best to make him feel loved and worthy and he treated you in the same fashion. As he got more comfortable with you...the sex got wilder. Ropes got involved, role-playing, and blindfolds.

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