Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

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The beach was beautiful for this festival. Candles were lit all over the dock and paper lanterns were hung all over, casting a soft glow on the beach. The girls of town were right, everything all seemed very romantic. You eagerly looked around for the mess of blonde hair, spotting Sam by one end of the docks. You quickly made your way over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around to face you, a smile adorning his face as soon as he sees its you, "Hey ___! Ready to see these jellies?" You nodded "Of course!" Sam turned back to the water, "Hey you think they're poisonous?" That question surprised you, but you still thought about it, "Maybe? Some jellies are known to have venomous stings?" Sam let out a little laugh at that, "Ah you're right, maybe I won't push Sebastian in the water" "Try it and die" You both turned to see Abby and Sebastian walking towards you both. You gave Abby a hug and waved at Seb, "Are you guys excited for jellies?" You asked.

The four of you continued talking until you all noticed the lantern light go out. Leaving just the candle light. All eyes turned to Lewis as he sent the boat out. It didn't take long before the bioluminesence of the jellyfish could be seen.

As they got close to the docks, you felt Sam wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder. You leaned back against him, enjoying the warmth he provided from the cool marine air. "___ look" Sam loudly whispered, pointing across the way, where you could just manage to see a faint green glow. "What is that?" "That's the rare green jellyfish!" His hold on you tightened as you watched the green glow slowly fade back into the depths.

Once the glow from the jellyfish faded into the distance, everyone started for home. You began to move too, but Sam's arms kept you in place. "Sammy?" "Promise me something ___" his face was so serious, it was unusual. "Ok?" "Promise we'll come see them again together next year" he smiled at you, and you couldn't help but return his smile in kind. "I promise."

You were excited to see the jellyfish again, but Alex was not so ecstatic about it. For him, it meant the end of Summer, his favorite season of the year. "Alex come on, think about how cool the jellies are gonna be! I wanna try painting a picture of them with some water colors..." you were trying to grab all your painting supplies before you both head out, but Alex was moping on the couch. "But ___ they mean Summers over! No more tanning on the beach! No more swimsuits!" "No more part time job?" You offered. You knew Alex didn't love his summer job at the ice cream stall, but it was something to earn him money for the rest of the year. "I guess..." "C'mon Alex, think about it this way, we're getting closer to gridball season? You can come over and watch the game?" Alex perked up a little at that and sighed, "'re right. You got everything?" You nodded excitedly before you both left your house, making your way towards the beach.

You sat at the dock in front of Willys shop with your feet dangling off the edge, keeping them out of the water. You had your water color paint book, water color paints, water cup, and brushes ready to go. Leah sat  on one side of you while Alex and Haley were talking behind you. Soon enough Lewis sent the boat away and Leah was shaking your arm, "___! Look!" She pointed out towards the water, and sure enough the soft light of the jellyfish was coming into view. You didn't have the best light source, only some candles lining the dock, but you hoped that's all you would need for your picture. As the jellyfish got closer, you started, switching your focus between the your painting and the beautiful jellyfish.

"Leah..I finished!" You nudged her a little and showed her your completed painting. "That looks good ___, show Alex" "Show me what?" The glow of the jellies was starting to fade. You offered the painting up to Alex who looked at it closely. "Wow babe this is amazing" his presence your face heat up. "Thanks Alex.." it was dark again and Alex grabbed your hand to pull you up. "Let's go get this panting home to dry and go to sleep ok? Last sleep of summer..." you squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile, "Yea..let's get ready for fall"

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