His Favorite Physical Part of You+

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His favorite part of you is your cheeks. They're just adorable to him. He loves kissing them, pinching them, and even just rubbing his own cheeks against them affectionately.

Your hands. They're pretty calloused between always using them to draw and the farmwork, but he loves them. When you're together, he'll mindlessly lightly drag his fingers along your palms and will kiss and hold them a lot.

Your smile. It portrays so much about you. Your confidence, your kindness, and even your insecurities. They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but Harvey feels your smile is a more accurate statement for you.

Your eyes. Unlike Harvey, Seb thinks your eyes express more than your smile ever could. He loves seeing how the color changes in the light, how they shine when you see something that excites you, and he hopes he'll never see them dull. That would mean something was very wrong, and he'd do anything to stop that from happening. He could stare into your eyes forever.

Your voice. You generally have a shy and timid voice, but Elliot still adores it. He's, of course, noticed how much louder you can get when you're confident and passionate about something, but something about him still loves your calming and gentle voice more. Sometimes he'll ask you to read to him, just be able to listen to it for longer.

Your body. Not exactly in a sexual way. He just loves feeling your form underneath his fingertips. He loves hugging your body close to him, drawing circles on your arms, or just leaning his head on your shoulder. Your body is warm and provides a comfort to him that makes everything seem ok.

He loves your legs. There's just something about them that draws him in. He loves spring and summer, where you wear clothes that show off your legs. But he is not looking forward to the cold weather, and you have to start bundling up more.

A/N: do you guys like these small little blurbs? Or do you prefer the longer more story ones? Let me know!

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