He Helps With Errands

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A/N: hello! Sorry I've been away! Read the Authors note at the end for info on future updates.


"Sam are you sure? It's pouring out today, you don't have to help." You said staring up at the dark grey clouds. "Rain might mess up my hair, but worth it to help you out!" He smiled while lacing up his shoes. "Well ok, we'll see if any of the crops are ready to be harvested first, take care of the animals, then see if there's anything on the notice board." "Great let's go!"

Sam actually made everything take longer. He almost destroyed your parsnip seedlings when he tripped on a sprinkler and was so excited about picking strawberries, he was pulling the plants a little too hard and practically pulling the roots out. He was also too excited around the chickens, so he would scare one and soon all of them were running around like crazy, making it hard to collect the eggs. "I'm sorry honey...guess I'm not that good at this.." He sulked inside the house. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, "It's alright think if it as practice?" You offered. He raised an eyebrow, "Practice?" You shuffled your feet and wouldn't meet his eyes. "I just thought...maybe if we..took things any further...you could..move in with me? Live on the farm?" Sam stared at you for a moment, not saying anything. He looked outside at the rain pouring down. He stood suddenly, "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow ok?" He quickly kissed your cheek and ran out, leaving you dumbfounded. "Did I...go too far?" You looked down at Vivi and asked. She just tilted her head in response.


Alex was sulking on the pier next to you, holding his jacket above his head. "Do we have to do this today ___? I can't even toss the ball around in this rain..." you gave him a sympathetic look. "I have to do this today...red snapper only come out in the rain and Willys counting on me to gather some for him.." you told him. You were standing beside him with your fishing pole in hand. You needed to catch three red snapper for Willy, but you've only managed to catch one so far. "I'm sorry Alex...I know this is boring..." you felt bad. Alex wanted to spend time together, but you needed to get this job done by the end of the day. Alex seemed to sense the change in your voice and immediately stood up. "No babe its fine! I want to be able to help you with these things! Even if there's not much I can do when it comes to fishing..." He trailed off. "It's nice to have the company though...I usually fish by myself...it's nice with you...I hope I can do this with you for a long time.." you smiled. Alex's cheeks warmed up. "Me too ___..." He smiled.

You two stood in silence for a while longer. You had caught another red snapper and were waiting for your last one. Alex was looking around restlessly when his eyes landed on something at the tide pools. He grabbed your arm, "___..there's a creepy looking guy over there..." you froze and looked in the direction Alex was gesturing to. You saw who it was and relaxed your shoulders, turning back to the fishing pole, "Yea he's always there on rainy days. I think he's a sailor? I've tried talking to him before, but he just says he's got an item that I'm not ready for yet." Alex's eyes widened. "Only on rainy days huh?" You didn't get a chance to answer. You caught something and started to reel it in, unaware of Alex staring at the old mariner. "Got it! Last red snapper! Just gotta talk to Willy!" You started to gather your things, but noticed Alex wasn't moving. Just staring at the man on the beach. "Alex? You coming?" Alex waved, "I'll...catch up with you. I need to check on something..Willy will be at the saloon right? I'll meet you there..." "Well ok..don't get sick ok?" "Right.."


You watched as Harvey tried to get close to your cows so he could milk them. You leaned against the door to the barn smiling and trying to hold in laughter. He was sneaking up like a robber on TV with a milk pail in hand. You knew the cows wouldn't be spooked by him, but it was too funny to correct him. When he finally made it and grabbed the first set of udders, he went slowly and nervously eyed the cow. The cow just stood there relaxed as Harvey continued his work. You watched as he proceeded the same way with every cow in the barn before returning to you with a large smile on his face. "I did it! Without scaring the cows!" You smiled and kissed his cheek, "Great job doc, let's go milk the goats next" his face paled a bit as you laughed. "I milked them yesterday Harvey, they aren't ready to milk again quite yet." Harvey tried not to look relieved, but hid it poorly. You pretended not to notice, "I think the green beans are ready to be harvested, you think you can handle that?" You smirked. Harvey nodded determinedly, "I can do it."

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