10 - Challenges Of Anger

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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ~Omar Khayyam

Luke's POV

"Luke let's go." Ashton said as he reached me. I handed Michael back his DS and he silently thanked me.

"So Dallas wanted us to go hang out." Calum said to Michael and it was at this point I began to follow Ashton. "Luke, wanna come with us?"

I turned back to Calum and shook my head quickly.

"Why not? Ashton can come too." Calum smiled. Ashton then looked to me, to know what we were going to do.

"No thanks." I shook my head again. I knew Michael would not want me there. Nor did I want to be there.

"Why not?" Michael asked. As if he did want me to go. But I knew better then that.

"Dallas doesn't really like me, so. I'd rather just go with Ash." I said. "Besides he needs to shower and everything. He's gross." That was true. Ashton's hair was matted to his forehead with sweat. The rest of his body shined with the residue.

"Oh. Well alright. Come on, Michael." Calum said. The two stood up an walked off.

"Do I really smell bad?" Ashton asked as soon as we got far enough away.

"Ashton, you're covered in sweat." I said. "Of course you smell bad."

"Whatever." Ashton sighed as we continued to his car. "Why doesn't Dallas like you?" I shrugged. "There has to be some reason as to why."

"Well Ashton I don't know what that reason is." I sighed. Ashton and I didn't say a word until we were in his car and his phone began to ring.

"Yeah Cal?" Ashton said. He listened for a minute before handing the phone to me.


"Luke I have a favor to ask of you." Calum said.

"Go on."

"So I have a game tomorrow but everyone is doing their game blow out and I don't want to fall behind. Cause I don't want to pay for pizza." Calum said and I rolled my eyes. "Would you take my place."

"Calum I suck at video games. Plus this is really dumb." I said. "You guys treat this like a competition."

"It is a competition!" Calum groaned. "And I don't care if you suck, I'll even make sure you're on Micheal's team and he can help you. I don't ever ask for anything."

"Because we never talk."

"Luke!" Calum groaned.

"Alright, alright." I sighed. "Just text me some details or something."

"I don't have your number."

I let out another sigh. "I'll send it to you from Ashton's phone."

"Yay! Thank you Luke!" Calum said.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I was not sure that I should've agreed to that, but I did.

"What'd Calum want?" Ashton asked as I clicked around on his phone to send my number to Calum.

"For me to -" I stopped mid sentence as I read the contact names in Ashton's phone before bursting into laughter.


"Why is Calum's name in your phone 'Caly-Baby' with a green heart." I laughed as Ashton's face flushed red. "What's my name?"

"Luke don't go through my phone." Ashton whined. I didn't listen though. Instead I found my name.

"'Lukey-Boo' with a blue heart." I smirked at Ashton. "This person is just a million emojis!" I found myself laughing hysterically as Ashton's face flushed red. "Ashton why do you do that. You're like a thirteen-year-old girl!"

"Shut up! There's nothing wrong with it." Ashton whined.

"Do you want a cute name in my phone, Ash?" I chuckled.

"Yes I do. I want to know you care Luke." Ashton laughed. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone as I changed Ashton's contact name.

"What is it?" Ashton asked.

"'Ashy-Poo', with a red heart." I smiled at Ashton whom rolled his eyes. "Anyways I'm going to text 'Caly-Baby' my number."

"You're never going to let this go. Are you?" Ashton asked.

"No I am not." I snorted. "This is hilarious."

"It's not that funny, Luke." Ashton groaned.

"It is in my world." I smiled and Ashton just continued shaking his head. "Alright let's roll sweaty boy."

"Yeah I want to go home and get clean. What do you suppose we do after that?" Ashton asked and I gave a shrug. "We can decide when we get there." Ashton and I drove to his house and we got there he immediately went towards the shower while I sat on the couch in the living room. Ashton's mother was currently working, leaving an empty house for us to enjoy. Or totally trash and then clean up ten minutes before Ashton's mother got home.

I unlocked my phone and was going to go click on an app when I saw the game that Michael had downloaded onto my phone, I had left it untouched since. Out of curiosity I clicked on it. I was not new to this; playing games on my phone. I had played a lot of games on my phone. But I had no idea what this one was.

It had a cartoony look to it, and had no real victory, it was just about making the guy jump at the right time in order to continue in the game. I was expecting something with a little more..Detail from Michael but that is not what I received.

"Whatcha doing?" Ashton asked as he eventually came out into the living room. Completely dressed but had a mess of wet curls on the top of his head. He sat down on the couch next to me. "What's that?"

"A game." I said. "Michael made me get it on my phone. I don't know why though."

"You and Michael seem to be becoming pretty good friends." Ashton said as he clicked around on the television, probably searching for a good movie or a rerun of a television show he liked.

"Yeah, I don't know." I shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Ashton asked.

"Well when it's just the two of us, or if Mikki is there, he's nice and friendly and everything." I said. "But when it comes to all of his other friends, it's like I'm not even there."

"This is what you were talking about earlier, isn't it?" Ashton asked and I nodded. Ashton let out a sigh. "Tell me more."

"Well I was at his house yesterday, and before Mikki got there things were pretty heated." I said as I recalled the event. "I think I make him uncomfortable."

"What? Why?" Ashton asked, as if he could not believe it himself.

"Apparently the fact that I'm gay makes him uncomfortable." I sighed and I watched Ashton's jaw drop. "It doesn't make you uncomfortable, does it?"

"No of course not!" Ashton gasped. "That's so ridiculous!" I nodded in agreement. I watched Ashton immediately pull out his phone with a sigh.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I can't believe this.." Ashton grumbled. He never did tell me what he did, but I knew I would figure it out soon.

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