Chapter two: On a wooden platter.

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The past month has felt like a dream. Except for the nausea and the mood swings. Let us not forget about the cravings. Asher has been coping with work and so have I. Luke said that Gabby has been missing for weeks now and they have not been able to reach her. News Update: Carlyn and Asher were reported to be ENGAGED! What else have we been missing? For more news updates like this, follow us on Twitter @dailynewsforreal. Can these people leave me alone? I have been opening up to the marriage plan and I think that I need to stop panicking about that. Asher asked me to have a dinner date tonight and its long overdue. Jaz has been wondering whether I am going to have a girl or a boy but to be honest a happy little fanger is all that matters. This is my chance at happiness and real love. To have a real family of my own. Speaking of family, my mother and brother kept in contact with me since I announced my pregnancy. My father has been sending baby packages for when the baby comes which is honestly so thoughtful too. After all of my work is finished, I sit at the lake and try to relax. My phone beeps and its from somebody completely unexpected. (Tyrell): Hey there What did I miss? What does he want? I should probably be asking him these questions instead of myself. (Carlyn): Hi. Whats up? (Tyrell): We need to talk (Carlyn): We do? (Tyrell): I wanted to apologise. I now realise that most of my actions were not my own So you are telling me that he finally discovered that he was listening to everybody else besides himself and talking out of his butt? Interesting (Carlyn): I am glad you realised that. What made you message me so suddenly? (Tyrell): Was just thinking about you (Carlyn): Oh okay. Im engaged (Tyrell): Wow. Congratulations (Carlyn): Also pregnant and very happy (Tyrell): That is great to hear. But talk soon, see you He hangs up and I lay down on the couch. Asher walks in with a plate of roasted plasma squirrels. Is this handsome man always smiling when I see him or is that just me? (Asher): You okay baby? I can sense that you are a bit annoyed I explain what just happened and show him the texts. Instead of freaking out and killing him like many other guys would, Asher turns to me and kisses me. (Asher): All I want to know is, are you happy? What kind of question is that? He makes me so happy just by existing. (Carlyn): Baby, you were my beginning before a beginning even existed. You had my heart in your hands and could turn it to ash and I would still love you. Of course I am happy He holds me tight but my phone starts ringing out of control. It is a video call from Gabbys phone? I accept and all I see is Gabby with daggers in her arms that are pinning her to a wall. WHAT IS GOING ON? A man starts talking and my blood starts boiling. I know that voice. Someone I knew too well growing up and would have loved to kill. (Carlyn): Cut the act Jordon. Let her go (Jordon): Ahh you remember me! Good. So you remember what I am capable of. I have a crew searching for the unkillable potion that you happened to be born with. Sound familiar? Asher asks who Jordon is and I tell him that he is an old former friend. (Carlyn): Let her go, Jordon (Jordon): Why dont you come get her, darling? Our old spot in an hour. Come alone He hangs up. (Asher): I am going with you (Carlyn): Baby, we dont have time for this (Asher): I love you but I wont tolerate your stubbornness today. You are not putting your life on the line. I am coming with you (Carlyn): Get the keys please We start driving to the place where Jordon and I used to have adventures when we were younger. He used to show me spells and where to kill certain creatures. But as we got older, he became selfish and hateful. We grew apart but he was jealous of me. He is descended from Ella Bane, a strong hybrid and one of the first supernatural leaders. Asher asks me more about Jordon during the trip but I wonder how he found Gabby. What was she doing there in the first place? The fam said that she was conspiring against me but was it so bad that she had to dig up Jordon? We get to the spot and Jordon is nowhere to be seen. The place is deserted and Gabby is dead in the place that he left her. (Carlyn): I dont know what I did for you to hate me. But I am going to give you the send-off that you always wanted Tears fall down my cheeks but I struggle to stop myself from crying. So much has happened that I just feel like I am in shock and need to get to the fam as soon as possible. (Luke): Is that her ashes? Luke asks as soon as I walk into the house. We discuss what had happened and I explain everything about Jordon. I tell them about our ancestry and why we were so close when we were little fangers. Asher is being so supportive ad I cannot be more grateful. I called Jaz and Bruce so I could tell them the news about the baby because I hadnt said anything about it to them yet. Jaz gets a bit upset that I didnt tell her sooner but due to recent events, we agree not to bite each others heads off. First Ascari and now Gabby. We lost great people. I already called Kol and told him the news. He said that he and Austin are going to stay with his family. (Carlyn): She always wanted her ashes to be scattered on the ocean (Junaid): Then what are we waiting for? (Bruce): Lets do it

Time to say goodbye. 

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