Chapter seven: Family is the best f-word.

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Two weeks later

It has been the busiest but most memorable two weeks of our lives. After giving birth to Madeleine, Callie and Ava things have been busy but beautiful. Asher is sitting on the couch holding Madeline and Callie in his arms. I was busy in the kitchen making breakfast with Ava because she screams if we dont spend a few hours together. Not that I am complaining though. She is the most affectionate one out of her two sisters. (Asher): So, mommy made breakfast. Daddy helped as much as he could By keeping Lele and Lala occupied whilst I made us breakfast, haha! *KNOCK KNOCK* Luke, Juju and Jaz show up at the door. What? Did we plan something? Asher smiles at me and they all exchange looks. (Carlyn): Babe.. whats going on? (Asher): I planned a day out with our parents and your fam said that they could make sure that Lele, Lala and Ava are okay. I know that the descendants are hiding somewhere (Carlyn): I love you for being spontaneous and sweet but what about their families, my love? (Jasmine): Ky is with Jake at his parents' house sis (Luke): Sophia are Larx are having a day together with the boys sis (Junaid): We love you sis. You and Asher deserve a day out too sis (Carlyn): I love you guys so much! We have a group hug and it turns out that the car is packed already. We are eventually on the road because it took longer to say goodbye to our little girls than I thought. I miss them so much already. (Carlyn): Tell me, how did the love of my life sneak around and plan a family day without me knowing? Where exactly are we going? (Asher): Last night when you were putting the girls to sleep, I called our parents. They were really excited and took their first flights to Sky Blue Resort. Thats where we are headed. Where the ocean is breath-taking with the jaw-dropping black sand. There are Spa's, golf courses, a full show where they have blood bags pumping into the drink of the day and so much more. Perfectly fit for a Queen. It made me think of you the moment I laid eyes on it (Carlyn): Aww baby I kiss my husband and cannot stop smiling. Truth be told, any place with him is spectacular. One day we will be able to travel with our little girls. That is going to be the best! Once we arrive at the resort dad is busy playing games. Mom is watching and getting a tan. Asher's mom and dad are dancing to the music that the DJ is playing. (Betty): Collin, our son and daughter in-law are here! (Dianne): Time for the family weekend to get started! Wait.. what?? We greet everyone and I pull Asher aside. (Carlyn): Weekend? You and the fam said day (Asher): Baby we need this more than anyone. We'll spend some time with our parents and well be back home to the girls in no time. Okay? (Carlyn): Okay The day continues as we have lunch at one of the restaurants here. Mom and dad are being nice to one another which is a good thing. They dislike each other so the friendly moments are appreciated. Betty and Collin have been telling us about how Asher and Henry used to fight a lot as little fangers. We go to the beach to unwind and it isnt too long before dinner is over. Mom and dad go to their separate suites whilst Betty and Collin go to their suite as well. Asher and I talk for a bit and have some drinks. After the eventful day, we get to our own suite. Asher pulls me in for a kiss and theres a knock at our door. Its champagne and dessert. He closes the door and we throw ourselves against the wall. We kiss passionately and he slides his hands up my back. I bite his chest several times and he smirks at me. Panting but far from tired. He bites my lip and drinks some of my blood. The feeling leaves me starving for more. I bite into his neck and take a shot of him too. (Asher): Mine He says this as we destroy pretty much every wall in this room. He looks deep into my eyes and I pin him down with every ounce of strength I have. (Carlyn): And youre mine This is the first time that we are alone in such a long time. We rip into each other like Sunday lunch. My nails dig into his back as we continue kissing too. We stop for a second as my husband trails kisses all over me. (Asher): I love you. Every inch of you. Id kill for you and bring the body on a platter I can barely speak so I take his head in my hands and kiss him deeper. He pushes me towards the wall as he bites me from head to thigh. I turn and we smile at each other. I take control and he sounds like he is almost out of breath. This is my husband, my partner in crime, my soul, my pleasure and pain. My eyes turn fire red as we both are done. The next morning, he wakes me up by trailing his fingers down my jaw. (Asher): Good morning my wife (Carlyn): Touché my husband It feels like the honeymoon that we never had. We have green vein pancakes with blood bags in champagne glasses for breakfast, then the events of last night happen all over again. We get to the spa to see our parents. (Dianne): Darling! You two are five hours late. We almost considered sleeping the day away (Carlyn): Sorry mom, we didnt get much sleep Asher kisses my cheek and we smile innocently at everyone. Its not like I lied we didnt sleep much. We show everyone pictures of the girls that the fam sent. I miss them so much that it feels physically impossible. My dad says that he understands that Asher and I needed some time alone. I am so glad that he gets it. Raising three little girls at once is definitely not for the faint hearted. Betty and Collin offer to pay for the weekend. I protest but they insist. Asher really loves his parents even though they are vastly older than he is. My parents and I are not that far in age but I love them too. Family can always have ups and downs. My mom said that shes seeing someone and is very happy so I understand now why she was being so friendly with dad. HAHA!! Dad thrives on his own, such a loner but he means well. This weekend has gone by so quickly just as Asher said it would. Mom had to leave early because she had to help her partner move into their new house. The funny part is that Kyle hasnt moved out yet. Poor Lola, but thats what he finds good so I shall not continue haha! Asher takes me out on one more date after we say goodbye to everyone. A black rose in a vase on the table is just the perfect thing to have. We enjoy our meal and talk about the future. (Asher): So we need to make a plan to stop the descendants crew before they wreak havoc on our family (Carlyn): I agree with you, baby. Thank you for this weekend. We really needed this break He kisses my hand and we talk more about happier things. I cannot wait to see my girls again but at the same time, Im beyond grateful to be here with my everything. So many things have happened since we first met. Bella wouldve loved Asher, wherever she is I hope she knows that I will always have a space in my heart for her. She would have enjoyed looking after her little sisters and probably been very feisty like her mommy! Sometimes I dont realise how strong Asher and my bond has gotten ever since we started taking our relationship seriously and tried to understand each other more other than butting heads.

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