Chapter twenty four: This means war.

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I wake up and Asher is still knocked out. What did those assholes do to him? His wounds are healed but the bruises are still a bit blue. These could not have been made by ordinary torture methods. The bastards were trying to kill him! Oh crap! If they repetitively tried to kill him then that means that they know about the potion and probably pieced it together that I gave it to Asher. There are so many questions that I want to ask him but he looks so peaceful. I stroke his cheek and I play with his hair. His eyes open wide and he seems calm. Suddenly he jumps up and panics. (Asher): We have to go! We have to go home right now! (Carlyn): What are you talking about? Asher panics a lot more and the fam rushes into the room to see what is going on. (Jasmine): It is three oclock in the morning guys (Luke): We were getting beauty sleep I calmly tell the fam to shut up because I dont know what is messing with Asher. (Asher): They tried to kill me but- (Jasmine): Who tried to? Oh wait! Is that where you were last night? (Luke): Cause dude we did not have enough eggs for breakfast (Everyone): Shut up! (Carlyn): Asher, baby talk to me. What happened last night? (Asher): On my way to the store, someone must have knocked me out because the next time I opened my eyes I was in a strange room. Then that Jordon asshole showed up and they did stuff that I cant remember exactly but he said he was going to kill me. When they realised that they could not, he said that he would hate for our girls to feel the pain that he felt Oh double crap! My mind starts spinning. (Carlyn): Asher I never told you this but my father nearly killed his father a long time ago. Jordons dad threatened to sleep with my mom and my father lost it. He ended up putting his dad in the hospital Wait. Making our girls feel the pain he felt. (Carlyn): They are going to do something to the girls! (Asher): That is why we need to go home NOW. Before anything happens to them! Damn it! I never thought that I was capable of this amount of hatred. We all try to leave but there is a stupid barrier spell on the door. Probably one of the potions that their dead witch has stashed with them before we got rid of her. I do a spell and it does absolutely nothing! (Carlyn): What kind of crap is this? Luke get over here and help me Luke rushes beside me and we try again. It looks like it is going to work but NOTHING HAPPENS! We do not have time for this. (Carlyn): Everybody hold hands. We are going to use everybodys energy to break through this damn barrier As I say this, they all join hands. That was exactly what we needed! The barrier breaks and of course there are guards waiting outside. They must have followed Asher when he broke loose. We all exchange looks and my eyes turn blood red. (Carlyn): Breakfast is served We immediately charge at them. Draining the life out of each of these maggots before ripping their heads off. This is way better than the buffet. Organs are flying everywhere but not a drop of blood is spilled. Tell me, would you waste your morning coffee? Didnt think so. Once they are all done with, we tell the group to get the luggage to their houses and get ours to our home too. We are going straight home on foot. Since Asher and I cant be killed, everybody else should stay together. We rush home and the door is broken down. The floor is dirty. Great! I will clean that up later. We get to the nursery and I do not know how to process this image. Aleck Opium is laying on the ground but his face is turned into ash. Bet you are wondering how we can talk that it is him even though his face has become the aftermath of a bonfire. He has a cross with the Opium family name on it. He has a similar tattoo as well. But the girls seem to be okay. (Asher): Lets see what happened on the baby camera That also sounds like a great idea. We look at the footage and this is so cool but also a bit weird. Aleck walks in and the girls stand up in their shared crib. He goes towards them and TAKES OUT A KNIFE! THAT PIECE OF! Oh hectic. Madeleine and Callie are standing behind Ava. She reaches out her hand and touches Aleck's face. (Carlyn): What the? His face is turning to ash and once the other girls put their hands on his face too, his face fully turns into ash and falls like dust off of his neck as he falls to the ground. (Carlyn): They have powers, baby! Baby they have powers! I start crying out of the blue and Asher does as well. Tears of joy or tears of relief? Probably both. I have no explanation for how happy I feel right now. They are supernatural! We might not know if they are unkillable or not but we know that they have witch powers. The phone starts ringing and its our entire crew checking to see if the girls are doing alright. We tell them what happened and we sit with the babies once the call is finished. It is actually strange to think that Ava, the most shy out of the girls was brave enough to face a fully trained vampire. Lala and Lele only seemed ready to fight once they saw that Ava was taking the lead. Our three miracles are more than okay. (Carlyn): You three are mommy and daddys flesh and blood. You will do unimaginable things because of that. But we will still do anything to keep you safe (Ava): Say! (Madeleine): Safe! (Callie): You! Asher and I freeze on the spot in shock. (Asher): Babe did they just! (Carlyn): Yes they did. You said your first words my lifelines! (Asher): You said your first words! Our smart girls! After feeding the girls, we put them in the crib and I rest my head on Ashers shoulder. (Carlyn): We did great (Asher): Yes we did He kisses me on the forehead and we keep looking at the girls. Not even one year old yet and these girls are taking on vampires. Well it was one vampire but it was still fascinating! Asher and I get into bed but I am still blown away by what happened. If Bella was here is know she would be proud of her sisters. She will always have a place in my heart no matter how much time passes or how many little ones we have. Asher made a joke in the shower about having fifty babies and I slapped him. He made me pay for it but our punishments are always something to look forward to. Or maybe we are just crazy. Could be but there are other days to elaborate on that.

Time for bed.

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