Chapter fourteen: Time to train.

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Everyone is seated and listening as I start with my speech. (Carlyn): We are gathered here today to discuss and train for the most important battle of our lives. There are four descendants of powerful supernatural beings who believe that they are unstoppable. I know that we have our differences and some of us would like to rip a few throats out from each other. That ends today. These missions require training and practice. We need to prepare you mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, etc. Lets unite and get ready to fight! Today we train as a whole. Tomorrow we will be divided into groups and will train separately. Understood? (Everybody): Understood There is an applause and Asher holds my hand. There will be training for each of us. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Psychological. Our first training session is psychological. We will be put to sleep with a gas. Then we will appear in a maze and have to find a way to the exit. If we do not continue and reach the exit, we will die and have to redo the session until we complete it. Everybody shakes hands and lays down to get ready before Tamara releases the gas. Before I know it, I am in the maze. It smells like mint and freshly cut grass. As I move forward there is a person behind me. Elijah? What the hell? (Elijah): If I were you, I would move faster This is a psychological test. Something about my history with Elijah makes me afraid to psychologically be vulnerable. (Elijah): Move faster or Ill kill each of your daughters until you are the only one left What? Suddenly my babies are in his arms and he is holding a knife. NO! I try to go through the maze but something is stopping me. What is stopping me? Maybe this is what I was talking about earlier. He is the reason why my psyche is blocked. (Elijah): Are you not listening? (Carlyn): That is it! I do a spell and my daughters are no longer there. (Carlyn): You. Are you angry because I killed you and your parents or is it because I didnt choose you? He laughs and follows me as I can finally continue through the maze. (Elijah): You think that you know everything? You meant nothing to me! (Carlyn): Doubtful Am I getting under his skin? That means that I am close to the end of this damn maze. (Elijah): Admit it! (Carlyn): I have nothing to talk to you about (Elijah): ADMIT IT! (Carlyn): ADMIT WHAT?! (Elijah): That once you saw the worst in me, you pulled away. Ever since then you have been afraid of the worst in yourself The what? What the heck is he talking about? I just keep walking. (Elijah): The part of you that makes you afraid of mentally being open. Losing your first daughter, being publicly cheated on and me playing you for a fool. That trauma is what is keeping you from being fully you. You can never accept your worst self (Carlyn): That is where you are wrong. I figured you out long before you tried to make a fool of me. I have forgiven myself just as much as Bella has for what I did and Jason will suffer for what he did (Elijah): Than slaughter him. Tear him limb from limb and feast on his remains (Carlyn): I would but that girl died a long time ago, just like you did I push a button and the maze melts. I wake up and it looks like a few people have finished already. Asher is sitting beside me and holds me in his arms once I wake up. My body is ice cold from sweat and in Ashers arms I feel relieved. As soon as everybody wakes up, we have something to drink and they each drive to their safe houses. Until the missions are over, they will be staying in their own safe houses to be extra sure about their safety. Instead of a shower I run water in the tub and pour some bubble bath in as well. Asher walks in and asks to join me. We both needed this after that crappy training session. (Asher): Life changes when you learn to accept the worst parts of yourself. I did that today and so did you. We can do anything that we put our minds to (Carlyn): Together as one for better or worse, my love We share a kiss and I lay in his arms. Tonight is the night that my mind needs some serious sleep. We have to emotionally prepare for tomorrow but I know that it might be impossible to emotionally get ready for the training session tomorrow. Tamara is keeping track of everybodys progress and she said that the emotional session will be more painful than the physical and mental session. That worries me but I believe that we can make it through this. My brain is just a little fuzzy after that entire annoying maze situation. Asher and I get into bed and talk about the training we did. It really is crazy how we face completely different things with the exact same training sessions. He said that it got so bad that he was threatened to slit his throat or confess his deepest fears to a younger version of himself. I guess that the love of my life is worried that he is not good enough even though he is more than good enough to me. We have spent what feels like forever trying to find each other and understand one another. Now that we do, things have changed for the better. I love him more than words can say. Even when things seem like they will never get better somehow we find a way to make them even better than before. We got through the past few centuries, we can get through tomorrow.

I love you Asher.

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