Chapter twenty nine: Incognito.

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One month later

We have searched every square inch of Deadly Shore until we were blue in the face. We also punched Luke until he was blue in the face. Don't worry though because he did a spell to take the swelling away. Asher is definitely not at our house and he is nowhere near the academy. All of our guys searched it from top to bottom and found nothing. We checked at his parents house and they said that they have not seen him either. (Carlyn): He is not at the academy, our home or his parents house. We have checked out our holiday houses and we have a few ideas going around the table. We will find him. We can do this (Junaid): Sis you have not slept in a month. You need some rest (Carlyn): I will sleep when we find Asher (Junaid): Carlyn you have been working non-stop whilst we have been having sleep breaks. You need to get some rest I yawn and frown at him for telling me this. He is literally the big brother that I always wanted. Kyle and I were never this close. (Carlyn): Fine! Set an alarm for an hour and wake me once that hour is over okay? (Junaid): Okay sis. Now go get some sleep My head hits the pillow and Im fast asleep. I am sitting in a glass mansion. The sun is setting but the weather is warm and it is so peaceful here. There is a small hand that rests on my shoulder. Bella! (Bella): Mommy! (Carlyn): My baby girl! How is it that you would have been three years and a few months old today? I miss you so much! (Bella): I miss you too mommy! I watch my sisters when they sleep or play. They are strong like me (Carlyn): Yes, they are baby. I wish you were here, I really do Tears stream down my cheeks and I hold her hand. (Bella): I know where daddy went, mommy Wait what?! She does? (Carlyn): What do you mean, my love? (Bella): He was angry. He was crying too. He went to the big house with dark flowers Big house? Dark flowers? Dark flowers Roses BLACK ROSES! He is in Hermosa Islands! I give Bella a huge hug after the several hugs I had already given her. (Carlyn): I dont care what that lady told me before. I am going to find a way to bring you back okay? I love you so much! (Bella): I love you too mommy! Give my sisters kisses from me and to daddy too please (Carlyn): I will baby I wake up and check the time. Juju literally did not set the timer because I slept for five hours! (Junaid): No sign of him at any of the spots we searched. What do we tell Carlyn? (Carlyn): No worries boeta. I know exactly where he is. Just let Jaz know that I am on my way to find him and that I will be back soon This has to be done by me. It has to be me who goes to find him because this was my fault. A couple hours later I am in my car and I am almost there. He would have loved Bella. She sees him as a father even though Jason is her dad biologically anyway. It is not like he would have even been there for her. I just hope that Asher is safe and that he didnt so anything crazy. I wouldnt blame him if he did but just hope he didnt. So many thoughts are buzzing in my head. What can I do? How can I explain it in such a way that he would understand? He knows that I would never be unfaithful. Cevin was just playing with fire and he knew it. Why did he do what he did? Why didnt I see it coming? It was all my fault. If I didnt go to that damn grill I get to the house and search every room but he is not here. There is a note on the bed that I did not see at first.

Hello Cassy or Carlyn as you now call yourself

Your dear husband was so angry that he needed to cool off which is why we brought him to the coldest city we love all too well. Give my regards to your daughters. They seemed to enjoy murdering as much as I do. Perhaps we are family.

Yours truly


(Jasmine): That bastard!! I showed the note to the fam and they are as infuriated as I am. (Luke): That explains why we literally could not find him anywhere (Junaid): It was as if he became a ghost (Carlyn): Now we know who actually has him. Do research and look up where he lives. The coldest city we both loved was somewhere near Dark Aisle (Jasmine): Okay sis (Carlyn): Tamara will take care of the girls when I leave (Jasmine): We are going with you sis (Carlyn): No way in hell. I have to face Jordon on my own. He is not getting away with this

He definitely is not.

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