Chapter thirty seven: Surprise.

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Three months later

Jaz calls me and says that she has something important to talk to me about. We go out to the beach to talk and I really wanted to have that ocean breeze all over me. I get there and Jaz is waiting for me. She walks towards me and her stomach is big is she??!!! (Jasmine): I am having a baby sis (Carlyn): Ahhh!!!! Yes!! Congratulations sis!! I told you that it would happen!! How far along are you?!! (Jasmine): Four months sis. I am a bit nauseous now and then but I am so happy sis (Carlyn): I am happy for you! She, Jake and Ky all meet up at my house. We bake a cake and while we are busy, Jake and Asher are playing with the little ones. They look like they are having a great time with the girls. They are both really great fathers. We tell everyone that the cake is finished and we all dish for each other. Then we sit at the table outside so we can watch the girls play while we eat. (Jasmine): How does it feel to have Bella here sis? (Carlyn): The feeling of having her here and seeing her get along with her sisters is indescribable sis. Asher has been doing so good at getting to know her too. Are you excited for your second child sis? (Jasmine): It is overwhelming sis. We have been trying for so long and now that I am actually pregnant it feels surreal sis She is so happy and it makes me cry tears of joy. She is getting what she always wanted. She always wished to have at least two babies and now she will. Jaz has always been so wonderful with little fangers. I always thought that she and Juju would somehow end up being together but they had too many differences. She would kill me if she heard me think that right now. The cake is really yummy but now I am full and need to sit still before I pass out. It feels like I fed on twenty vampires and drained them to a pulp. That is how full I am after eating cake. It makes me wonder that if I get up, will I actually fall over? Let us be smart and not test this theory. We call the fam and let them know that Jaz is pregnant and Luke fainted when we told him. Sophia woke him up and he said congratulations eventually. It was fun to with him faint though. Didnt he faint when Sophia gave birth? What is his problem with babies? Maybe he has some sort of phobia or anxiety? I have absolutely no idea. Last night Bella asked me about her biological dad. It made me feel like I was going to throw up in my mouth but I spoke to her. She said that she knows he hurt me and does not want to see him. Asher was listening and heard her say that he is her dad and shes happy with him. When I came to bed then I saw him crying tears of happiness and he told me that she is the most kind and genuine little girl ever. She definitely is and I am so glad that they are getting along this way. If my grandfather were here then he would tell us to cherish every moment with them and never stop motivating them. He would have loved the girls. They are everything to Asher and I. We have no idea where we would have been without them. Having a family teaches you a thing or two about personal growth. I can say for sure that I am definitely not the person I was three years ago. I am grateful for who I am today and for all of the experiences that shaped me to be who I am today. Pain teaches a lesson and mistakes teach you to do better. Failure is not permanent and success is not easy to reach. When you look at life from two points of view then you realise that the world is much bigger than you. There is so much more to life than worrying about whether you have the right look for a party or whether you have fifteen girlfriends in your pocket. It is more than looking for the next fling or spending all of your money. It is about being true to yourself and finding what makes this world worth it. Once I started my own family I realised how much bigger life is than me. Life is bigger than my entire family combined. There is so much to see and so many places to go. If you remain open minded you will find all kinds of mysteries that you would never have seen if you did not take a closer look. Now my sister is getting to experience that. She is going to have her second little fanger and is growing her family. Jake makes her really happy and he treats her like the Queen she is. I would say that Sophia treats Luke like the Queen he is but that would be too cruel haha. Jaz, Luke, Juju and Bruce have been family since day one. Ascari and Gabby were equally big parts of the puzzle. We grew so much since we met each other and we will never forget them. Their deaths were not in vain. Krishnay and Austin will grow up to know their parents as heroes. Regardless of our mishaps and our miscommunications we were a family. We are a family. Regardless of how much time passes. Regardless of whether we are here or we draw our last breath they will always be my family. The fam I am so proud of each and every one of them. Now we are parents, husbands, wives and best friends. We have faced hell itself and have only walked out even stronger. Our story might be a bit messy and we do not have the greatest past but it makes us who we are. Gabbys mom and dad were never married so she felt like she was born with the title of being a 'bastard child but she was much more than that. Ascari thought that he would never make a difference but he died a hero and will always be known. Juju never thought he would accomplish anything important but he became the bravest father that I have ever seen. Luke thought that we would end up alone but he became a husband of an adoring wife and a father to two funny yet sweet boys. Jaz thought that her life was not going anywhere but now she has the most amazing daughter, the most genuine husband and a baby on the way. Bruce thought that he was going to get life on a silver platter but when he faced his real fears he learned about the real world and became more observant. These friends of mine are friends for life. Forever and always.

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