Chapter thirty: You're dead-er now.

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The place that we are heading to is Blue Ivory Ice hills. I know that city all too well. Jordon and I used to run around and play games with one another when we were little and our parents were working there. This is definitely more personal that I thought. Juju told me that the house they found is right down the third street from the blue building. The blue building is basically a huge block of ice that is two thousand feet high and has several levels. I get to the house and I think I hear someone. Footsteps in the hallway I walk towards him and its not Jordon. It is his painfully annoying cousin. (Mike Drone): Well well well. If it isnt little Cassy in the flesh (Carlyn): Its Carlyn now (Mike Drone): Oh thats right. Jordon mentioned your little name swop situation. Care to explain what youre doing here? (Carlyn): I could tell you the same thing and yet it would not be any more helpful to what I need (Mike Drone): And what is that? I push him against the wall and compel him. (Carlyn): Tell me where Jordon is (Mike Drone): Going to have to try harder than that sweetheart. I am on vervain (Carlyn): That just makes this more fun I put a pole through his shoulder and watch him squirm. I move it around in his arm just to put salt on the wound. Then I pull it out and stab him in both knees. I fetch a few knives from the kitchen and stab each middle point of his bones. (Carlyn): Either you tell me where your sweet cousin of yours is hiding or you become my dinner. You are the last person that I would ever consider a meal but if thats what it comes to Cant say no to a snack (Mike Drone): Why do you want to know where Jordon is? (Carlyn): Well lets see he murdered innocent people. He has tried to come after my friends and family. Oh and heres the kicker HE KIDNAPPED MY HUSBAND TWICE. So if I have to list reasons as to why I would like to see him I might as well write them on your chest with your own blood I can see he is shivering and he has goose bumps. He better tell me soon or else – (Mike Drone): WAIT! I have no idea where he is but I know who you are talking about! (Carlyn): About what?! (Mike Drone): About your husband! You said he kidnapped him? Jordon spoke about a guy in the basement that I had to keep locked down there and not let out. I thought he was just having a guy here to interrogate him in the morning but if you want to see him then I can take you to him (Carlyn): Now was that so hard? I take the knives out of his bones and the pole out of his knees. His body heals itself and we go down to the basement. This place is really dirty. Why is that the first thing I notice though? Cold passages and quiet halls. This place is just too boring for me. None of the houses that Jordon and I played in were like this. Im guessing that he had this place built a while ago for his own reasons. We get to the basement and there are a few rooms down here. We check the third door and there he is. Asher is laying down on a mattress. (Carlyn): Thanks Mike I rip his heart out and pull his head off. That is a great way to say thank you. I open the door and Asher is fast asleep. It has been so hectic that I let him sleep first. That does not mean that I am not going to say what I need to. Just in case he hears me. (Carlyn): I could barely sleep until I knew that you were safe. After everything that we have been through, I thought that you would trust me enough to know that this was not something that I wanted to happen. You were my first real love you taught me so much pain but so much happiness too. At times I have tried to leave but no one came close to how I feel about you. I know that we both doubt each others intentions sometimes and if we didnt have the girls I sometimes think that you would have left a long time ago. Jordon and his friends made this so much harder than what it is supposed to be and so many people say that the first year of marriage sucks but they were right. It is the hardest because we are still figuring that out but we have three girls to figure out too. We have friends to support, killers to destroy and a baby girl who just wants to be back in her real life. I spoke to Bella and I dont know how her spirit still connects with me but I want to channel that connection and bring her back. I want her to get to know you. To meet the man who would have been an amazing father to her just as he is an amazing husband to me. When you were gone I could not think straight. You are my beginning and my end, Asher. Even when we were not together it was you who held my heart in such a way that no other man could ever do the same. I have loved you for so long that it only gets stronger with time and thats why you need to understand that you are not just my husband you are my home. You are my everything. So much has happened in the past three years and I have been beyond grateful to be your wife. You have inspired me to help people in ways that I never knew were possible and now we are helping millions of people by stopping the descendants. It would not have been possible without your help. When you wake up, I really hope that you will understand me and come home. Home is not home without you. The girls and I would not feel at home without you there. I love you He has not moved one inch since I have spoken. Tears have flooded my cheeks and my heart is pounding. I am just glad that he is safe here with me. I let the fam know that I am with him and that he is sleeping. All of this has really been weighing in heavy on my chest and thats why it needed to be said. Even in this dark room having him here feels like home. He moves to his side and his eyes widen when he sees that I am sitting next to him.

(Carlyn): Youre awake

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