Chapter twenty seven: Baby love.

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One month later

Our girls are going to be one year olds in THREE MONTHS! Am I insane to start planning now? No right? We have been talking about it for a week and Asher is as excited about it as me! Some of the fam said that a cake doesnt matter because it isnt like our girls can have cake yet. THEN WHAT ARE WE GOING TO EAT, DUMMY? Cake is the most important part for the adults just as much as the drinks are too. Asher said that he will have the drinks organised. (Asher): So baby, the list for the little ones is sorted. Kyrah, Ricardo and Max can make it. That means we have six little fangers to spoil, my love (Carlyn): Wonderful, my angel. The list for the adults is Jasmine, Jake, Junaid, Luke, Sophia, Bruce, my mom and dad, your mom and dad, my brother and his girlfriend, and your brother Fantastic news! As long as the lists are sorted. We can get started on what type of cake we want. We set up our screen in my office to video call Jaz. She said that she would like to help with the cake flavour idea brainstorming. (Jasmine): Hey sis! How are you and the family doing? (Carlyn): We are doing great sis! Especially since we do not have to keep all of our families in safe houses anymore. How are you and your family doing sis? (Jasmine): We are alright sis. Ky is a busy girl! But lets get to the cake planning! (Carlyn): Okay lets see What about vanilla or chocolate with buttercream icing? (Jasmine): Sis is this a kids party or a party for the elders? (Carlyn): Fine. Are we open to the idea of chocolate ganache? (Jasmine): Yes but what about red velvet? (Carlyn): I didnt think of that! Red velvet. I dont like mixing it with vanilla but it might not be great with chocolate. Mocha! (Carlyn): Sis! How about red velvet with mocha flavoured chocolate icing? (Jasmine): I think that it is perfect sis! Are we doing cupcakes? (Carlyn): Blue velvet with vanilla interior? (Jasmine): Beyond perfect! Asher comes back with the number for the cake place we chose a few days ago. We order the cake and the cupcakes but we tell them to have it ready in three months time. That is definitely a weight off of my shoulders. I say goodbye to Jaz and call Tamara to come lend a hand. She loves planning parties and is always so enthusiastic about it. (Tamara): Cake and cupcakes are sorted. There are still decorations, meals, drinks, table and chair decorations, entertainment for the little fangers, music, the babys outfits and the presents See what I mean? She really goes all out when she plans like this. (Asher): Drinks are sorted. You can be in charge of table and chair decorations and overall decorations as well (Carlyn): I can do the babys outfits and the meals (Asher): Ill take care of the entertainment and the music (Both Carlyn and Asher): And we can decide on presents together! (Tamara): Perfecto! I will have the decorations in storage in less than a week. See you both! She closes the door and we hear her car drive off. Thats when it hits me. (Carlyn): Baby we forgot to invite Tamara! Im adding her to the list. Should I add Dax? (Asher): Apparently they are not speaking to each other so maybe not, my love That sucks but okay. Hours go by as I shop for the perfect outfit for each of the girls. The meals can be done last because it is not as important as my three girls looking even more adorable than they already do. Asher comes from the kitchen smiling. (Asher): Entertainment and music is all set up and when you are sorted, there will be a surprise in the kitchen for you (Carlyn): You are going to make me work faster and that is not fair (Asher): No rush baby He goes back into the kitchen and I finish picking out the perfect outfits thirty minutes later. They will go to Tamara and be put in storage too. About an hour goes by and I officially finish the meal plans. I crack my neck a bit once I stand up and Asher calls me to the kitchen. There are candles, a delicious dinner and a beautifully scented wine that excites me. We finish dinner but the wine is still going. (Asher): Hope you are not too full. There is dessert in the fridge. One of your favourites I gasp once I recognise the smell. (Carlyn): Cinnamon and mint flavoured chocolate pudding with extra blood infused?! How did you know?! (Asher): I called your mom and asked her what pudding you loved as a little fangers (Carlyn): I love you! I love you so much! I give him a huge hug and a kiss. (Asher): I love you even more! We sit down and enjoy dessert. This takes me back. It makes me feel like I am a fresh-faced hybrid witch in her 70s again. How things have changed since then hey. Through everything that has happened to us, it has not stopped any of us from being grateful for the good times. We get the girls and go relax in the backyard. Sitting under the stars and watching Lala, Lele and Ava have a blast. (Carlyn): How is it that they are almost a year already? (Asher): It feels as if we were meeting them yesterday for the first time That is true yes. After an evening filled with laughs, we put the girls to bed and decide to get some shut-eye ourselves. One day when we have this 'descendants' situation sorted, I am going to take my family everywhere. Asher and the girls are my everything. I have no idea what I would do without them. As each day goes by we realise how sleep is the one thing that newbie parents cannot take for granted.

Goodnight world !

Deadly Shore. Final HuntDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora