Chapter eight: New train of thought.

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One week later

It has been absolute heaven to be back home with my girls. Asher and I have been talking. We planned to see the fam today to speak about the descendants crew. We have been seeing news of innocent people being killed and I just know that Jordon is behind this. *KNOCK KNOCK* They are here!! (Jasmine): Lets get to business sis... After I say hi to the girls! Did she only come to see them? Haha! Junaid and Luke brought some food which is highly appreciated. Bruce is asking Asher for some fitness tips. He knows his stamina alright Lets not drift from the reason that we are all here Carlyn! (Carlyn): So have you guys been? (Luke): Well I have learned that changing a boy's diaper can be a bit problematic Everyone starts laughing and Luke turns red in his cheeks. It is not a joke when it comes to changing a baby boy's diaper. My mother told me all of the stories when we were still at Deadly Shore High. Kyle was a challenge when it came to changing his diaper but it is always fun to hear the stories. (Junaid): Sis, have you seen the news? (Carlyn): Yes we have. That is why we have to be even more serious about this (Luke): Taco time! (Jasmine): Luke... (Luke): What? Jaz sighs and we all exchange looks of starvation. (Jasmine): Those tacos better still be hot (Bruce): Ahh! Yes, it is definitely still hot Who eats a taco without checking if it is still hot? Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a beginner! Asher kisses me on the cheek and asks if I want hot sauce with my taco or if I want some mint snacks instead. He is too sweet!! As much as I love my mint snacks, tacos are needed right now. We all dig in and once we are finished, we sit on the couches in front of the fireplace. (Carlyn): The crew will be smart. They wont be sitting together in the same city they will most likely split up (Asher): One by one in each home town sounds like fun baby I know that it is going to be tough but this will be worth it. The more I think about what they have been doing for the past few weeks the angrier I feel inside. They have been murdering innocent humans. Mothers and children in their own homes. I spoke to the former Headmistress a few hours ago to ask if it seems crazy to work on a huge crew. She gave some amazing advice and it is going to take some adjusting to but this is for the safety of all of our kind, not just us. It is personal and we know that they might come after all of us but the things that they have been doing is just disgusting. I understand when it comes to saving our kind or human kind but murdering the innocent will never be accepted in my heart or in any of ours. I have been gathering my thoughts and mentally preparing myself before I pitch the plan to the fam and my loving husband who will most definitely be stubborn. Haha! I love him more than a werewolf loves the cold night's breeze. This will definitely be something that could test our love but I believe in us. Jaz can see I am lost in thought so she asks if we can go talk in the bedroom. I do a spell to ensure that no one can here us. This has to be private until I tell everyone at once. (Jasmine): So (Carlyn): So what? (Jasmine): Sis, spill. I know there is something bugging you I knew that we would have to talk about this but it is not exactly the best idea. The former Headmistress gave me this idea and it will work but okay FINE! (Carlyn): We have to form three groups sis. But not just the fam we will call in extra fangers (Jasmine): That is nothing to worry about sis! Im sure itll- (Carlyn): We need Jason to be included sis and Cevin Jaz looks like she is about to throw up. That is how this makes me feel too sis. The old Headmistress mentioned that he was still one of the guys who knew his way around bad guys. I have put my history with Cevin and Jason behind me but I know that Asher does NOT like them at all. With good reason of course. If they try anything then I am going to slit their throats, no hesitation needed. (Jasmine): We will be ready for anything sis. You and Asher can handle anything. We all believe in you (Carlyn): Thanks sis. Do you think he will get mad at first though? (Jasmine): Oh hes going to whip them into shape sis. But its for the right reasons (Carlyn): Okay sis lets go back inside before they get confused We walk back into the entertainment room and Luke is trying some sort of magic trick. It isnt exactly a trick when you are using spells so But it is dangerous and my babies are not going to be around a lot of magic yet. Safety first. (Carlyn): Luke No magic yet okay? (Luke): Sorry sis He means well but I am certain about keeping my girls from magic or their possible hybrid powers until they are old enough to learn how to control it. Asher wraps me in his arms and we watch the fam as they argue for a bit. Luke offered to make his guacamole again and it looked like Junaid was going to shove the taco box down his throat. Ahh family. We are indeed a weird bunch but I love them so much. Tamara already knows about the plans that I discussed with Jaz. We agreed not to tell anyone until I have told them. She is going to help even though I asked her to stay out of this. It is going to be rough and that is why I want her to stay home. She mentioned that she could look after the girls while we are out. I definitely want to do a few protection spells before we leave but let me explain everything to the fam first. I just hope that Asher sees it from my perspective. This is difficult for someone to accept. Having to work with your partners exes is certainly not something that sounds fascinating to them. Jaz asks me to just take a sip of my mint snacks and get the plan off my chest. Bruce has been trying to convince Luke to stop talking about his guacamole otherwise Junaid will undeniably let that taco box do some shoving. I call everyone to the dining room table so we can talk a bit easier. (Carlyn): I spoke with our former Headmistress and she gave me some interesting advice (Asher): That is brilliant! What was it?

Here goes nothing

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