Chapter twenty two: Unholy crap.

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We have discussed the details of the plan and I am just filling everybody in on who goes where. (Carlyn): Group 1 enters the temple from the right. Group 2 enters front the left. Group 3 keeps watch from the front and back whilst the underdogs have to be ready to leave very quickly (Asher): Lets go! As we enter the temple, it seems a bit quiet but we face about a few vampire guards on the way in. Why would they need vampire guards? Why would you need to guard a temple? Frightened of someone stealing the Bible? I really do not understand religious fangers. *BANG* Smashed three guards against the wall and now they just look like red paint with mashed up clothes. We get further inside the building and there is still no action. (Carlyn): Is it just me or is it a bit too quiet this side? (Asher): Something feels horribly wrong My phone starts buzzing uncontrollably. Its Billy. Something does not feel right. (Carlyn): Billy, whats going on? (Billy): WE TOOK HEAVY FIRE! BRODY GOT SHOT AND IS BLEEDING PROFUSELY! I AM TAKING HIM TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL, UNDERDOG OUT He hangs up and everyone is looking at me. (Carlyn): Brody got shot. Billy says that they took heavy fire but nothing is happening this side. Lets search deeper. He has to be here somewhere There is a cold breeze and a shadow that passes by in a flash. (Aleck): You are correct. Catch me if you can Sherlock What the hell? He runs past us and each of us trail after him. (Carlyn): DO NOT LET HIM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! As we rush out, two members of the group get trapped by wires and thrown out the back towards the others. Damn it! As we are running, I get Nikita and Jessica on a group call. (Carlyn): Keep the cars running! One of our guys are down and Billy is taking him to the emergency room. We have the target in our sights and will deal with him soon (Nikita): Understood girl (Jessica): We have your back Alright thats good. Where did this asshole go? We all decided to split up to find him but we keep on searching. He could not have gone far. We tailed him for a whole fifteen minutes but now he is missing. Like a ghost that went through a wall and vanished. This is not happening right now. This is so not happening right now. My phone rings and Asher is calling me. (Asher): Baby he got away (Carlyn): He couldnt have, my love. I am sure that he has to be here somewhere. He has to be (Asher): He is gone babe. We will find him but right now he is missing. We can alert everyone else and stay at a safe house until we can find him again (Carlyn): Okay. Okay I will meet you there in a few minutes. I love you (Asher): I love you baby I cant believe that we lost the guy. It is seriously bugging me to know that he left like that and now we cant find him. Once I get to our room at the safe house, I just fall onto the bed. How could we lose the guy? Why did we let that happen? (Junaid): It was not your fault sis (Jasmine): Asher told us what you said (Asher): We will find him, my love. Him and his crazy crew (Like): We will stop them sis (Carlyn): Yes we will but how could we lose him in the first place?

This is seriously annoying me. How? That is the question that has been feeding on me since the moment happened. (Jasmine): Sis what is the problem? We will get him (Carlyn): The problem sis is that now he can tell his friends about what we have been doing! Our cover could be blown and they could be onto us! That makes things a bit harder, dont you think? This burning rage is building and it is getting worse and worse. If the descendants find out that we are after them then they are going to come after us and the ones we love. Perhaps it was a good idea for us to put our families in safe houses but this is seriously getting on my nerves. Asher asks everyone to leave the room so he and I can speak in private. (Asher): I am only going to tell you this because I love you. Stop the pity party now. One target got away. Yes that makes things a bit more complicated and yes that means that the people we are after are now aware of what we are trying to do. That does not mean that we will come out of this as failures. Baby, we are good at what we do. We cannot let our losses define us. A loss is to teach you what to do for next time. We will find this piece of crap vampire and we will put an end to those hateful twits. But we are not going to get anywhere near finding them if we sit here and feel sorry for ourselves. Tomorrow we can recuperate and try to figure out a way to execute our next plan but for now, we stay here and stop overreacting That is why I love this man right here. That was the kick in the fangs I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself. (Carlyn): I did everything right by marrying you (Asher): So did I. Youre stubborn and my stubborn are one, baby I hold him and close my eyes for a bit. It just really made me feel like a fool for losing the target. Still I am going to listen to my adorably stubborn husband and try to remain positive. A good nights rest will help me get ready for tomorrow. We need to put some thinking into this and we need to take a break. I have been overworking and I cant keep going like this.

I need sleep. I seriously need sleep.

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