Chapter fifteen: Places everyone.

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Today is going to be one heck of a ride. I know this because its five o'clock in the morning. The girls are sleeping sweetly and Asher is busy taking a shower. I dont actually see the fascination with morning showers because they put me to sleep. As usual I am sitting at our outdoor breakfast table on the balcony overlooking the training grounds. The sweet smell of blood infused plasma tea along with breakfast gives me hope somehow. I decide to go for an early morning jog before indulging in the most important meal of the day. Asher walks out of the steamy bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. Jog. I need to go jog keeps playing in my head before all of my self control is lost. (Asher): Where are you off to, my love? He kisses my cheek and smiles at me. (Carlyn): Just in serious need of a jog to clear my mind before training babe (Asher): Enjoy and be safe. Love you! I kiss him and change into some training gear. The air is crisp and is more effective than my alarm. After a few seconds of running around most of the damn city, I decide to walk. My mind goes back to what my hallucination of Elijah said. Could it be that due to his betrayal and all of my others too, that I still have a small quantity of trust issues? It cannot be. Can it? After all this time and everything that has happened Why can that be holding me back? Maybe I should see a therapist? I decide to call Tamara and set it up immediately. (Tamara): She is available now. I will put her through (Carlyn): Thanks Tamara About a second or two goes by and I hear another voice on the line. (Dr Leah): Good morning Mrs Silver. How may I assist you? Okay here it goes. I tell her about my previous relationships. All about Cevin, Jason, Tyrell and that Chase guy. I tell her about Elijah and what he told me. Last but not least, I tell her about Asher and where we are now. (Carlyn): Thats about it I guess. What do you think? (Dr Leah): I think that you have experienced more trauma than a newbie werewolf in a crack house. The fact that you have built such an amazing life out of it is truly phenomenal. Your trust issues however, they seem to go back even before your relationships (Carlyn): Could you elaborate? (Dr Leah): Any family history of betrayal or rejection? When she said that I nearly lost it. Something that has been bothering me for decades but has never actually been spoken about. Family I used to hate that word until Asher and the girls became my new family. (Carlyn): Other than my parents, my brother and my grandfather I never really had a family. Once my grandfather died, everyone abandoned us. My parents separated and my brother shut me out for the longest time. At the age of four, I was forced to be mature about things and grow up to learn how to pretend that everything was alright. This led to reckless behaviour until I met Asher. At the time, we were too young to understand who we were yet because we were still learning. That ended up with ridiculous arguments and then he left (Dr Leah): Thats when things got worse I take a deep breath and walk a bit slower. (Carlyn): Yes. I became rebellious where relationships were concerned. Partying and doing too much for those who didnt do anything at all. Things got better when I met the fam and became best friends with Jaz. Then it seemed like things could get worse when I dated again (Dr Leah): What Im hearing is that you are so accustomed to being hurt that your instinct feeling is to love but not give your all because even when you didnt give much at a young age, fangers who share the same blood as you abandoned you (Carlyn): Hitting the nail on the head here (Dr Leah): Abandonment trauma is a deep cut and wounds wont heal if we keep dipping them in salt. You need to accept what has happened, have faith in what could happen but prepare for anything. The past can only ruin us in the present if we let it Brilliant words. I thank her and end the call. In less than five minutes I am back at home and showered. Asher is sitting at the table and it looks like he has been waiting for me. (Carlyn): Baby, its six oclock. Have you eaten yet? (Asher): I wanted to know you were safe here at home before eating Am I melting? My heart feels like its melting. (Carlyn): I love you so much, you know that? (Asher): I love you more We kiss and he opens the food trays. Luckily they are warm and we still have an hour before we need to get to training. The food is like seventy million blood bags dancing on my tongue. With a touch of mint and cinnamon of course. Asher tells me that the girls nearly said their first word and I hold back tears. At least I didnt miss it. Phew! We continue eating and get dressed for training. Once we get to the training grounds, there are chambers for each of the groups. Today there will be four levels in the chambers. As everyone gathers together, the plans are on my phone and I begin explaining. (Carlyn): Welcome everyone. We are separated into groups today. Your group names are all listed on the wall behind you. In each chamber you will be tied to a wall mount and have simulating wires attached. Level one will give you the feeling of being torn limb by limb. Level two will create the feeling of a thousand spikes in your body forcing their way out. Level three will make you feel as if you have deadly thorn vines being wrapped around your neck. The first three levels are to test endurance and resistance. Level four, however, tests you in every aspect simultaneously. The aim is to destroy the target no matter what occurs. Good luck to everyone We each get in a chamber and get tied up. Each of us have sound cancelling headphones on, so we would not be distracted by any screams. Level one starts and it feels almost like nothing but there is a small stinging feeling. By the looks of it, everyone besides Asher is in a huge amount of pain. It goes by much quicker than I thought it would. There is a twenty second break before level two hits. Level two starts now and it feels itchy. It feels like there are a thousand bites all over my body and it feels so odd. Some of the guys are turning green. This is hilarious. Fifteen second break and now its level three. Oxygen deprivation makes the heart grow fonder, they say. Oh they dont? I could have sworn that they do! Now we are in level four. Goggles over our eyes and now we are in a battlefield. I do not like the looks of this. This gives me a weird feeling. All of the descendants pop up and of course Jordon is who I need to face. (Jordon): How lovely to see you Cassy (Carlyn): Thats not my name anymore! I race towards him and he jumps to the corner of the building. (Jordon): I preferred Cassy. She had spunk, anger and hatred. There was no room for weakness in her! I throw a pole through his neck. (Carlyn): Oh Ive got anger if you want to see that! Before I can slit his throat, he tears Asher to pieces. Where the hell did he come from? Whats he doing here? He cant be dead! He cant be! Thats not possible! I fall to the ground and hold him with my hands on his face. (Carlyn): Baby wake up! Wake up damn it! Asher Silver you better wake up! No! No, no, no, no! Wake up please! Please There is no pulse and Jordon starts laughing. Oh you want Cassy? Game on bitch! (Carlyn): I should have buried you ages ago! I fly up to him and rip his eyes from their sockets. No more seeing your revenge you bastard! I tear his head off and shove it down my throat before tearing out his heart and slicing it. I throw his body in a fire and watch him burn.

When everyone is finished, we go to the break room to have some food. Twelve hours of training felt like three minutes. Asher smirks at me and I immediately know that the first three levels were nothing to him as well. (Asher): So I spoke to the fam (Carlyn): You did? What did you talk about? This always makes me happy to know that he and the fam are getting along. (Junaid): Guess what?! (Carlyn): Unicorns are bipolar ponies? (Luke): I think so! *SLAP* (Luke): I change my mind (Jasmine): There is guacamole at the buffet table. Luke tried some and burst into tears (Carlyn): Why? (Bruce): He said it tastes way better than his (Asher): So I volunteered to teach him my recipe (Carlyn): Aww baby! That is so cute of him! It is going to take some work but that will help us all.

Im beyond ready to sleep

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