Chapter thirty six: Happy family- happy life.

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Bruce and Tamara are out on their honeymoon but they have sent pictures and it looks like a very exotic location. I am glad that Tamara is happy and if Bruce tries anything then he is soon to be a burnt corpse. It still surprises me to this day that the two of them ended up together. It does not make sense but the way he makes her smile makes it all much better. Juju has been back home and enjoying his role as Alpha. That was great to hear because he was literally born for that role. He said that he has been taking the role even more seriously and loves helping the werewolves to learn about their strengths and abilities. It is really good to know that he has become more controlled in his anger issues. Jaz and Jake took Ky with on a trip to Taiwan. That sounds like so much fun and they seem to really be enjoying themselves over there. Luke, Sophia and the boys are at home and having a family day. Luke mentioned that he has been trying to teach Ricardo and Max how to make guacamole but so far, it has been a bad start. Something about it being turned into thin slices of sweet potato in pig fat. That really made me laugh for about fifteen minutes continuously. I nearly passed out from laughing. He sent us a picture and everything of how it looked. The poor guy was so disappointed. A family of witches can be unpredictable. We figured out that our girls are hybrid witches too by speaking to this one woman who has experience in testing for supernatural powers. She does it professionally which is pretty awesome if you ask me. Asher made a joke and asked if she could test for any gremlin powers in him. The way the last looked at him after he said that was priceless! Today everyone is spending the day with their families and making time for one another. Asher and Bella are making dessert in the kitchen whilst I feed the girls. Lala and Lele have been drinking more milk lately and Ava have been drinking a half and half of blood and milk. She is quite interesting sometimes. (Carlyn): Let me tell you three a story. It is about the girl and a boy. Lets say that the girls name is Nicole and the boys name is Samuel. Nicole met Samuel when they were tiny fangers but they got along like old friends. Now Nicole adored Samuel and he felt the same way about her. Regardless of obstacles that life threw in their path, they always found their way back to each other. Love won against all odds and they had a family. A big daughter and three little daughters. Nicole wished that one day her daughters would want to train and be a warrior just like her and Samuel. They would learn to protect their family and live together for all eternity (Asher): They were inseparable yes Asher caught on with the story that I was telling and walked into the room with a bowl. Bella follows behind him with spoons. It smells divine and I feel like chocolate is involved here. The triplets are fast asleep and I quickly get them to their crib. Once I come back then Asher has dished the dessert into bowls for us. (Carlyn): What are we having, my love? (Asher): We are having chocolate pudding. A classic but a delicious classic (Bella): I helped mix the chocolate mommy! (Carlyn): That is awesome baby. Do you like it? It tastes so good. It is creamy and cold which makes it even better. I love cold pudding from the fridge. Some people tend to like pudding that is made in the oven but that is a no from me. If I had a choice on what to eat for the rest of my life then I would definitely say chocolate pudding because it is so tasty and can make you feel so much better no matter what mood you are in. Do not ever forget about the mint snacks that I will never stop loving. Those are pretty great too but if you have too much of it too quickly then you become nauseous and that is certainly a problem. Nobody enjoys vomiting every hour of the day after having some good blood bags. It is worth it but it is also not worth it at the same time. I am just glad that Asher helped Luke with the guacamole recipe because I was convinced that he would have ended up killing one of the guys from his own recipe. Food poisoning was already not enough when he was messing it up and now he is so good that he is teaching his kids how to make it. Well attempting to teach them. They might learn something once they start paying attention and not turning the avocado into sweet potato or something worse like well any other vegetable that is not a potato. I seriously hate vegetables and can live my eternity without them because they are disgusting. They are mostly good for you but are so gross. Why do the things that we need to eat to keep ourselves healthy always taste bad? Except vampire 101 blood is always good unless its O negative because that is just a bitter batch of bubbly. If you can tolerate the taste then you are a legend. I am not a fan of it but it is bearable when you are thirsty to the point of trying to drink from the dead sea. I actually did that once and thought that my body was melting from the inside out. It was as if I had drunk acid or even battery acid. The fam told me that I was crazy to try and do that but who cares. It was definitely worth the experience but I would never do it again. I would rather eat those dreadful vegetables than drink from the dead sea again. Salty as hell! Bella seems to actually enjoy it in the kitchen and she loves helping with the recipes. She is not able to read yet so we make sure that all of the ingredients are already set out so that she is able to help pour it in the mixing bowls or to mix with us. This has honestly been the best ever to spend time with her and watch her grow. I cannot believe that she is almost four years old. She said that for her fourth birthday she just wants to spend it in bed with us and watching movies together with popcorn. Isnt that adorable? She is just the sweetest and most helpful little girl in the world.

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