Chapter forty one: I love you.

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Asher, Lala, Lele, Ava, Bella and I are on our way to the Hermosa Islands. It feels good to go back to where all of it became real. Going back to the place where we became one. The same place where we became family. The triplets are officially two years old so we thought that this would also be a great way to celebrate that too. Bringing them to a place of love and hope. Making memories with the ones I love most. (Asher): So this is just the beginning of our vacation (Carlyn): Oh gosh what did you do? (Asher): Nothing too crazy, I promise. But I am going to call my parents to come fetch the kids. We are going to go somewhere first before we come back and celebrate the girls birthday (Carlyn): Why do you have to be so mysterious about it baba? Where are we headed? (Asher): You will see Damn it! Why cant he just tell me? I hate having to guess cause now I have questions. He is right I am inquisitive. Probably too inquisitive. I need to stop saying inquisitive. Am I overthinking? I feel like I am overthinking? No I am not. I just need a drink or something. I head to the fridge to grab a bottle of water to cool down. Why am I getting so warm? Yet we have an air conditioner Maybe I am just nervous about where Asher is going to take me? DEEP BREATHS Carlyn. Betty and Collin get here in about thirty minutes to fetch the kids. They mentioned something about ice cream but I hope they do not go too crazy because there is a lot of sugar in that. It is okay for an adult to binge on it but not a child alright Do not judge me. Asher says that he has to blindfold me before we take a drive. Why would he have to blindfold me? (Carlyn): You are weird sometimes, baby (Asher): Love makes you do weird things (Carlyn): Isnt it that love makes you do crazy things? (Asher): Well then call me crazy. We are almost there Where are we going? My head is a bit sore but I think I just slept like a mad person last night. Sometimes I sleep in weird ways. I cannot explain it so I wont go into further detail. Asher helps me out of the car and we walk through what feels like flowers. It tickles me legs as we walk through them. I hope that I am not stepping on them. I would be pissed if I were stepping on them right now. Asher takes the blindfold off and there is an arch with roses wrapped around it. We are surrounded by black roses as well. This is our spot I remember this He gets down on one knee again. Wait He proposed before, right? Did I go back in time? Well my hair is longer so I could not have gone back in time cause my hair was shorter then. (Asher): Carlyn When we got married I had no idea what was awaiting us thereafter. I knew that there was a huge mission we had to take on but nobody can predict what would happen in a marriage. I have loved you for most of the time that I have been on this Earth and I will love you even when it stops spinning. Marry me? Again.. You are the most incredible person that has walked this earth and sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you Asher. (Carlyn): Yes. Always. Now and forever baby We kiss and he holds my hand as we walk down what looks like an aisle. He seriously pulled out all of the stops for this. A second wedding but smaller and more intimate. I actually prefer it like this. It feels more relaxed and less stressful. You do not have to worry about someone ruining a centrepiece or setting the curtains on fire. I love this. I really do love this. Once we get to the arch, Henry is standing there to be a priest of some sort. Interesting and creepy at the same time. (Asher): Carlyn, you know that I have loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. When we first held hands, first kissed, first hugged I have never forgotten those moments I shared with you. So much has changed since then but not my love for you. You have given me the greatest gift that anyone could ever ask for. You gave me a family. You gave me hope, strength, love, loyalty, and honesty. But most importantly you gave me you. I will always look to you not only as my wife but as my best friend, the one I share my laughs and my tears with, the one who knows just how to make me smile even on my bad days, and the one who would do anything to protect me just as much as I would do anything to protect you. I love you baby If I was wearing makeup right now then that would have been a huge waste! Tears are going and going but I dont know if they will be gone any time soon. I hold Ashers hands in mine and smile. (Carlyn): If I had known that we would be doing this then I would have written vows but of course it was a surprise so I will go freestyle it Asher Silver I have no idea where I would be if I were not with you but it could be summed up into one word lost. When I am not with you then I feel homesick. You came into my life and you became it without even trying. I knew that I loved you the moment you smiled at me. We have encountered quite a few bumps in the road who am I kidding? We wouldve totalled cars with he amount of bumps that would be on that road but we have only gotten stronger with time. You brought life into a soul that was lifeless. You brought peace into a heart that felt nothing but pain. You taught love to a person who only knew hatred. There is nobody else that I would rather spend eternity with. You are an excellent father, husband and best friend. I love you, Asher Henry is in tears and can barely speak. (Henry): KISS THE BRIDE, DAMN IT! We kiss and this is the moment that we have been working so hard to get to. The moment where we know that we can make it through anything. If Asher could teach Luke how to perfect his guacamole then I am beyond certain that this man can perform MIRACLES! This story is more than just a story about love and family. It is not even about meeting the right people. It is about meeting the wrong people and helping each other become the best versions of themselves. It is about taking on the whirlwind of mysteries that we call life and walking out with a smile on our faces. This is our story with some immortality thrown into it. That just makes it more fun.


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