Chapter ten: The research is on.

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It took about a month to get every single idea planned. Our safe houses have been located and prepared for us in each of the crew members' home towns. We have been working out the possible modes of transport and have narrowed it down to cars, planes and yachts if needed. We have a few connections and should be able to contact everyone as soon as possible. (Jasmine): So we have the transport sorted sis. We will have two people trained as drivers but everyone will be receiving training in case of emergencies I agree with Jaz. If things go wrong then it would be a good idea to ensure that everyone is trained in that category as well. (Carlyn): We need to learn how to drive under pressure. We will have training sessions that will push you past your limits. Everything will be on the line once we get out there These guys will most likely become worse when they suspect that we are coming after them. Tamara brought some armour and a bit extra for everybody to try on. The armour needs to fit and help them move around swiftly simultaneously. Jaz asks if I would like to go with her to the store to get some groceries. She wants to talk to me about how Asher reacted. I kiss Asher goodbye and take the list that we need from the fridge. It has been a while since we have been out to Wandas Goods. Normally we get it delivered to avoid leaving the house and our girls. Wanda is this sweet witch who has a gift for keeping her store safe and clean. Most places this side of Deadly Shore gets robbed frequently. (Jasmine): Dont forget the list, sis Lets see pasta, blood-infused sauce for pasta, eggs, etc. Lately Asher and I have been obsessed with pasta. (Carlyn): He handled it well actually (Jasmine): Thats good, right? (Carlyn): I dont know. It feels like there is something about to happen but I have no idea what it could be (Jasmine): Do you trust him sis? (Carlyn): With all my heart. I just dont trust Jason and Cevin (Jasmine): Me neither, okay? But this is to save all kind (Carlyn): I know sis That is the truth. The unknown has not been one of my favourite things. The shopping spree us finished and we head home. I keep telling myself that things are always calmer after the storm. Stasey, Courtney, Aleck and Jordon a weird group. Yet insanely dangerous when they are together. Even though we have the help of Ashers members from his previous Academy, we agreed that they should help technology-wise. That is the area where they are truly gifted so they didnt disagree. We all have families and we have a soft spot for our kind. When we get home, I hug Asher tightly. (Asher): Woah baby. We saw each other about forty-five minutes ago (Carlyn): Dont care. I missed you! (Asher): Aww. I missed you too babe (Carlyn): I want to check on the girls for a sec! Their room is painted pink and silver. Pink because the colour is so beautiful and silver is to remind them that we are The Silver Family. Lala, Lele and Ava are the most peaceful sleepers that I have ever known. I think that they get it from me but Asher sleeps like a log so there is definitely some speculation about which parent the girls take after. Once I have checked on them and fed them a bit, I go to the entertainment room where everyone seems to be relaxing. Its only Asher, Junaid, Jaz and I today. Bruce said that he had some personal issues to deal with and Luke mentioned something about Ricardo doing a spell to turn Maxs hair lilac. That hopefully wont happen with our girls. We have no idea whether they will be like their dad or like me. If they are able to learn how to control their powers from their early years then we will not have a problem. Asher mentioned something about taking the girls to Hermosa Islands to show them where mommy and daddy got married. It sounds like the BEST idea ever! But it would be better to take them once the descendants are no longer a threat. (Asher): Baby! Did you hear about what little Ricardo did to Max? Everyone is having such a great time. It surprises me to see Juju getting along with Jaz to be honest. At least the war is on pause for now. (Carlyn): Yes, my love. Luke sent pictures and everything Juju runs to the kitchen and yells. Apparently, he is cooking in there and that is why Jaz and I went shopping. I am glad that he is busy because now I am STARVING. We have no idea what he could be making but it smells good from here. Jaz shows pictures of Ky and Jake at the beach. Ky is getting so big! She is a sassy little girl and she gets it from her mommy. (Jasmine): She can be very naughty sis. When we were going to my mom then I was helping her pack her bag. She yelled GET FINISH! I thought that I was going to lose it, sis (Carlyn): But that is so adorable sis (Jasmine): You have three girls sis. Good luck to the both of you (Asher): I think that it will be easy as pie Asher kisses my cheek and I smile at him in disbelief. We have three girls so things are going to be crazy once they get older. They will love the academy, I just know it! Speaking of the academy, Tamara let me know now that she received everyones sizes for the armour. Luke and Bruce sent their measurements a few minutes ago. Once the dust is settled then we can take our findings to our office at the academy for further discussion. Junaid calls us to the dining room which means that the food is finished! Dinner time! (Junaid): Mine was easy to make because I wanted raw lamb with the blood drizzled on top. Have a seat guys! His meal looks good but what did he make us? This looks fancy. (Junaid): Cooked steak with some dried broccoli and asparagus. Tomatoes turned inside out with some pepper and a secret sauce on the mushrooms (Carlyn): Somebody enjoyed consumer classes a bit too much at school (Junaid): Youre welcome. Dig in! Darn it! It tastes better than it smells too. Jaz helped with the secret sauce and she told me that the secret ingredient is cayenne pepper. I love it!

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