Chapter four: Detour.

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Two months after helping Amanda fight off random crew members of the descendants and trying to get Intel on where they are, we finally got to the potion and managed to seal it in one of our vaults at my home. The fam and I have been coping whilst Ive been five months pregnant and tired of course. I spoke to Tamara about the wedding date and we made it next week because it would be great for me to be able to fit into my wedding dress by the time Asher and I get married. Tamara just brought some snacks to my house as we are busy with the wedding plans. (Tamara): Location, flower assortments, food options, transport details, entrance and exit planning, the person to officiate, and most of the other plans are complete (Carlyn): Yes they are. Although I did not expect his father to officiate. He has been so busy for the past year Ashers dad has been travelling the world for the past year. He had not heard from him during that time so when he mentioned our wedding, his fathers acceptance was surprising. (Tamara): His brother is the best man. Your best friend Jasmine is your maid of honour (Carlyn): Correct (Tamara): Bruce, Kendra and his sister Jenna, mother Marie and father Maxwell are attending. Sophia, Larx, and the former headmistress, Luke, his brother, sister, mother and father are also attending. Jasmine, her brother, sister, mother, father, Jake, Junaid and Kyrah are all attending. Ashers mother, father and brother are attending. Your mother, brother and father are also attending. (Carlyn): So far so good (Tamara): In one week, youll be Carlyn Silver. How does it feel? (Carlyn): Inexplicable It truly is. After all of the things that have happened the day that we never thought would come is almost here. The doorbell rings and Jaz walks in with alcohol-free drinks and more snacks! What is going on? (Jasmine): Bachelorette party for my sister! I would not want your future boy or girl to be frightened by loud music before they are even born but I have a better idea than a party (Carlyn): Yes? (Jasmine): We are going to find out the gender of your baby! I am sure that the father should be present when that is done Maybe she can- (Jasmine): Asher will be there when we get there. Do not overthink it. I thought of everything sis (Carlyn): Well what are we waiting for? We get to the gynaecologist and she is happy to see me again. Somehow we could fit wedding planning, regular check-ups and finding the potion in our schedule. I have missed a few appointments so it will be good to find out now. Fifteen minutes into it and Asher holds my hand as she is doing the ultrasound. (Doctor Sherry): There is your baby. Its a girl- oh wait (Carlyn): What the hell is that? (Asher): Why is it so big? (Doctor Sherry): Miss Boston Mr Silver (Carlyn): What is it? (Doctor Sherry): You are having triplets Its like my head just exploded. Three! Three? Three Oh my This is crazy. Beyond crazy. Right? I cannot believe this. THREE?! Asher and I have the same reaction and we just hold each others hands tighter. This is beyond what we expected. Three babies. I am going to carry and give birth to three babies. AT ONCE?! Is that okay? Isnt that against the rules? What are the rules? I dont even know right now. She explains everything and we drive home. I still dont know how this happened. Why did this happen? Can we handle three babies at once? Yes we can but why did this happen? (Asher): Let me help you baby Asher helps me out of the car and we sit on the couch. This is something that never happened in my family before. Perhaps that is why my stomach is already so big and I am only five months along. Jasmine is pouring some blood into a bottle for me but what I would give for it to be vodka or something to knock me out right now. Asher and I talk about our day and laugh a bit but cannot avoid the inevitable. Jasmine brings it up and it makes me want to scream all over again. (Jasmine): So how are you feeling sis? I know this is beyond what we thought we would find out today (Carlyn): Well it is a crazy situation that never once crossed my mind. But it is something that will happen soon so I have to get comfortable with the idea. How do you feel about it love? (Asher): It is a surprise, a huge one indeed. But I know that you are going to be an amazing mom and now we will be the best parents we can to not just one but three baby girls How can he be so calm? This is something that I never planned for. Maybe two baby girls crossed my mind but THREE? I call my mom and she seems to be crying and saying sweet things at the same time. We spoke about a baby shower but it did not really cross my mind until now. Oh no I forgot! (Carlyn): JAZ! (Jasmine): Yes sis? (Carlyn): Get the place ready. I have a baby shower in an hour (Jasmine): You only remind me now? (Carlyn): It slipped my mind! (Asher): Its okay baby. We can do it It really slipped my mind. Pregnancy is not always as fun as other fangers make it out to be. If I am going to have a baby shower, I need to change into something more pretty. This house can be a maze sometimes but I find my way to the backyard after changing. Jaz and Asher have already put up all of the decorations and made the snacks. PERFECT! Everyone makes it on time and then a cake is brought onto the table. I never noticed this cake before. (Asher): A gender reveal cake for everyone else since we already know, my love (Carlyn): Well then they are in for a surprise baby Everyone watches in anticipation and their eyes go wide when the cake explodes three times with pink confetti. There is definitely some confusion. Here we go (Carlyn): WE ARE HAVING GIRL TRIPLETS! Everybody starts screaming and clinking their glasses. Ashers parents couldnt make it but they are with his brother back home with some issues they had to take care of. My mother and father made it, despite their differences and my brother showed up with his girlfriend Lola. (Kyle): I wanted you to meet Lola for the longest time but she was excited to meet you tonight (Lola): You are glowing! Congratulations! (Carlyn): Thank you so much! Kyle asks Lola if she would like to get something to eat and they head to the table. My dad gives me a hug and my mother is crying as she smiles. (Steven): I am so proud of you. Congratulations love! (Dianne): Where do I begin? A soon-to-be mother of three? You are going to be amazing, my darling! Congratulations (Carlyn): Thank you mom and dad. It means so much to have you here Asher hugs me from behind and greets my parents. They each give him a hug and we talk about my experience being pregnant so far. (Asher): Should I tell the story about the eggs and tomato sauce? Oh no! Do NOT tell that story! PLEASE! It was so embarrassing. (Carlyn): Baby no (Dianne): Oh do tell (Carlyn): Mom, its not- (Asher): I was rushing and asking my lovely fiancé if she can put the eggs I had in a glass next to my bowl of rice. Someone had pregnancy brain because when I came into the kitchen she had poured the eggs onto the rice with a dash of tomato sauce because she thought I was having a fancy dish of food and forgot that the eggs were to stay in the cup (Steven): Oh gosh! It gets worse (Asher): And to cover up her mistake, she took it all down at once and had hiccups for thirty minutes! My parents start laughing but it isnt funny! Asher gives me a kiss and starts laughing too. That was the worst morning ever! But a laugh never hurt anyone so I join in. Seeing everyone and getting to catch up was wonderful. Asher kisses me and asks me to dance.

I wanted to tell him that I have the potion with me and ask if he would like to take it. Something stopped me but that will be okay. I said that I want to be with him forever and I meant it. This is something that nobody should be able to take away from me. Forever and always.

Marriage bells, here we come!

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